Transition Whatcom

Shannon Maris
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Shannon Maris's Friends

  • Margo Terrill
  • Bob Dillman
  • Nancy Chase
  • Theadora Sideras
  • beau
  • Kelda Miller
  • Chris Mitchell
  • Jesse Corrington
  • Nicola Hoffman
  • Irene Hinkle
  • Alex Winstead
  • Wendy Courtemanche
  • Aron Standley
  • Ben Kunesh
  • Aidan Key

Shannon Maris's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Life long path of how to live harmoniously on this big blue marble.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Life must be sustainable with the whole planet and it's people not just the economy- or else it isn't working.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Renewable Energy, networking, alternative building, gardening, info sharing, cooking, enthusiasm, hope.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
already joined, just changing a picture

Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 7:10pm on August 8, 2011, Heather K said…
Shannon, There is a diesel club on Vashon Island that both brews and finds diesel engines to put into small imported trucks.  I don't have a contact number/name to pass on...I just know the folks when I'm on Vashon...Someone connected to the island could connect you.   It takes them awhile to locate diesel engines.
At 10:21am on August 8, 2011, Travis Linds said…

Hi SHannon, regarding your question about converting your toyota to a diesel, it is certainly possibly, the challenge would be finding a toyota diesel engine that would bolt up, they never sold them in the USA so you would need to import them. I would start with Vancouver (criagslist) and see what there is. At least you could go pick it up from Vancourver area. If you get one, let me know and I can help you convert it.





At 6:48pm on March 30, 2011, Kyler Boyes said…
My e-mail for garden e-newsletter. thanks.
At 6:32pm on March 30, 2011, Kyler Boyes said…

Hi. I want to be on the garden e-news list too. Thanks.

At 1:43pm on February 23, 2011, Scott Mclendon said…


  I'd like to be added to your garden e-news e-mail list.


At 6:17pm on February 21, 2011, Heather K said…

Hi Shannon!  I so appreciate all the work you do in our community!  You create the monthly Solar Meeting and the emails from that network.  You created the Garden-News when you saw the need for that!  Your a major part of creating the Center for Local Self-Reliance, and you co-create our annual winter seed-swap!  The list goes on and still you remain a rock of stability and clarity!


Sometime, when you're inspired, it would be great to see your personal Transition Whatcom page to reflect some of this community work you do, and to inform folks who read your page, to contact you in regards to the various projects your involved in.

I'm looking forward to connect again in the garden, with seeds, and with enjoying the fruits of the vine!

At 9:41pm on December 1, 2010, Jeremy Baker, Cindy Bjorklund said…
HI Shannon,
Please add and to your garden enews. Heather K. suggested joining the active TW group while the Skagit Transition group is forming. Any other Skagit members I should know of? Thanks, Jeremy and Cindy
At 2:50am on November 29, 2010, Erin Dixon said…
Hello Shannon -
Could you add us to the garden email list? Hope this is the right place to submit request to be added to the info list. I am very interested in seed saving. We have no seeds as we have not grown anything yet. Wondering best way to buy heritage seeds (not sure if that is the correct term - the ones who can still reproduce themselves - non-GMO seeds? - Also not sure what we could start inside now, if anything? Would like to get a jump start and be ready to rock and roll in the spring! Need to start reading some books but have had no time.Thank you -
At 12:31am on October 20, 2010, Sajah Popham said…
Hello shannon, I was suggested to be added to your Garden E-newsletter. My e-mail is Thank you!!!
At 9:27am on September 5, 2010, Paul Neel said…
Hi Shannon. Please add me to your email list for Garden E-News.

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