Transition Whatcom

David MacLeod
  • Male
  • Bellingham, WA (Birchwood)
  • United States
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  • Dan
  • Michael Feerer
  • Gabe Travis
  • Nicole Tilson
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  • Lindley Mease
  • Susan Donnelly
  • Bryce Parent
  • Aurora Ann Fox
  • Jessi Radovich
  • Taylor Sinason
  • Shaktari Belew
  • Spring Cheng
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David MacLeod's Page

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David MacLeod posted events
David MacLeod updated an event

How to Organize Your Bioregion at Online

April 1, 2025 at 9am to April 15, 2025 at 10:30am
As people who care deeply about their local landscapes, we know we need to be effective stewards—but how? How do we catalyze and embody the cultural and worldview shifts necessary for the regeneration of the planet, our bioregion, and our local communities?Regenerate Cascadia is proud to partner with the …See More
David MacLeod updated an event

Cascadia BioFi Conference at Georgetown Steam Plant

May 16, 2025 to May 18, 2025
At the Georgetown Steam Plant in the Duwamish Valley, in south Seattle. How do we regenerate an entire watershed? How do we regenerate an entire bioregion? Join us for our first ever, Cascadia BioFi Conference, held May 16–18, 2025, at the historic Georgetown Steam Plant in Seattle. Bioregional Finance seeks to shift global and extractive systems toward local, long-term, sustainable initiatives that restore ecosystems and promote community well-being. By leveraging localized knowledge and…See More
David MacLeod updated an event

New Old Time Chautauqua Bellingham Benefit Show at Bellingham Circus Guild,

April 19, 2025 from 7pm to 9pm
New Old Time Chautauqua Bellingham Benefit Show When: Sat Apr 19, 2025 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Where: Bellingham Circus Guild, 1401 6th St. Unit 102, Bellingham, WA 98225 A knock-your-socks off show that'll peg your giggle gauge, tickle your funny bone, and make you guffaw in awe! From jugglers to musicians, magicians to giant puppets, hula hoopists to acrobats, and everything in between, this extravaganza will keep you on your toes and at the edge of your seat.  Featuring: Legendary stars of stage…See More
David MacLeod posted an event

Permaculture Meet-Up / Regenerate Whatcom Meet-up at Inspiration Farm

March 28, 2025 from 4pm to 6:30pm
March 28 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pmA Free gathering time for People interested in Permaculture from Whatcom county to come together and discuss ideas. This will also be a time for those interested in the new "Regenerate Whatcom" initiative to connect.Flow of the dayTour, talk, What is your passion these dazeA brief review of what "Regenerate Whatcom" is aboutSwap plants and seeds. Bring things to shareSimulate and educate through demonstrations of seed starting bed preparation, water harvesting…See More
David MacLeod posted events
Mar 17
David MacLeod posted an event

Regeneration 1.2 - Woven With Water! at online

November 15, 2024 from 9am to 10:30am
Please join us on this international issue!  This affects us from the top of Mt. Baker through our Salish Sea, to the oceans that connect our rivers...and all spaces in between!  Brian's knowledge is huge - and the issue is going to get bigger in Whatcom County as our Salish Sea, our farmlands, fisheries and forests are impacted!  You are invited to this Friday's EmpowerED Global Solutions Collaboration Forum,  a weekly educational and collaborative event on Zoom where we learn about climate…See More
Nov 14, 2024
David MacLeod posted events
Aug 19, 2024

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I've taken the Transition Training workshop with Sophy and Naresh from the UK, and was a co-initiator of Transition Whatcom (TWIG), getting Transition Whatcom up and running. I also manage this TW Ning site.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I've been concerned about energy and climate issues for many years, and I have been following the Transition movement since it began in the UK in 2005. I initiated and on served on the local Energy Resource Scarcity/Peak Oil Task Force for the city of Bellingham and Whatcom County.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I guess I'm a "community organizer." I have some skills in nonviolent communication, use the Acorn model for group organization, and modified dynamic facilitation. I can present on energy and Transition topics. I am a musician (trumpet). I have interest in Heart and Soul/Inner Transition issues and processes.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
The Birchwood Neighborhood
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
I heard about TW in my minds eye and I found the website when I created it!
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I'm here to see the creative genius of our community unleashed!

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David MacLeod's Blog

Patterns for Navigating the Transition to a World in Energy Descent

Posted on September 3, 2015 at 12:14pm 0 Comments

Integral Leadership Review Integral Leadership Review (ILR) has published the paper I presented to the recent Integral Theory…


Fossil Fueled Republicans and The Six Myths About Climate Change that Liberals Rarely Question

Posted on November 30, 2014 at 2:32pm 0 Comments


In my final post in the Holiday Smorgasbord series, I want to share two articles that are each directed at (and finding fault with) different ends of the political spectrum. I don’t think the point of either of these articles is to demonize individuals who embrace either conservatism or liberalism, but rather to point out that in general we are not being served by the mainstream political discourse from either perspective. I find these articles…


Responding to Limits to Growth: Embrace Life and Locate Your Values

Posted on November 29, 2014 at 4:43pm 0 Comments

In today’s installment of our Holiday Smorgasbord, I bring you two voices that I have been following off and on for the last decade, and who have both been warning about limits to growth, and more importantly what we as individuals can do about it.

Nate Hagens on Limits to Growth: Where We Are and What to Do About It

Nate Hagens, a former “wolf of Wall Street” stock trader/money manager, and then a …


What’s Going on with Low Gas Prices, Shale Oil, American Energy Independence, and OPEC?

Posted on November 28, 2014 at 2:30pm 0 Comments

Orlin Wagner/AP (image source: Orlin Wagner/AP)

There’s a lot of confusion going on right now – as the price of gasoline in the U.S. is declining, we are becoming ever more complacent. Today we saw another steep drop in the price of oil…


A Holiday Smorgasbord Part 2: Permaculture, A Vision of a Post-Oil World

Posted on November 27, 2014 at 2:10pm 0 Comments

Today’s installment of our holiday smorgasbord features an approach to the environmental crisis and the energy crisis and the economic crisis that I’m very thankful for…Permaculture.

Permaculture, A vision of a post-oil world

Yves Cochet

Yves Cochet…


Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 11:24am on December 13, 2012, Ira Carter said…

I joined in part to stay in touch with you, in part to stay in touch with the good work. My old e-mail died and I forgot to copy you over to the new one. Please send your snail mail address to theiman52 at yahoo dot com so I can send you Christmas/New Years propaganda. Life is good here, I hope it is for you as well.

At 12:36am on July 19, 2012, Heather K said…

Hi David, Would you be willing to send out an invitation to your TW friends list, for the Skillshare Event – When you think the event page is ready to go broader.   Its only 2 months before the faire date.

If I understood correctly, you will also post Larry Korns talk at Village Books.  That is so helpful and I know Larry would appreciate it.


Re the Skillshare event posting on our TW site.....There is a small volunteer team that has worked hard on the website....On my posting on TW, I've tried to keep it simple and to direct people to the main website-    I've now added a line on the TW event page that states its a TW sponsored event. 

I'm not sure who is taking the lead on seeking sponsors – check with Tom, my guess is we could really use your volunteer support with this, and with seeking skillshare presentors!


I'm waiting for an updated picture to add to the TW skillshare page ...I've requested  Brian K to look in his files, and am also waiting to hear back from webteam for a link.

I will be traveling for a week and return late July. ...It would be great to have your backup on this event page while I'm traveling (or offline)...please be sure any changes made are in near consensus with the planning team, as we're working hard to be a functioning collective. 

At 11:16pm on July 18, 2012, Heather K said…

Hi David, I need some help.  Would you request TW admin team to sponsor these two events?   Natural-farming  and

Whatcom Skillshare

I recall you sharing in the past that TW wants an online form filled out Before they will sponsor an event.

It would be so helpful if you or another computer person would fill out that TW form for these two events, all the info needed should be right on the event page or website.

Link  possibly here-


I believe both events would welcome sponsorship by Transition Whatcom. 

If the TW team is interested in this, sponsorship could be as simple as providing a donation (USD) towards the event (whatever amount team decide would be appreciated), and to also help with promotion by placing the events as featured events. 

The Skillshare event is looking for more volunteers, if there is an aspect of being involved in event preparation or at the event that you are especially called to, we would so welcome you! 

At this point, phoning Tom may be the best way to plug in, and asking to be on the planning team email list.

At 8:26am on April 3, 2012, Charles Kelm said…

Hey David - hope you have a great birthday tomorrow!

At 2:34pm on October 14, 2011, Heather K said…

Transition Whatcom now has 1,000 members! 

Thanks for your vision & work David!

At 10:22am on April 7, 2011, Cipriano Mauricio said…
Good Morning David! Juliet and I are meeting tonight to work on the Group Organization. We'll give you an update post our meeting. Have a good one!
At 1:47pm on March 28, 2011, nancy clark said…
thank you! i am aware of them.
At 8:32pm on December 27, 2010, Heather K said…

Hi David, I just posted my response to Juliet's Twog Blog.  I did not see your response as I was writing it...I'll read over what you've written later.

Thanks for all you do!

At 10:18pm on June 17, 2010, Kate Clark said…
Hi David
Yes the Boulevard park event is a TW OA event, so if you could "feature" it that would be great- thanks!
At 10:47pm on April 15, 2010, David Pike said…
Hi David,

Thanks for the recommendation on maintaining the formatting on the blog posts...unfortunately I still can't get it to work...I've saved the articles using google docs as html files and copied the html source into the blog entry - but to no avail. If any further advice or solutions come to mind I would be interested in trying them.

David Pike

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