Started Oct 2, 2011 0 Replies 0 Likes
This week I am putting an order together at for farm and garden tools. They have great stuff at great prices, and excellent rates on…Continue
Tags: permaculture, gardening, harvesting, agriculture, Farming
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Hi Permie.
I couldn't help butting in about your comment on the Mycological Restoration page. I am on the webteam for the site.
If you want to send a private message to one individual, the best way is to go to the Members page and search for them. Then you can go to their personal page and comment.
For following comments on a Group page, you can check under the Comment box to see that you've clicked on "Follow - Email me when people comment" . If you have - it should say "Stop Following - Don't email me when people comment."
I'd love to know if that solves the problem.
Juliet Thompson
I think I sent you a message with the price and tariff information for the oil press but now I can't find it so apologies if this is the first you're seeing of this. This is a friendly harassment to please confirm a final yes or no regarding the oil press group order to my email address We have more than 8 confirmed which means your grand total will be $91.89 USD or real close to that depending on the exchange rate on the day I place the order. If you say yes, I’ll send you my address so you can send me a check.
Thank you,
Laura Sellens
Glad you've gotton some fava beans, you'll find they are soo delicious steamed when fresh! You may be about to become a seed geek, so I'll send you another invite to our seed group. Remember sometime in Jan or Feb we will host another local seed exchange, and last year we even did one in the fall for those of us who had just harvested our summer seeds.
And most importantly, we have a group here on this site:
Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Beyond Organic)