Transition Whatcom

Reskilling Work Group


Reskilling Work Group

This group is an outgrowth of the overall reskilling work group meeting held Day 2 of the Great Unleashing. The purpose of this group is to share information about existing reskilling workshops and resources, as well as announce new opportunities.

Members: 56
Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2013

Discussion Forum

Creating classes that mimic college, but with lower cost, and within the commmunity

Started by Kyler Boyes. Last reply by David MacLeod Mar 30, 2011. 2 Replies

I was going to community college and taking out loans to do it. Not being sure what career I wanted, I am now taking a break. I have these thoughts: Question- Why do we need to spend all this money…Continue

Tags: classes, organic, model, goals, adapted

Comment Wall


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Comment by warren miller on June 21, 2013 at 7:32am

The planning for the next SkillShare Faire is underway! If you want to help with this event, which is going to be on Sept 21/22, please visit or send an email to whatcomskillsharefaire@gmail dot com. Volunteers, vendors, musicians, cooks- anyone can help!

Comment by Kate Clark on July 30, 2012 at 10:41am

Come one come all!  Looking for volunteers for the First Annual Whatcom SkillShare (and Barter) Faire!  We need a few more helpful folks, go to and let us know if you can help out- with planning or just for a couple hours during the day of the faire (September 22). THANKS!!

Comment by Behrouz on August 25, 2011 at 2:15am

Here is the link to a useful site I found on basic and some more advanced carpentery skills.

There are many sites on the web that provide free written skills instructions with some videos, and even sites where QA's can be done.  I hope in time we could develop an archive based on category of skills that folks can add to (probably via a screener for appropriate content) and then browse through for help in their projects.  This is only getting better with growing technology and the open frame / open access movement.  Hopefully, we will see more specific skills being documented and shared by fellow sustainable movement members across the world (more appropriate for TW projects).  

I am also hoping that a Wikiskills project will also show up one of these days.  This could have a broader reach across the world.  One could ask craft / trades people to volunteer and write instruction articles on various skills with demonstration videos.  Any ideas how to get one started (i.e., specific contacts)?

Comment by Behrouz on August 24, 2011 at 5:33am
Hi Warren, I saw your comment on making re-skilling videos and posting them on this website as a resource.  I think that is a great idea and I hope you follow-up on that.  May I suggest that there are already a lot of Youtube videos on the subject that you may want to screen / archive and provide the links for.  Still having some local talents contribute with focus on Transitions goals would be even better.  I don't live in the area currently but hope to contribute once I move in next year.
Comment by warren miller on February 4, 2011 at 1:33pm

Don't miss out on the Roving Work party tomorrow (Feb 5th). Help create a Garden at Shuksan Middle School! A great way to get kids reskilled about growing food is to have a gardenat their school. Also gives us a chance to get some training for our own garden work...

Comment by Cindi Landreth on January 28, 2011 at 7:09pm
Whatcom Folk School is on the move, too!  I will check out the website you mentioned.
Comment by Charles Kelm on January 28, 2011 at 7:00pm
I love that idea. I will think about whether I have a skill or not, but do hope lots of people take you up on this. There's a great website which is just starting out called SaveOurSkills dot com which has some good stuff on it.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on January 28, 2011 at 6:57pm
Hey Warren, How about someone making a nut milk?
Comment by warren miller on January 28, 2011 at 6:55pm
I'd like to start doing some short videos of people demonstrating their skills in a way that others can learn (re-skill) from- techniques, processes and just plain how to do things that will build a more resilient Whatcom County. Have a skill you want to share that is easy to semonstrate in 3min or so? Have something more complicated that can be broken into several 3min segments? Think about it and post you suggestions. If we can build a nice list of important re-skilling topics with volunteers I can begin scheduling production. All videos would go on the TW site for anyone to learn from...
Comment by Heather K on January 4, 2011 at 4:10pm

Some members here may be interested in connecting with the

 “Earth Gardens” Network at:

(You can either get on our email list, or click "join" on the group site)


Folks involved with Earth Gardens network have continued to do both community & home reskilling activities & events. Many of us have been part of creating annual seed-swaps, work-parties, hands-on workshops.   We welcome new folks to join us in 'hands-on' and

'minds-together' activities while creating resilient & diverse ecosystem habitats throughout our community.


Bellingham Community Seed-Swap”, the annual winter swap is upcoming on January 30th. Event page with details at:


We welcome your help with seed-swap promotion, putting up posters & hand-flyers, especially reaching our rural neighbors who may not use the world-wide-web.  For more details, go to the events page link above.

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Jim P, I noticed that your group is a featured TW theme group that is listed as “Working toward our Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP)”.

Is this EDAP still the purpose of your Reskilling Group?

Or are we part of the original skilling rebirth of the 'NW Freedom University”?

Would you add my email to your list for gatherings working on Reskilling or the EDAP, especially the ecological restoration reskilling applications.


Cindi L – As time allows would you or another, update us within a group discussion on the timeline & progress of reviving our NW-Free-U?

I'm aware events are still being planned & offered through our local ReSources & CLSR (Center for Local Self-Reliance). Thanks



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