Transition Whatcom

Cindi Landreth
  • Female
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Cindi Landreth's Friends

  • Paul Kuepfer
  • Rene Laventure
  • Micah & Bonnie
  • Moon Womb
  • Nolan Hoppe-Leonard
  • Kyler Boyes
  • Richard Kauffman
  • Kelda Miller
  • Chris Mitchell
  • Bob Ferris
  • Lynnette Allen
  • Nicola Hoffman
  • Sandy Lawrence
  • Cindi Fisher
  • Cynthia DuVal

Cindi Landreth's Page

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Cindi Landreth posted a group

Elders in Transition

Why a Transition Elders' working group?  Baby Boomers on up are quickly becoming one of the largest demographics, are increasingly retired with leisure time, and possess a desire to "give back" to their communities. Elders' experience, wisdom, needs and capacities are different from younger folks' and are best identified, in this rapidly changing world, by themselves.Elders potentially have different housing needs, are increasingly more interested in end of life issues, and they potentially…See More
Mar 12, 2022
Cindi Landreth updated their profile
Mar 8, 2022

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Transition type actions have been building in Bellingham for a few years now but we haven't referred to them as such. Currently, I am trained to facilitate the Transition Town's T4T 2 day workshops and am one of 8 members of the Transition Whatcom Initiating Group. I am a co-founding member of Sustainable Connections (a sustainable business organization) and served on the board for about 6 years; have been serving on the advisory board for Sustainable Bellingham (a citizen sustainability organization); and the founder and host of Changing the Dream Open Space Salon (discussions on spiritual fulfillment, social justice, environmental sustainability, grief, and cultural revolution). I am also a trained facilitator for the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium (created by the Pachamama Alliance). I have also been very active with another 'un-official' initiative where we take people (4 to 86 yrs of age) out weekly into the wilderness and practice tracking, birding, plant understanding, etc...
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I have found myself spinning between wanting to destroy the existing destructive culture, creating a way of being that fosters life, and wondering what I need to do to protect myself from an unknown collapse (financial? health? earthly cataclysic event? war? etc..). When I found out about Transition Towns (via website) I ordered two copies of the book from England and read one and gave the other to our local Peak Oil Task Force to read. I found that not only did I resonate with the message of functioning with principals rather than rules and the positive energy behind the initiatives (wonderful for inspiring and engaging with people) but it also helped me put into place the solution to my spinning. Embedded in the Transition Initiatives is the unifying principal - love - that which energizes, inspires, encourages people to find their own and their community's power, builds community, and .... still embraces the shadow. In this unifying principal is hope -where people align their values with their actions, their inner knowing with an outward way of being. This is where I find hope and this is what I find in the Transition movement.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I teach the Transition Town movement's 'Training for Transition' 2 day course. I was trained in San Francisco in Dec '08. My teachers were Sophy Banks and Naresh Giangrande. There are 22 trainers in the U.S. and Canada.

I have also been trained to present the Pachamama Alliance's Symposium 'Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream' (Nov '07).

In Feb '09 I became a certified Permaculturist by taking a 2 week residential course with Michael Pilarski (affectionately known by most as Skeeter) and have since been working on developing a permaculture 'garden' in my life, my backyard, and my work as well as the beginnings of an edible forest garden at my home.

I am passionate about the 8 shields model (aka The Acorn model) of organization.

I am a natural networker and am very passionate about this work!
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
I live in the South Hill neighborhood of Bellingham. My business is in the Birchwood neighborhood.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I am dedicating the rest of my life to this work as I see, for me, it is the only work left to do.

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Comment Wall (31 comments)

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At 5:00pm on June 5, 2011, John C Ruth said…
Google; Arcosanti.  After graduating from Huxley (12/74), I enrolled in the 2/75 workshop and fell in love with this magical place.  In 1982 I became a lower income Mr. Mom and didn't go back until 2008.  Then returned in '09 for Paolo's 90th birthday party. 
At 12:25am on May 26, 2011, Nolan Hoppe-Leonard said…
Hey Cindi!  I'm just leaving you a message to tell you that I will be going to the workshop this Saturday!
At 6:11pm on March 14, 2011, David M. Laws said…

Hello Cindi--I'm interested in teaching at the Folk School, but I have no idea what to charge. Can you give some guidelines?

Thanks, David

At 4:16pm on March 14, 2011, Kathy Hasenjaeger said…

Hi Cindi, I was trying to clear out my email inbox when I came across the note you sent last October welcoming me to Transition Whatcom.  I kept meaning to reply and am embarrassed it's taken me this long.  I've participated in a few events, but I haven't transitioned to Transition Whatcom nearly as much as I'd hoped by this point.  I'm currently working on transitioning my daughter, Michelle who has autism, to high school next year - can't believe it!  Being Michelle's life coach seems to consume much of my time.  I'm so grateful that you and others have brought the Transition movement to Bellingham.  I look forward to attending more events and hope to see you again soon!

At 7:34am on February 3, 2011, theresa fritsch said…
Hay Cindy, I hear your rattle! I've come to realize that my OWN  transition to Bellingham this last few months has taken all my energy, hopefully not descending! I found a little garden space at least...but no job yet. So trying to get connected with whatcom transition will take some time for me. Zeratha is coming this wknd!!! See you soon?
At 12:44pm on January 7, 2011, Nicola Hoffman said…

Hi Cindi,

I met you at a Wild Crafting workshop with Michael P. I am seeking some direction and hope you could call me 393-0003 Thank you, Nicola

At 12:28pm on October 21, 2010, Cindi Fisher said…
Hi Cindi!
I just went to my first transitionpdx meeting last night. They are going to send me email addresses of other Vancouverites that have attended their meetings. I will contact them and the goal is to meet for the first time in November. I am very excited about working in tandem with the Portlanders.Well I tried to add my picture, but it just seems to add this computer talk so maybe when I actually send it it will magically transform into a picture. Love your name! :) Cindi F.


At 10:14pm on September 1, 2010, Jill Seager said…
Hi Cindi! Paul ended up building our greenhouse himself. We have a pretty good harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, melons and herbs this summer! We're planting the fall crops soon!!
At 7:16pm on September 1, 2010, Jessica Permen said…
Thanks for the warm welcome. I am really excited to be apart of this.
At 9:54am on August 23, 2010, Anitra Accetturo said…
Hi Cindi!

Thanks for your message. I work with the City of Bellingham and worked with Shirley and Jill's group for the March World Water Day event- they are fantastic! I am looking forward to connecting with more folks on here.


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