Transition Whatcom

Sandy Lawrence
  • Male
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Sandy Lawrence's Friends

  • Travis Linds
  • Jean Kroll
  • Heather K
  • Rob Olason
  • Cyndy Sheldon
  • Chris Wolf
  • Cindi Landreth

Sandy Lawrence's Groups


Sandy Lawrence's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
giving talk on peak oil 10/10/10
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
interested in environmental issues since high school
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
read a lot of books
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
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Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
green guy

Sandy Lawrence's Blog

talk on peak oil

Posted on January 10, 2011 at 4:27pm 0 Comments

I gave a talk on peak oil and energy issues for 10/10/10, and since then have expanded it to a discussion of about an hour and a half.  I have the computer and projector, but not a projection screen upon which to show it.  Would be delighted to give this talk to any group, large or small, in a school or anybody's home or in our home for that matter. [My wife and I run the Axton Road Bed & Breakfast].

This would probably be a good outreach activity even for people not…


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At 10:12am on April 19, 2011, Richard Kauffman said…

Hi Sandy,

Thank you for the warm welcome.  I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the group soon.  I am currently a part-timer myself, but hope to transition to full-time in the next couple of years. 



At 9:23am on February 6, 2011, Jean Kroll said…

Hi Sandy,

I'm part of a group of local non-profits that is organizing a city-wide event together, and I'll keep your offer in consideration!  We will be meeting for the first time at the end of this month. 


Our next film will be on 2/17:  "Dirt: the Movie."  We already have two presenters that night, so that event is full. 

At 9:33pm on February 2, 2011, Cyndy Sheldon said…
Sandy, I'm not in a position now to organize anything more. The Laurel group hasn't met for a long time. You could contact Ginger Kennell or Juliet Thompson. Also, if I had time to organize something I'd want to know more specifically what you would present. Thanks, Cyndy
At 3:19pm on January 31, 2011, Heather K said…

Hi Sandy, I look forward to hearing one of your presentations on peak energy issues!  Re your request for connecting with Laurel group, I'll send you an email with my phone number, and ideas for connecting in with that neighborhood using our network site.

I'm confident there are many neighborhoods & community groups that would welcome your presentation!  You might also want to connect in with Kate Clark, who may also be interested in presentations that are focused on educating about peak energy & peak-everything!


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