I recently bought a farm in Whatcom County and am in the process of converting my way of life and the farm to prepare for the coming collapse of an economy based upon a concept of unlimited growth in a world of finite resources.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I welcome this opportunity to engage with others in the transformation of myself, my farm, and my community into a vibrant, healthy, sustainable ecosystem.
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Let's figure that out together.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
A link on the Sustainable Bellingham website.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
To connect with and learn from others engaged in Transition.
Hi Richard, sorry I always forget to check for messages here! The recipe for that bean recipe (at least I think it is this one.. it is good either way!)
* this recipe is based on using a 5 quart crock pot, so you can cut it in half if you have a smaller crock pot
3 cups dried black-eyed peas, cleaned and washed thoroughly
2 medium tomatoes
1 medium yellow or red onion (chopped)
1 (2-inch) piece ginger, peeled and cut in small pieces
4 cloves of garlic (but we always add around 8 or 9!)
2-3 green Thai, serrano, or cayenne chilies, stems removed
2 large bunches of cilantro
2 tbs roasted cumin and coriander
2 tbs salt
1 tsp turmeric powder
1tsp red chili powder
6 cups of water
I hope you enjoy, and again I am sorry it took me so long to get this to you!
Richard...welcome to the group. My wife Barb Schickler and I [Sandy Lawrence] have been members for a while but not made any useful contribution yet, but plan to find time to do so. We run not a real farm but a hobby farm with goats and now chickens...although my wife is a serious gardener and produces almost all of our vegetables during the summer, both for us and for our guests at our B&B. Again, welcome.
Hi Richard, the couple who were hosting the Poop Group meetings before was Peter and Lorraine Holcomb. They live on Hemmi Rd near Hannegan, so they might be somewhat close to where your farm is? Anyway, they (along with their housemate Joe) would have plans you are looking for and some other things I know you would be interested in. I can give you their phone number if you call me (360-734-3510) or email me (chrisandbella-at-yahoo-dot-com); I just don't feel comfortable posting their phone number here w/out permission. I am excited to come see your place and hopefully we neighbors can help you out there! If you need any Permaculture consultation, let me know; that is what I do. --Chris
It was really nice to meet you as well! I can't wait to come up and help. I will have some days off from school and it would be nice if I could spend some at your farm.
Welcome Richard, (I also posted this on the Humanure/ composting toilets group). As a group, we were pretty "regular" when we started (prepare for the poop metaphors), but we have been pretty constipated the last few months, meaning that not a lot has been happening. We need to get flowing again! Richard, I wonder if you would want to host a meeting of this work group at your farm, to show us the place and tell us about your composting toilet plans? If so, pick a date and time and tell us where! If you are ready for a work party, it could even be a work party. Thanks, --Chris
Dear Richard,We will keep you posted on activities as they arise. Please come whenever you can. It was a pleasure to get to know you. If you would like a hand with a project, let us know and we can usually turn out several folks.Warm regards,Ginny P.S. could you send me your regular email address so I can write you directly. I'm at vmalmquist@netzero.net
Hi Richard,
Thanks for joining TW, and I look forward to meeting you - it appears you have quite a vision.
There's so many events going on through TW and other organizations, hope you find the people and experiences that help you to create your dream.
Juliet Thompson
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Hi Richard! Good to meet you at B'ham Co-housing for the Seeding Gifting Communities circle- http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/events/seeding-gift-communities-we
I'll forward you info later for an invite to the TW Earth Gardens Network- http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/group/organic
and also for the Transition Lynden link that is on our site.
I look forward to seeing your farm & welcoming you to our Koma Kulshan - Salish Sea watershed communities!
I look forward to meeting you soon!
* this recipe is based on using a 5 quart crock pot, so you can cut it in half if you have a smaller crock pot
3 cups dried black-eyed peas, cleaned and washed thoroughly
2 medium tomatoes
1 medium yellow or red onion (chopped)
1 (2-inch) piece ginger, peeled and cut in small pieces
4 cloves of garlic (but we always add around 8 or 9!)
2-3 green Thai, serrano, or cayenne chilies, stems removed
2 large bunches of cilantro
2 tbs roasted cumin and coriander
2 tbs salt
1 tsp turmeric powder
1tsp red chili powder
6 cups of water
I hope you enjoy, and again I am sorry it took me so long to get this to you!
P.S. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Thanks Richard, Me too!
I don't get up that way much but with Juliet's encouragement it seems a visit is in order! How's does that sound for you?
Sincerely, Jamie Jedinak 360-756-9919
Richard...welcome to the group. My wife Barb Schickler and I [Sandy Lawrence] have been members for a while but not made any useful contribution yet, but plan to find time to do so. We run not a real farm but a hobby farm with goats and now chickens...although my wife is a serious gardener and produces almost all of our vegetables during the summer, both for us and for our guests at our B&B. Again, welcome.
It was really nice to meet you as well! I can't wait to come up and help. I will have some days off from school and it would be nice if I could spend some at your farm.
Thank you for inviting me to come and work!
Thanks for joining TW, and I look forward to meeting you - it appears you have quite a vision.
There's so many events going on through TW and other organizations, hope you find the people and experiences that help you to create your dream.
Juliet Thompson