Transition Whatcom

Deanna Lloyd
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Deanna Lloyd's Friends

  • Richard Kauffman
  • John Hammell
  • Carlene Marie Ramus
  • Victor Nolet
  • Lia Ayley
  • Hun Wynn
  • Anita Hanks
  • Dr. Jean Layton
  • Alicia Wills
  • Gary Bachman
  • Heather K
  • Forest Garden
  • Alison Kutz-Troutman
  • Jamie Jedinak
  • Chris Wolf

Deanna Lloyd's Discussions

Resources Needed for School Gardens!

Started Nov 30, 2009 0 Replies

Many of you have heard about the Whatcom County School Garden Collective (WCSGC), a local non-profit I am working with to create school gardens. We're having a workparty to sheet mulch their future…Continue


Deanna Lloyd's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Working to create school gardens to provide healthy food and education about the environment, social justice and sustainable agriculture through the Whatcom County School Garden Collective. Plus numerous "informal" commuter, gleaner, urban farmer, sustainability educator, permaculture enthusiast...
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Heard about the movement at a Permaculture course and researching more, it just makes sense! This is what I've been trying to do on a personal scale, but was unsure of how to reach out and connect with my community...this is a great tool for doing that.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Enthusiasm, love of the natural world and a desire to make our planet a happier, healthier place to live!
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
To help my transition my community both locally and globally into a more sustainable and loving place.

Deanna Lloyd's Photos

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Deanna Lloyd's Blog

Netherland School Bans Parents from Dropping Kids Off By Car

Posted on November 19, 2009 at 8:30pm 1 Comment

A school in the Netherlands recently banned vehicles from stopping at its curb which in turn discouraged parents to drop their children off by car. The Netherlands already has the highest rate of bicycle commuters so this probably wasn't a huge shift in the structure of the community, but still very neat to see.

Check out the delightful video! It will make you want to get out and ride to fanciful music!…


To Whomever is Interested

Posted on November 1, 2009 at 11:30am 2 Comments

To Whomever Is Interested,

For the past couple years we’ve had an unconventional dream (to create a small, sustainable homestead with a humble cob dwelling) that we’ve gone about trying to fulfill in a conventional way (searching real estate ads and agents, dealing with financial institutions, etc.), perhaps that is why we have come up short thus far. There are many more details to our dream, but that is the concise version, I don’t want to overwhelm you with the details of my… Continue

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At 10:14am on November 15, 2010, Lia Ayley said…
Hi Deanna, the details of the herbal medicine-making workshop are now up on the TW events page along with my phone number, please call me and leave your email and phone number to reserve your spot. Thanks!
At 5:00pm on April 25, 2010, Heather K said…
Hi Deanna, I think Shannon Maris & Jean Kroll may also be attending the potluck, and possibly Jeff W....Give me a call if you need their numbers...Shannon is in Happy Valley area.
At 4:25pm on April 25, 2010, Kate Clark said…
Hi Deanna:

Sorry i don't have your number, but would like to carpool out to the potluck today. Can you call me at 671-6 zero 75?
At 1:43pm on March 26, 2010, Heather K said…
Deanna! Thanks for adding all the school garden work-party events. Its such a great way for gardeners to spread the joy & abundance.

Thank you also for your comment contributions to the Organic Gardeners group!
Every circumstance of gardener, garden location & mission is different, and I appreciate you sharing your perspectives!......I like ease of the straw too! Especially in gardens where helpers don't know whats a weed & whats a young plant.
At 5:51pm on November 21, 2009, David Pike said…

I had fun helping to move 22 yards of compost with you, although my back is feeling it now... it looks like you left some feedback on my Wendell Berry summary that I haven't read yet; so we were close to meeting online. Keep me posted on further school garden events etc. I'd like to help when I can. Nice to meet you and take care.

At 2:16pm on November 9, 2009, Heather K said…
Hi Again!, I remember now how we are both part of the network of folks who have worked with children & school gardening.
I wonder if you, would be interested in posting a forum/discussion on our transition site to share the vision and the current progress. I know that Tristen is also very interested in creating a group - 'School Gardening Cooperative', which would be comprised of schools around Bellingham who desire gardens within their campuses. I'm thinking you & him & Laura Platt at Common Threads may already be connected?
I was not able to attend the October meeting for the Whatcom County School Garden Collective. Did you attend? I have not yet read any summary of the meeting.

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