Transition Whatcom

John Hammell
  • Male
  • Point Roberts, WA
  • United States
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John Hammell's Friends

  • Peggy Gannon
  • Rick Aiello
  • Erin Dixon
  • Lady Hamster
  • Kimberly Lauzon
  • warren miller
  • Dianne Foster
  • Deanna Lloyd
  • Susan Templeton
  • Alys Kennedy
  • Brian Kerkvliet
  • Francis Ayley
  • Kate Clark
  • David MacLeod

John Hammell's Discussions

Response to Whatcom County Councilman Sam Crawford Re Threat of Total Economic Collapse/Martial Law

Started Feb 24, 2011 0 Replies

At 02:58 PM 2/23/2011, you wrote:Mr. Hammell, Thank you for bringing to my attention your concerns regarding topics such as: Economic Collapse Food Shortages Military Takeover International Military…Continue

Tags: Council, County, Sam, Crawford, Elfo

Response to Sheriff Elfo Re His Response re Questions re $$Crash/Martial Law

Started Feb 23, 2011 0 Replies

At 06:01 PM 2/22/2011, you wrote: Mr. Hammell,   Please see the attached letter.   Best Regards, Dear Sheriff Elfo: Thank you for your response to my emails. In your letter you say "If the…Continue

Response to Sheriff Elfo's Letter Re How He Would Respond If Dollar Crashes

Started Feb 23, 2011 0 Replies

At 06:01 PM 2/22/2011, you wrote: Mr. Hammell,   Please see the attached letter.   Best Regards, Dear Sheriff Elfo: Thank you for your response to my emails. In your letter you say "If the…Continue

Tags: Elfo, Sheriff, Constitution, Alternative, Currency


John Hammell's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I am organizing Point Roberts, Whatcom County, and others via an email distribution list regarding the pending collapse of the US Dollar and am urging Whatcom County Council to develop a contingency plan and to alert the populace.

One Tuesday night at 7 pm I'll be speaking to the Council about this and urge more people to attend and to communicate with me about this. Carl Weimer, a Council Member alerted me to this organization which I had not been aware of. I am a member of Bellingham Food Coop, have a chicken coop, greenhouse, organic garden and am part of our community garden. It is very clear to me that the US Dollar is being intentionally collapsed as part of a broader effort to deconstruct our country and to force us into a planned North American Union Collectivist Dictatorship modeled after the EU which is a collectivist dictatorship. Watch "The Day the Dollar Died" Watch "Meet John Doe" the 1941 film starring Gary Cooper/Barbara Stanwyk about neighbors helping neighbors during the Great Depression....... get to know YOUR neighbors, you will NEED THEM. Do what you CAN to prepare now before TSHTF, because it already IS and it won't be long before we enter a period of hyperinflation.... We need to get more people involved with Fourth Corner Exchange the local LETS system, I just sent them an email.....
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I am interested in building a stronger local community, we really MUST- this is our LIFEBOAT. I once delivered yachts up and down the eastern seaboard and was a boatbuilder for many years.A boat is like a space capsule, its not just a vehicle, its a life support system. I've survived hurricanes at sea that killed lesser prepared people. I identify with those who want to create more local agriculture and who want to create a local economy. None of us can trust the Federal Reserve, or the government. We have to do for ourselves. Unless we can get word out fast enough to people to urge them to prepare, and unless we can put up food storage for those less fortunate also, we're going to be under martial law, and we should try to avoid that by being proactive NOW.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
My father was a NAVY SEAL, I learned a lot about survival from him. My Scoutmaster as a kid growing up was a Green Beret who survived 2 tours in Vietnam, learned much from him too. I once lived for 2 years in an abandoned cabin on an island off the northern coast of Maine where I had a choice- build fires in wood stove or freeze to death, haul water from spring, or dehydrate, shoot deer, rabbits, catch fish, lobster, dig clams, harvest kelp, apples, blueberries, grow sprouts or starve to death. Also once lived on a farm in Vermont where we were food self sufficent for 100 people and lived in a commune in Appalachian mountains in SW Virginia. Been in Point Roberts now 8 years. Am self employed consultant to dietary supplement industry on legislative issues. Fight the FDA in US, fight Health Canada in Canada, fight equivalent regulatory counterparts world wide. Recognize whats driving everything is UN Agenda 21, a population control/ world control agenda. Was first in world to blow whistle on UN Codex Alimentarius threat to health freedom via article in Life Extension Magazine. Am a professional grass roots organizer/lobbyist. We must all transcend our political differences and come together for the common good.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Point Roberts
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?

I'd like to help organize this county in light of concerns expressed above. Watch The Day the Dollar Died
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
Want to turn this county into a lifeboat in advance of coming economic collapse.

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John Hammell's Blog

Meeting Yesterday With Sheriff Bill Elfo About Unfolding Economic Collapse- Will County Council Act???

Posted on April 20, 2011 at 1:44pm 0 Comments

 I didn't realize til yesterday that the written comments I'd submitted to the County Council a while back had been posted on the Herald's political blog at  or that there were 67 comments to…

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 3:38pm on September 12, 2012, Deborah Dills said…

Both Kent and I were on active duty in the Navy and I did a bit over 3 yrs in the Navy Reserves too. Kent spent over 20 yrs in and has a military retirement income plus he is the assistant manager at the Bellingham Walmart.

Yes, most folks are in denial or just plain not informed, You must read OpEd News and become a member as I have many postings about the lies our government has been doing, including bringing the Towers down on 9/11 (inside job), the Bush family ties to Hitler which included the grandfather-Senator Prescott Bush, who was found guilty of Trading with the Enemy under the FDR administration,  to create the same kind of fear like was done in Nazi Germany and launched Hitler into power. We are now seeing the same tactics being done today, with surveillance and spying on citizens,repealing of citizens rights,  arresting of peaceful protesters, and laws like the NDAA in which almost every senator signed-including ours here in Washington State--Marie Cantwell and Patty Murray. We are marching swiftly towards being a complete Fascist country and you know the 14 signs-then you would know we are there now.  

Both my sons, Aaron and Brian and I look up in the sky every day, mostly to see UFO's which are there in our skies if you can catch them,  and H.A.A.R.P. in action. We also see the chem trails and know exactly what they look like. But most people just think they are from plane exhaust. we know differently.  We have sent many pictures of UFO's to MUFON and UFO Casebook.

As for helping to get the word out about Chemtrails, I am not sure what can be done, short of trying to get someone in the local newspapers to do a story about it. Both Kent and I are members of Veterans for Peace and we aren't seeing much movement in trying to bring our tax dollars home and away from the ridiculous spending on the wars with more wars and invasions to come soon. 

Let me know what your thoughts are.


At 6:54pm on April 12, 2011, Jean Kroll said…

Hi John,

Third Thyme Farm (Ginny and Les Wagner) phone number is 988-5805.  Don't know how they compare what that other org you mentioned, but I thought $3/lb for local, grass-fed beef was a pretty smokin' deal!

At 4:54pm on March 26, 2011, Kate Clark said…

Hi john

I posted your comments about point roberts on a blog. I know sometimes this ning is a challenge to navigate and know what goes where!  You'll find it there instead of in the Food Security workgroup page. 


At 7:45pm on March 13, 2011, Alys Kennedy said…

Hello John,


Could you tell me how you raise your chickens? Are they organically fed and free range/pastured??  If so, I could call you, doesn't cost me anything to do if you provide me with a number we could converse further.  Thank you, Alys 

At 7:26pm on February 24, 2011, Rick Aiello said…



Regarding your questions about Berkshares and Ithaca Hours...I know a little about the former.  I think the idea of Berkshares is good (that of getting away from FRNs), but it a local currency accepted by a limited number of businesses.  Has it helped the economy of Massachusetts, or just just the Berkshire area?  The alternative currency in my Stop Federal Tyranny Now! project is a public, statewide currency that the state legislature enacts into law as a an alternative currency.  But its bank and operations are people-run (as I believe Berkshares are), not state- or government-run.  The bank issues loans and grants, including the money needed by government (the exact opposite of the current situation), so there is no need for taxation.  There is also no debt; the currency is backed by the labor and production of the people, which cannot be manipulated like FRNs are.  This currency can also be used to stop food tyranny bills because there will be plenty of money to support local farmers to provide for the people of the state that implements it.

I think Berkshares would be better than LETS from a privacy standpoint from what I know about it, but since I don't think local currencies such as Berkshares help the state as a whole as our labor-backed currency would, nor would it have the numerous advantages that are described in my essay and the website.

I have not seen the book "Local Money- How to Make it Happen in Your Community."

At 7:10pm on February 24, 2011, Rick Aiello said…

Hello John,


I applaud the LETSystem you and others are promoting because anything that can be used to generate business, provide funds for people who need them and allow people to purchase based upon their own labor, trade or goods, is a good, valid system.  Anything that gets people away from the private currency of the central bank in whatever country is also a valid system.  However, there are some drawbacks to the LETSystem.  First, it is only local.  Second, there is a registry that keeps track of everyone and their activities.  Third, some consideration is given for taxes if one uses cash combined with the LETSystem, and information is shared with the Internal Revenue Service.

    All of these are drawbacks and I would not use or encourage others to use such a system.  It sounds like a checks and balances, debits and credits system, run by private individuals, where everyone knows everyone else's business, which to me is another drawback.  It is a step in the right direction because it is an attempt to get away from "the man" and the private currency.  But I have a better suggestion.

    It is an alternative currency based on labor and run by the people through a public bank the people (not the state) control.  It is non interest-bearing and incurs no debt, and is made lawful by the passage of a state law as an alternative currency.  It grants money to the people for specific needs AND to the government, so there is NO taxation necessary.  It can restore the economy of any state that implements in within 30 days.

    Please read about the Stop Federal Tyranny Now! project, which is described at

At 5:16pm on February 21, 2011, Heather K said…

Hi John, Here is a link below that may interest you.

I think you may have your privacy settings set in a way that I'm not able to forward you info on our TW site when requested.  (If you want, you can change the settings so folks can forward you info or events).

 The site can be challenging for new folks to navigate. To receive follow up comments from discussions or groups or blogs that you are following, you would need to sign on to the site and click the follow button, and if its a group, also the 'join' option. Hope this helps!

Medicinal Plants/Fungi & Ethnobotany In our Gardens, Meadows, Forests & Homes- Network -

At 2:07pm on February 21, 2011, Heather K said…

Welcome John!  Great to hear from our far western county neighbor in Point Roberts!  Naomi is another member on TW site from there.  You can connect with her at the Transition Point Roberts site she initiated online at -


You might also be interested in the Earth Gardens network on this TW site at-


You're life experiences offer you a broad wisdom to share with your community.  I look forward to meeting you as the future allows.

I'm also a member of, a group that uses 'lifedollars' as one form of their currency 'basket'.  Info at-

The skills & energy we each have to share will strengthen us as a community & as individuals.  


Its been a long time since I've attended a county council meeting.  I'll check my calendar re this Tuesday.  There is a way to add events on this site.  After you add the info, it sometimes takes a few days for them to be approved.  You might consider if you want to post the county council meeting as an event. 


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