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Jean Kroll
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  • Margo Terrill
  • Andrew Eckels
  • Sarah Covert-Bowlds
  • Megan A. Barnes
  • Joy Patterson
  • Paul Kuepfer
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  • Micah & Bonnie
  • Lady Hamster
  • Sandy Lawrence
  • Laura Steiger
  • Emily Farrell
  • Laura J Sellens
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Jean Kroll's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Promoting self-reliance skills through the Center for Local Self-Reliance (
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Invited by Heather K. and others
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Highly organized, love backyard gardening, learning how to freeze and dehydrate harvests, also learning about wild edibles.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
South Bellingham

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Jean Kroll's Blog

Local Beef

Posted on January 12, 2011 at 5:22pm 7 Comments

Hey, where's the beef?  I'd like a bunch of the humanely-treated, grass-fed, locally grown type in my freezer! Anybody interested in going in on buying beef from a local pasture-raised source? If so, let me know!

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At 11:38am on June 12, 2013, Margo Terrill said…

Maybe your cat and mine are cousins - his name is Sherlock Halitosis Fuzzy Face the Terrible (but I just call him Sherlock) 

At 2:42pm on October 8, 2012, Megan A. Barnes said…
Jean! Just got your message, the plums have turned pretty quick, some are kind of mushy but I think they are still salvageable. Take all or what you need, its the last if them. See you when I see you!
At 9:28pm on October 7, 2012, Megan A. Barnes said…

Jean, no worries, I am glad you are coming out of that cold fog, no fun :(  I will leave your plums out and I have to go down South on Tuesday, so if you message me your address, I will just leave on your front porch.  I think I mentioned before, there is an Apple Cider (Press) making party at the Center For Local Self Reliance, near your neighborhood, if I come I will let you know, you should go too, it would be yummy-fun.  Oct 20th, 10-2pm. 

At 9:50am on October 7, 2012, Megan A. Barnes said…
Jean, I posted that plum message yesterday, I am getting up now to go pick some...there is a big tree in the backyard. It seems as if these type of plums are popular. If you dont mind coming up to Birchwood, come over anytime, just let me know and I will leave a red container out front or if you feel comfortable and you want more, just go thru the side fence door to the backyard. I will message you my address. We may go on a bike ride today, so we will be in and out.
At 7:42pm on November 15, 2011, Brian Kerkvliet said…

Jean, your baked goods sound good. Feel free to bring out what ever you have at the time and we can go from there. Also I want to let you know that we will be harvesting a cow later next year if you want to put your name for some. I'm sure it will go fast if he isn't already spoken for. Sam Mignon (our cow) will be a year old in May.

Give me a call when you want to come out. 398-7061


At 9:24am on November 14, 2011, Brian Kerkvliet said…

Hi Jean, 

We chop and drop weeds and mulch the beds down for the winter. Our chickens get lots of fresh greens as we move them often on to new ground. We do have some mulching and leaf raking that could be done. I would also be willing to trade for some of the pumpkin spice bread I heard about. Or other baked goods.

Let me know

Brian 398-7061

At 10:19am on October 27, 2011, Beth Parker said…
It all sounds wonderful!  I milk on Mondays, so that's the best day to pick up if you want to get it freshest.  Would you be looking for a quart at a time?  I'd also be happy to show your friend the ropes.  I usually milk around 8:00 or 8:30, and then spend an hour more with them grazing before sunset.  Just have her get in touch and we'll work something out!
At 10:38am on September 21, 2011, Angela MacLeod said…

Hi Jean,

We live in the birchwood neighborhood, would you like to leave the egg cartons at the downtown co-op at the service desk? It's not as far to drive. If you let me know when you'd be leaving them there I would pick them up with a day or so. Or give me a call to arrange something else: 733-3541.


We put the rain barrel it a good spot but haven't hooked it up yet. We're kind of slow at some of these things.

At 2:37am on April 1, 2011, John Hammell said…
How do I reach Third Tyme Meet in Sumas? How do their prices compare to US Wellness Meats?
At 8:21pm on February 15, 2011, Cari Duffy said…
Thank you, Jean, for all this great information. It is extremely helpful and I will be using it just as soon as the 1/6 side of beef I bought last month is nearly used up.

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