Transition Whatcom

Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)


Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)

Network-People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Event, Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying

Location: Cascadia Bioregion - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 212
Latest Activity: Jan 4, 2024

Welcome Earth Garden Friends! . .New members enjoy listening in & reading our current discussions & comments.

Together we are working towards Ecological Restoration 

 and Local Nourishment In Our Community & Homes.

 -  * Creating Edible Forest Gardens  * -

 All are Invited to be a Community Volunteer at many of the home-garden work-groups & work-parties.


Earth Gardens...Network: People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Events; Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying this to our local communities. 


Info/Resources for New & Seasoned Member, please review this Discussion:


To Create a New Discussion: Post your questions & info as a Discussion when multi comments/dialogue are needed to help reduce our email traffic from chatty comments.

View All our Current & Past Discussions & Resource lists:

 Scroll down & click blue "View All" button just below & to right of  Discussion section.

((To receive email updates within a specific Discussion within our group, go to that Discussion page, and click the "Flollow" link.)

All are invited to receive an excellent locally relevant email
called "Garden E-News
", that is compiled & created with volunteer time by Shannon Maris.   Each email contains a current list of the many local garden activities & work-parties that our local community creates.   Pass on your event or info to her & request it be included in her next email.

  -  See You in the Garden or Around the Fire Circle! . . . . . . (HK 12/13/10)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network) to add comments!

Comment by Dov Shoneman on November 12, 2010 at 9:28am
Hi Lia,
Just reading your message now, friday morning. If you get this message today we can try and meet today, if not let's shoot for tomorrow. I will look for your message today.
Comment by Heather K on November 11, 2010 at 2:06am
Laura & Lia, thanks for initiating an intro medicine making workshop! I'd like to help. Let me know the dates when you have decide.
I've made some blue elderberry & herb tinctures in the past, and I'm learning more this year through some new green earth medicine books & also collecting fungi to learn some adaptive & immune enhancing tinctures. Thanks again for intitating a class!
I appreciate the vision & spirit of your sharing!

All: Center for Local Self Reliance had a great work-party last Sat thanks to work of Laura S & Joanne & their planning team!
We met a great fellow named Chris ? Hudson who donated his hand built (& from recycled materials) cidar press and many of us took home at least one gallon of fresh pressed apples cidar! Shannon & many other southside folks welcome more helpers on future Saturdays to complete the fence.

I've been delayed on posting a group discussion I've drafted to share medicine making & growing wisdom we each have to share, but its in process.

Be sure to welcome Sajah and read his broader TW discussion “calling on herbalists, medicinal plant farmers, distillers, medicine makers, wildcrafters, and anyone who has any genuine interest in medicinal plants” at this location:

Also welcome to other new Earth Garden group members.
I look forward to working together on the earth and learning from each other!

I recently met a new resident family of our Koma Kulshan watershed, (Inspirational Laurel neighborhood), named Dov Shoneman, who is also experienced with plants and medicines.
See his TW page at:

I'm looking forward to seeing many of us come together to share in the earth's abundance this Sat at Inspiration Farm for autumn seed-swap & barter exchange!

Pencil date for your calendar for our annual winter seed-swap for Sunday Jan 30th in b'ham.
....If the date is adjusted we'll let you'all know.
Comment by Laura J Sellens on November 4, 2010 at 10:13pm
Thanks for posting about the workparty, Heather! I'm replying in the wrong spot, but no, we have set dates yet. It depends on ordering/getting the echinacea and then giving a couple of weeks between for the tincture to extract.

Cindi--I see your point about starting small, but I think it was our intention to post it as an event. A small event. I really appreciate your offer to help! I'll be in touch.
Comment by Heather K on November 4, 2010 at 12:32am
Outdoor Community Rolving Garden-fence Work-party this Sat Nov 6th in Fairhaven at the Caretakers House -Rain or Shine!
Come between 9am – 3pm and wear your boots & warm clothing.
Bring tools if you have them! Join in with other supportors of the Center For Local Self Reliance (CLSR), and with Transition Whatcom-Fairhaven community who are creating a fun event that will include music, cider pressing, prizes, and volunteers who will help raise the fence, and walk our talk!
Bring yoru apples & containers to bring home some juice!
RSVP’s are helpful. Drop an email at or RSVP on the TW Events page

Hope to see you there!

There is limited parking on site, so please park at the main entrance to Fairhaven Park and walk on over.

If you have any of the following tools, please bring them along: tape measure, level, and cordless screwdriver (with Phillips bit). And, don’t forget your boots and warm clothing!
Questions? Give a call at 671-3380 or 676-1859.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on November 2, 2010 at 12:28pm
I am very interested in this herbal medicine making workshop. How can I help? My phone number is 319-9092 or send me an email on my profile page.

Are you planning on posting the 'event' on the events tab or keeping it less 'out there' and smaller? We all know the advantages of starting small,... like a seed :-)
Comment by Laura J Sellens on November 1, 2010 at 4:00pm
Hi all, Lia Ayley and I are fixin' to put on an introductory level herbal medicine making workshop in the near future. Echinacea tincture and comfrey salve. Wondering if anyone would like to collaborate? It also crossed our minds that it's likely some of you out there are more qualified to teach this so we thought we'd ask if there's interest. Apologies for any redundant emails, I'm sharing this with the Take Back Your Health and Re-skilling groups as well.
Comment by Randy Smith on October 29, 2010 at 1:56pm
Anyone have onion sets?
Comment by Brian Kerkvliet on October 29, 2010 at 1:41pm
Hi Farmers, Do you have your garlic in?
It was brought to my attention that many seed garlic sources are mostly sold out. So I wanted to let people know that I have 4 different kinds of seed garlic available. Grown at inspiration Farm an integrated Biodynamic farm.
Crystal Inspiration has been grown here for the past 12 years, the other varieties only 3 years but the heads have sized up considerably in that time.
If you want to get your garlic in the ground before the seed swap event feel free to call or stop by and see what I have.
Inspiration Farm
Ph 360-398-7061

Crystal Inspiration, A porcelain hard-neck
Spanish Roja, Hot hard-neck.
Inchelium Red "Very Best of the Soft-Necks."
Early Italian Purple, Soft-Neck
Comment by Heather K on October 19, 2010 at 4:37pm
Autumn Seed-Swap & Barter Exchange at Inspiration Farm!
Save the Date! Sat Nov 13th!

Please help us in co-creating this event and add your RSVP to the Event page:

Hope to see you there!

“....Plant Seeds!....Sing Songs!....& Share the Harvest!”
Comment by Heather K on October 8, 2010 at 4:36pm
Autumn garden & harvest time for Collecting Mushrooms, Dividing perennial medicinals, Completing harvest for frost sensitive crops, Adding frost protective plant covers to extend grow season, Planting winter cover crop & Protecting bare soil with thin mulch layer, and Getting that garlic planted!
And for us seed-savers- bringing in the final ripened seeds & fruit pods.

* * * * *
Below is fall list of active discussion topics and one grant opportunity.

Seasonally relevant seed-saving tips offered on some our members interactive blogs.

We've been sharing about corn,, tomatoes, fava beans and more...links posted below.
(Be sure to look over recent blog posts written by Celt or Walter...our most active garden & farm writers).
* * * * *
Cover crop discussion continued this autumn on Heather K's blog post
“Cover Crops-Green Manures & Soil Restoration”

* * * * *
Beginning market-gardeners & farmers might be very interested in this grant & educational opportunity sponsored by Sustainable Connections.
Be sure to look at the website link for more info-
Quote: “Applications are now available for the 2011 Food to Bank On, a Sustainable Connections project that connects beginning sustainable farmers with training, mentors and market support while providing fresh high-quality food to Whatcom's hungry.
2011 Food to Bank On applications are due November 1 and are available at For more information contact Sara Southerland at” endquote
* * * * *
Continuing need for safe sources of commercial compost for gardeners creating new gardens using sheet mulching method. Share your safe sources or follow one of our discussions at:
“Compost & Animal Poo & Organic Matter Locations”

* * * * *
Seed-Saving Blog Selections:



Sunchokes (jerusalem artichokes)

To receive an email for new blogs from your favorite writer, go to a members personal page, click on their blog link in the left column, scroll down, then click “ Follow– Email me when this member adds new blog posts”

* * * * * * *

More info on seed-saving resources, links, & books recommended can be reviewed on two of our sub-topic groups:

The Seed-Savers Group's “Seed-Saving Links- Books, Videos, Websites”

and also read on the Grain & Bean's Group

“ Recommended Books & Visual Resources- Grains & Beans” Discussion

* * * * * * *

Welcome New Members! I look forward to meeting you in person and connecting this winter. Many of us attended the annual Cloud Mountain Harvest Fest in the county last weekend for their annual fruit tasting event...and then went down to Cornwall Park for the urban TW Harvest Fest. For future events check your Garden E-News compiled by Shannon M and check the Events page on this TW site.
Our urban Center for Local Self-Reliance (CLSR) is currently working on installing a fence to prevent deer from entering. Volunteers still needed to help with installation, along with volunteers needed by many school garden projects that Common Thread Farm sponsors.

Members (206)


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