Transition Whatcom

The Chicken Club (The Flock)


The Chicken Club (The Flock)

A group for people who want to raise a few chickens, who have chickens or other poultry, are thinking about getting some poultry, or who just plain love chickens and ducks and geese!

Members: 81
Latest Activity: Nov 22, 2016

Discussion Forum

Homemade Chicken Feed

Started by Angela MacLeod. Last reply by Angela MacLeod Mar 10, 2015. 2 Replies

Laying ducks

Started by Pamela Novotny. Last reply by Pamela Novotny Aug 16, 2013. 2 Replies

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Comment by Deanna Lloyd on July 5, 2011 at 12:18am
Anybody in Bellingham have duck eggs they are looking to sell?  We would love to eat some!
Comment by Kate Clark on June 21, 2011 at 6:33pm

Thanks Angela. Very cool. I also found something the other day - a diagram- showing how the egg is laid and is sterile (the pressure from the egg coming out one pipe forces the waste pipe closed and the egg rolls out and stays sterile, until they step on it of course...weird but fascinating).  Got the 14 fryers butchered and it was dang uncomfortable driving home with all those little carcasses. Guess I'll get used to it.  I'll try Rooster Booster next time, thanks Jamie. 


Comment by Angela MacLeod on June 21, 2011 at 7:24am

For those who might be interested in how eggs develop with in chickens here is some info I found. I was looking to see how long eggs take to develop before they are laid. I am switching to a corn free feed so a friend of mine can eat our eggs. She has an allergy to corn and even eggs from chickens fed on corn bother her. So I was wondering how long on the corn free feed before the eggs would be built without corn in the hen's system.:

I looked on line for more info about egg development. I finally found a good description of how eggs develop within the chickens. I've included links in case you want to read more. Here is my quick summary:

 Starting in the ovary - which is a cluster of developing yolks....when one yolk has matured (takes 7 to 9 days), it gets released into the oviduct (canal) and goes through  all the other stages of building/growing  a complete egg (including the whites and membranes and finally the shell...and if a rooster is around, fertilization would happen right after the yolk is ovulated into the canal and before everything else is added). From the time it goes into the oviduct it only takes 25 to 26 hours for everything else to be built/grown. So 7 to 9 days to build the yolk and slightly more than one day to build the complete egg and lay it. Normally there is only one egg going thruough the oviduct at a time - one a day. but many yolks can be being built in the ovary at any given time.

So I think 10 days of a corn free diet would be enough time to clear out the previous corn in their systems. That is assuming that their bodies don't use any stored nutrients, but instead mostly uses nutrients from food currently ingested.

This link gives the most clear description of the egg formation process:

And these two links added some clarifying points that helped fill in some gaps:
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on June 10, 2011 at 10:25pm


WoW! Kate, sorry to hear of your chickie woes...I have one that's got a baldy back end and Ive been putting on Rooster Booster to keep the blood red from showing and her feathers are coming back in ~ Had you tried that by chance?  :)  Jamie

Comment by Kate Clark on June 10, 2011 at 10:02pm

UG.  Raising chickens is not for wimps-geez.  Head peckers, they are ruthless.  Next batch, we'll have better setup for separating as needed.  I have one with a serious head wound in the Chicken Recovery Pen, and one who is woozy and fading least I have her in a clean box so she doesn't get finished off by getting pecked to death.  


Comment by Kate Clark on June 1, 2011 at 2:43pm
Hey all- I am looking for a mobile butcher to come help us butcher our "walking fryers" in about a month. Any leads?
Comment by Erin Dixon on May 7, 2011 at 11:06pm

Wow John,

That is some pretty heavy duty stuff!  I had not heard of ICLEI - I will check into that further.  The Agenda 21 information also - I have heard that 'name' I dont even know where and I sure didn't know what it was about or that it could affect us here at home!  Strange how some UN thing can affect us right here in our own back yards.  I guess you really have to work at connecting the dots.  I saw something on youtube about the raw milk raids and I guess it caught my eye because when I was a kid growing up in Iowa I was raised on raw milk from our local dairy farmer - he even let me milk the cows sometimes.  I loved going to his farm!  I was aghast to find out many years later when I was in my early 20's and not living in my home state that the government had shut him down.  I heard nothing of this raw milk attack until now years later the youtube video was all over about the raid and I guess there have been many more?

I thought it was impossible to buy raw milk anywhere any more as you never see it and you don't see any dairy farmers selling it (that I know of). I figured it was deemed too unsafe and pasteurized with all the vitamins killed even with the organic milk which we only bought organic until shifting to our own goats milk (RAW! YAY!)  Then, low and behold, I started seeing a local dairy farmer selling milk at not one but two locations here in Whatcom - Laurel Feed store carries it and I think IGA is the other place I saw it.  We started buying it at Laurel and the other store before we converted to goat's milk and miraculously, no one in our family has died yet.  If I were not 100% certain of raw milk safety I sure wouldnt give it to my small child or anyone else I care about!  Since I lived on it and thrived for my entire childhood I figured it's okay as long as basic precautions are followed which amount to common sense.  We are all a little too germ phobic to such an extent that it has backfired and now kids especially can't fight off common illnesses because they are raised in too antiseptic environments plus all the hand sanitizers, anti bacterial soap, etc.  I know grandparents used to say - let 'em eat dirt - it's good for 'em.  Never knew what that meant til recently studying the whole kill every germ real and imagined!

Gosh, so I guess this means that it is only a matter of time before Laurel Feed and IGA are raided?  Is it illegal for them to sell the local dairy farmer's milk here?  Are they breaking the law?  I can't imagine they would sell something illegal???  Maybe it is just certain states its illegal to sell raw milk?  I'm confused.

Thanks for the information - clearly its important to check it out - even though we have our own milk source the whole Codex/Agenda 21 thing and what is going on locally in Whatcom Co. has a lot more to do with our food choices than the milk issue but that alone is a scary example of not having the choice of what we want to buy.   I guess it is legal for me to drink my own goat's milk?  Jeepers creepers I hope so!  Thanks a lot for the info.

Comment by John Hammell on May 7, 2011 at 3:11pm

Erin- A very good site for a lot of people here on Transition Whatcom is Democrats Against UN Agenda 21:  This highly "politically incorrect" site should be carefully examined by all open minded people who refuse to kowtow to the morons who walk in lockstep without engaging their brains


This article, ECO FASCISTS CALL FOR PRISON CITIES is all too accurate, and this trend is happening right here in Whatcom County via membership in ICLEI which is pushing UN Agenda 21 via zoning laws being used to push people out of rural areas and into urban centers where we can be more easily controlled.


County Exec Pete Kremen is an unwitting dupe of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

He attended a "Climate Change" meeting at their HQ in Tarrytown NY. The Rockefellers involvement in Eugenics has been going on for a long time. See  By spending taxpayers money on membership dues to ICLEI, Kremen has turned his back on the US Constitution and has aligned himself with the UN Charter which is based on the communist manifesto.


Kremen opposes private property rights and should be driven from office along with everyone on the Bellingham City Council which is also a member of ICLEI. Whatcom County WA is ground zero for implementation of ICLEI in the USA. People should wake up and stop allowing themselves to be used by the ruling elite scum who are laughing at people who assist them in imposing an agenda intended to radically cull our numbers. Its amazing how blind some people are! They'll jump on any band wagon without first analyzing what they're even a part of!

Comment by Erin Dixon on May 6, 2011 at 9:01pm

John, very interesting information, thanks for the links.  I have heard bits and pieces on this but the vids/links help bring it into focus and why it is of concern.  What is worrisome is the idea that control/use of lands by the state, municipalities, counties ends up under the control and decision making of a international governing body.  


It causes me to wonder if this isn't how some of the pure, untainted lands were destroyed by oil drilling, etc.  The people didn't see it coming or know that the land would be harmed causing them to get sick.  This is not presented as the same situation, but it could be a bait and switch; where something is presented as a really good idea (environmental protection on it's face if you don't read the documents or educate yourself) but sounds more like a land grab and for what-? is not told or known.  It is unlikely with the lust for oil and other natural resources that the government federal or beyond would be interested in "preservation" of anything especially with the growing demand for resources of all kinds.


It makes me wonder - if we are already stretch for resources as people here on this site and others talk about peak oil and whatnot - how does restricting people setting foot on land going to help this?  Isn't there supposed to be a global food crisis growing?  How does preventing the use of land for sustainable farming or any other kind of positive use help the global shortages for resources especially food?  

Gosh, I would feel better if they were designating areas as 'wetlands' or organic farming lands and the like.  This would protect the environment, help climate change issues, and provide health and bounty for natures creatures (honey bees, butterflies, etc) pollination of heritage crops, and so on.

I dont object to some mandates to protect land and foster the proper use of it which were lost with big agra and tossing in the trash the idea of rotating crops, allowing the land to rest/replenish and so on.  Why doesnt the government(s) ever grab land for these purposes.  I wouldnt object to them saying how it had to be used if the agenda were clear that it was for the good/health of the people, plants, animals, fish, etc.  Just cutting people off from access/living on it seems counter productive on so many levels it rather boggles the mind.

Thanks again for the important info. 

Comment by John Hammell on May 5, 2011 at 1:06pm

Jamie- That egg anomaly beats the ones I've had, but makes me wish I'd taken a photo of one egg recently because it was 3x as big as any other chicken egg I've had my chickens lay- it was just HUGE! Made me think a dinosaur had laid it or something. I finally went to the Bellingham pier and got a lot of discarded purse sein net which I used to build a protected outdoor run for the chickens so they can be out on the lawn under the sun but still protected from neighborhood dogs, coyotes, racoons, eagles. They sure do love having this extra space! I'm economizing on feed by supplementing their diet with tons of weeds I toss in to them from the meadow in front of the house which so far I have not mowed this spring and I always pick fiddlehead ferns which I feed them and also put in stir fries that I eat. I started a chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation here in Point Roberts and we're about to build a community chicken coop at Heart House, a new drop in center that a group of us are creating here in order to have a central location from which to teach skills people will need when the US Dollar is taken down to zero and we become the next Weimar Republic, something that sure is in the works right now. I am hoping to have that guy from 4th corner exchange come to talk to us because some of us here really want to create a buffer for when TSHTF since its already happening. I had a meeting a couple weeks ago with Sheriff Bill Elfo about all of this and he hears me. He shares my concerns that we could end up under martial law. So do two members of County Council- Barbara Brenner and Tony Larsen, but the rest of them are not connecting the dots- psychologically its not easy for people to consider the idea that we could actually have a total collapse of the US Dollar, but I think its highly probable and should be planned for by any prudent person. We sure as hell shouldn't count on FEMA to save us, not after observing what happened in New Orleans after Katrina. Better to prepare ourselves now in every way possible because everything the gummint touches turns to shit. When the US Dollar crashes theres a bunch of us here on "the bob" who want to flip Bird to America & Canada and start our own country..... anyone in Bellingham want to immigrate to a part of Whatcom County that is seriously looking at secession? Pete Kremin is a tool of the Rockefellers. He proved that by attending a meeting at the HQ of the Rocekfeller Brothers fund in Tarrytown NY. I sure as hell don't trust them, do any of you? Kremin is pushing ICLEI and UN Agenda 21 along with so called "Futurewise".... they can take their collectivist anti private property rights agenda and shove it. They're trying to drive people out of rural areas and force people into whack 'em and stack 'em urban housing and they sure as hell don't want people growin' their own food. Their long range goal is population control and societal control. Whatcom County is ground zero for implementation of UN Agenda 21 in the USA, and its not a good thing. A lot of very good people have been conned into supporting this agenda without even realizing what they're a part of. Watch this  and check this out  I'd really like to discuss this with any interested people on here. I am not anti environment, I cycle, hike all the time, raise chickens, do organic gardening, run a chapter of Weston Price Foundation, I recycle, have a compost bin---- but totally oppose the UNs efforts to impose genocide and to force us off the land and into prison cities.... don't think thats happening? You need to educate yourself. Whatcom County and the City of Bellingham are both dues paying members of ICLEI...... Bad move..... highly questionable..... The US Constitution and the UN Charter are not compatible at all. The UN Charter is based on the Communist Manifesto. Want to discuss this in real time? Call me at 800-333-2553 H&W I welcome a discussion with all interested people.


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