A group for people who want to raise a few chickens, who have chickens or other poultry, are thinking about getting some poultry, or who just plain love chickens and ducks and geese!
You need to be a member of The Chicken Club (The Flock) to add comments!
Comment by Deanna Lloyd on December 7, 2009 at 11:32am
Help! Sick chicken!
My littlest chick (she's always been the smallest) ran out of the coop this morning, but when I looked over to the area where I normally feed them...she was flopped on the ground. I picked her up and she is now in a box under a heat lamp eating and drinking, but she is VERY lethargic and passive....quite a big difference from her usual chipper self. The main thing I noticed is that her wings are "droopy"...she can't seem to hold them up and she seems unbalanced on her legs. Her poo is running with a yellowish hint to it. Anyone have any ideas what might be ailing her? We leave for Maui tomorrow morning so I am very worried.....looking up on the internet didn't give me the best hope.
Comment by Alicia Wills on December 1, 2009 at 12:43pm
Thanks, Kate, for initiating the idea of a group donation! Now I wish I'd waited so I could be part of the group donation. Oh well - maybe next year! ;-} I realized I had a typo in my first message: you get 20 chicks or ducklings or goslings for $20, not $10. But it's still a great deal for the recipients .... and for us. If you want to make a gift in someone else's name, via the Flock/Wonks, there are cards on the Heifer website - http://www.heifer.org/site/c.edJRKQNiFiG/b.3441339/ -
that you can print out and give to the person letting them know that you donated in their name.
Comment by Kate Clark on December 1, 2009 at 9:20am
If anyone wants to donate and can't make the Chicken Holiday Cluck-in on the 9th (see the invite in Events), you can send to me at 1013 Sehome Avenue, 98229 and I'll bring with me to the event. Or, pass your donation on to someone who IS coming and they can add to the donation jar when they are there. We'll pool with the Whatcom Chicken Wonks and all the donation made that evening. Then we'll make a large donation, with plenty of chicks! I'll keep you posted on how much we collect.
Comment by Cari Duffy on December 1, 2009 at 8:19am
Oh, Sorry I see that Chris has suggested we give the donations to Kate. Just let me know where to send it/drop if off. Thanks for the great idea!
Comment by Cari Duffy on December 1, 2009 at 8:18am
I'm also interested in contributing though I will not make the event. Perhaps I can pass my donation directly to you, Alicia?
Comment by Chris Wolf on November 30, 2009 at 11:57pm
I would chip in for the Heifer Intl chicken donation. I think that is a wonderful idea. If we each just chip in a few dollars (or more if we can), our whole group could give a donation that will really make a difference for a family, or a village! And if we want to promote global environmental stability, we need to make sure that people can feed their families in a sustainable way (or else they will feed them however they can!) Kate, will you collect the donations? We can bring them to the Cluck-In or send them to you? Thanks for the great idea!
Comment by Kate Clark on November 28, 2009 at 10:48am
Yay!! BeGACK! See you all there!
Comment by Deanna Lloyd on November 27, 2009 at 7:08pm
I like that idea Kate! I don't have much to donate, but I always try to find a worthy cause to donate a portion of my very meager wage to...This seems like a great way for a little to add up to a lot!
Comment by Kate Clark on November 27, 2009 at 1:07pm
How about The Flock pooling resources and giving a big donation for chickens in our name?
Comment by Ro Donelson on November 27, 2009 at 10:31am
Heifer Intl is wonderful!!! My mom gives sheep, because she is a knitter, my sister gives trees, and I give chickens... Everyone who has ever received the gift in their name has been wildly appreciative, and they have started the tradition as well. Such a win/win/win since the actual recipients of the animals are trained in husbandry and expected to pass on the gift to others in their communities. We are a global family and "when you give a man a fish...but when you teach a man to fish..." and we all need to feel/be self-sufficient and contributors to the common good. Thanks for spreading the word! Happy holidays
You need to be a member of The Chicken Club (The Flock) to add comments!