Transition Whatcom

Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)


Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)

Network-People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Event, Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying

Location: Cascadia Bioregion - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 212
Latest Activity: Jan 4, 2024

Welcome Earth Garden Friends! . .New members enjoy listening in & reading our current discussions & comments.

Together we are working towards Ecological Restoration 

 and Local Nourishment In Our Community & Homes.

 -  * Creating Edible Forest Gardens  * -

 All are Invited to be a Community Volunteer at many of the home-garden work-groups & work-parties.


Earth Gardens...Network: People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Events; Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying this to our local communities. 


Info/Resources for New & Seasoned Member, please review this Discussion:


To Create a New Discussion: Post your questions & info as a Discussion when multi comments/dialogue are needed to help reduce our email traffic from chatty comments.

View All our Current & Past Discussions & Resource lists:

 Scroll down & click blue "View All" button just below & to right of  Discussion section.

((To receive email updates within a specific Discussion within our group, go to that Discussion page, and click the "Flollow" link.)

All are invited to receive an excellent locally relevant email
called "Garden E-News
", that is compiled & created with volunteer time by Shannon Maris.   Each email contains a current list of the many local garden activities & work-parties that our local community creates.   Pass on your event or info to her & request it be included in her next email.

  -  See You in the Garden or Around the Fire Circle! . . . . . . (HK 12/13/10)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network) to add comments!

Comment by Paul Kuepfer on February 5, 2013 at 11:26pm

Watch this poignant and beautiful call to action: mushrooms can save the world.

Comment by Heather K on January 23, 2013 at 2:00am

Benefits of Saving Open-Pollinated & Heirloom Seeds.

Open-pollinated plant varieties make seeds that will grow into a plant of the same variety.  By planting these saveable varieties, we help preserve our horticultural heritage & its diversity.

Some seeds have been grown, selected, & preserved by farmers/gardeners since ancient times.  These seeds were selected for exceptional flavor, nutrition, and for extended harvest season. Biodiversity strengthens our ecosystem. The ability to feed ourselves strengthens our freedom to live our democracy,

and maintain our inherent right to self-governance.

Hybrid seeds, on the other hand, grow into plants which, while they are usable plants in themselves,

will not produce seed of the same varietyhybrids do not 'breed true'.

The gardener who plants hybrid varieties, will have to buy seed every year, and seed production is concentrated in the hands of a few companies, often owned by petro-chemical corporations.  Many seeds for sale in stores are hybrids, bred to produce under agri-business conditions. (Biotech is about ownership.. the illusion of “owning” the seeds).

Good resource book: “Seed to Seed” by Suzanne Ashworth for a guide on saving vegetable seeds.

Small farmers are a threat to the consolidation of absolute power.” - Farmer Eliot Coleman

Continued or follow blog post:

Comment by Heather K on January 11, 2013 at 2:31am

5th Annual Bellingham Community Seed Swap Sunday January 27 at The Majestic- 1027 N. Forest St. in Bellingham.

Getting Seeds Into The Hands of the People”

Open to the Public -No Fee -Donations accepted!

***. GMO-Free -Event! ***.

*-Label Your Seeds & Bring Extra Envelopes to Share-*


1:00 Doors Open

1:15 Opening Circle & Swap Etiquette

1:30 Swapping Seeds & Sharing Stories

2:00 “Basic Seed Saving” talk by Celt Schira

4:00 Swap Ends & Clean Up


*. People With Heirloom Seeds, Packaged Seeds,

Edible Tubers & Seed Potatoes To Share

*. People Without seeds welcomed who want seeds to grow & save!

Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on December 7, 2012 at 11:30am
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on November 11, 2012 at 3:04pm
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on November 8, 2012 at 6:10am
Comment by Sarah Robertson on November 6, 2012 at 7:59pm

Thank you for sharing Heather!  

Comment by Heather K on November 6, 2012 at 1:59pm

Beautiful -inspiring-shocking film "Chasing Ice"   One of the best films of the decade, with time-elapse scenes of ancient landscapes of glaciers & deep ice that have existed since our collective human memory- that have now melted into water & are releasing ancient air that was been frozen for millennium. 

I've been inside deep blue ice crevasses and walked ancient glaciers as a mountain climber-  this film captures both the beauty & power of a rarely seen earth landscape, and shows  the visual truth of an immense geologic climate change that is happening right now in our lifetime.

This film returns to Pickford Theater Nov 16th-Tues Nov 20th! Not to be missed!

Show time details at-

Comment by Heather K on November 6, 2012 at 1:58pm
Anyone who is truly committed to eating more local would benefit by any of Krista Romes weekly fall classes!   Learn how to store & prepare our local foods to last youfamily t through spring! Reduce winter grocery store trips. Nothing tastes better than harvest season home-cooked squash, potatoes, apples, roots, cabbage, and homemade fermented beverages that store without refrigeration!
Celt Schira will be teaching “Subsistence Gardening” November 18th . Subsistence gardening includes energy crops as well as vegetables. Learn how to grow your own food in a small area, with minimal inputs of time, water and mechanization. Class covers energy crop varieties for the maritime northwest (potatoes, corn, beans, dry peas, beans, wheat, barley), using cover crops to boost soil fertility, managing diseases and pests, and low tech methods for harvesting and processing. Register through Whatcom Folk School.).  Her events & blogs are posted at:
Beekeeper, Karen Bean, is planning on speaking next Weds Nov 14th, 2012 at our local  beekeeping club meeting.  Karen  is my local beehive mentor as she does not use toxic chemicals & she overwinters her hives.  
Although there are only a handful of members who are committed to learning non-chemical methods  of working with the honeybee species,  the knowledge shared by the long time beekeepers is still valuable – and every beekeeper has a different opinion and different way.  The club meets once a month
Comment by Heather K on November 6, 2012 at 1:57pm

Interested in volunteering to plan a January 2013 Seed Saving & Swap Event? Attend a planning tea & post your interest as comment on Heather K page We need new volunteers to take a lead in planning & set up!.

Good News! Benton County, Oregon citizens are in the process of creating a “Food Bill of Right” that would protect their ability to grow local food using their local grown heritage seeds!  Let Heather K know when you sense Lynden & Ferndale citizens are ripe for initiating an ordinance in Whatcom county.
GMO Awareness network -
Seed-saver's network at-
Buy Backup Seeds- Just in Case”   by Farmer Walter Haugen.
To receive future posts by Farmer Walter, click “Follow” at bottom of his TW discussion page-

Members (206)


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