Transition Whatcom


Heart and Soul

An opportunity for us all to work together and support each other on Heart and Soul issues and activities. Please add your projects, events, questions and ideas here.

Location: Whatcom County
Members: 77
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2016

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Sat. 2/18: Christ in the Cosmos / The Journey of the Universe

Started by David MacLeod. Last reply by Patricia Herlevi Apr 14, 2012. 1 Reply

Community Space for Rent

Started by LAURIE RISKIN Sep 24, 2011. 0 Replies

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Comment by Kay Dayss on February 15, 2010 at 1:50pm
Thanks, Morgan. I've been wondering if this group should really be called "Transition Bellingham" as the county seems to be excluded. If you all truly do feel that it is too far to travel, even on the bus, to county places, this is obviously not a good group for me, and I strongly recommend that you all change your name to "Transition Bellingham" so that others will know too that you are not interested in county folk.

Morgan, if you personally are interested in being a part of Earth Creativity School, you are welcome, but I need to know what days and times will work for you. I'm not interested in an application. All the technology will go belly up in the transition, so it is important that we transition to human-nature interactions.

I've been doing circles for 20+ years, and we have found that 4 is the minimum, 6 is optimal, and 12 is the absolute maximum for this. Even when I held these kind of sacred circle meetings in Bellingham at the food co-op's building, I never had 12 people show up, so we will never have to worry about having too many people.

Creating art together is the most powerful community activity we can do for the transition. Art and sharing are what will help us transition to the NEW STORY. We've been doing "talk" for hundreds of years and it has only gotten us into this mess. As Einstein reminded us, we can't do what we've always done and expect a different result.

D.H. Lawrence's poem says it best:

When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego
and when we escape like squirrels turning in the
cages of our personality
and get into the forest again,
we shall shiver with cold and fright
but things will happen to us
so that we don’t know ourselves.
Cool, unlying life will rush in,
and passion will make our bodies taut with power,
we shall stamp our feet with new power
and old things will fall down
we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like
burnt paper

D.H. Lawrence

It's hard to feel this in the city. You city folks need to get out into the county at least once a week if you really want to transition to a NEW STORY for you, for our Mother the Earth, and for Evolution.

Love and Blessings,
Kay ... who used to be a city girl so I know how hard it is for you to let go.
Comment by Angela MacLeod on February 14, 2010 at 6:56am
Here's my input and interests for heart and soul. Thanks to those who are continuing to develop this part of transition.

*Book study group using the Heart section of the Transition Handbook or the book 'Finding Your Power" by Chris Johnstone. (Johnstone contributed heavily to the heart section in the Transition Handbook on the topic of the psychology of change). I like the flexibility of a book study group where participants can read on their own at their own pace with everyone focusing on the same section of the book. Then getting together on a regular date and sharing insights and question from the reading.

*Sharing circles: Specifically a place where people can speak what ever is on their heart/minds and just be heard. I especially value no cross talk or diversions into discussion or debates. I deeply believe that when people are given nonjudgemental attention/presence (aka empathy) that this is a way to access our inner wisdom. Rather than being advised or having people intellectually problem solve, this presenceing to one another seems to engage our hearts and the innate healing power gets activated. (I love the mind and intellectual aliveness, but there is plenty of that already and not much of this other kind wisdom accessing). I imagine a group where the format is a simple circle, a heart and soul topic is chosen or it's just open, an object is passed and who ever has the object may share. A period of meditation/silence is always helpful in the beginning/end. I also like toning or song but that might not be a happy thing for everyone.

Another kind of group sharing experience I'd like more of is to have an activity that people do together, like Morgan's idea of a wilderness meditation hike. Follow the activity with a sharing circle as described above. This format could be around any activity even a work project.

*NVC (Non Violent Communication, AKA Compassionate Communication): I'd like to practice with others in a group or one-on-one. I also have Video workshops and CDs of Marshall Rosenbergs workshops. Anyone who would like to practice one-on-one please contact me. I would also enjoy coaching newbies.

*Singing with others: I'm not a leader in this area but I have a good ear and would love to sing in a group.
Comment by Morgan on February 13, 2010 at 10:01pm
In response to Cindi Shedon's last comment:

It is nice to see your guys ideas on here. Thank you for taking the time to get together and do some brainstorming. I think the ideas on your list are awesome and I get excited just reading it, imagining these things actually being immersed and thriving in our community. Some ideas that I came up with after reading your post were:

fitting with support groups...
meditation groups:
where the sole purpose is to get together and meditate. Perhaps there could be time for each member to share a short reading or poem as well, if inspired to do so. And some time to share a profound experience/realization from their week. A place to share the quiet, to be in the presense of each other in the quiet. A safe place to process, greive and open up. On a weekly basis.
****I believe this is essential****

I think connecting with nature is very important and healing.
Perhaps wilderness therapy meditation hikes?

What about Heart & Soul events and groups for children?

Perhaps we could have a meeting soon where the main intention is going over the heart & soul handbook together.

Any one,
Is there a way to distribute this portion of the handbook through email or internet? Then perhaps we could individualy read it and bring up ideas/reflections/important passages when we gather?

Perhaps a heart & Soul calendar:
where there are all sorts of heart and soul events happenning in our community. I think it is awesome and very helpful to acknowledge and join forces working toward similar visions.

Heart and soul skill share events?

Food can be very healing too,
potlach in the woods?

I am motivated to start acting on some visions.

What do you all think bout meeting some time soon to go over the Heart & Soul Section of the Transition Handbook?
Does this seem like it would be helpful to any one else?

Please to give feedback.

I hope you all are well and I miss meeting up...
It's been a while.

Comment by Cindi Landreth on February 9, 2010 at 3:14pm
Francis Moore Lappe wrote a book called 'Getting a Grip; Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad' - and she just published a revision. I read it and thought it was great a few years ago. Bellingham is mentioned in it!

Francis Moore Lappe is a keynote speaker for The Great Unleashing (thanks to Village Books!) - I think her perspective could add some interesting components to this Heart and Soul group.

Thanks for doing this, Cyndy and Kathryn!
Comment by Cyndy Sheldon on January 12, 2010 at 5:39pm
I think a "think" tank would be an excellent idea. There may be things we can do to prevent some of the usual things that occur such as listed in Cindi's note. Is there a safe place where people can go to grieve, to express their rage, to release their built up tension and anxiety. I have done dance/movement groups for such expression and release, art work, putting the "enemy" (ie: the govt, or the corporations, etc" on a chair and expressing whatever) These kinds of exercises, if done with proper guidance can release enormous amount of internal feelings. When done in a group there is more permission and bonding that occurs. Often laughter is one of the outcomes! And there is a new laughter event in Fairhaven now at the firehouse, which would be a nice addition. Lets get some folks together to brainstorm!
Comment by Cindi Landreth on December 6, 2009 at 8:06pm
Hi Everyone
This email came through today from my friend and fellow Transition Trainer. I think they are doing very important work and may be doing some things that we may be wanting to think about. Perhaps we need a Heart and Soul Think Tank....well, maybe a Feel Tank!

View As Web Page
Experts such as Dmitry Orlov and Richard Heinberg, on the social/economic crises today’s environmental challenges are setting in motion, have been predicting for some time now that we will see severe psychological issues arise as circumstances worsen. This report I got today from Carolyn Baker’s Speaking Truth to Power Daily Updates suggests such issues are not longer in the future but are upon us now.


In our local Transition Initiative, we are working hard to have services and resources in place as well as to be sure that helping professionals understand the nature, magnitude and scope of what they are and will be seeing. The same is occurring in other Initiatives. Being a remote area in a poor county we are setting up services many cities already have but which are not available here without considerable travel. For example, we have created the 1st Red Cross Mental Health Emergency Response Team in the county and are beginning to training teams in other counties. We have established a Community Mental Health Network among our few local practitioners and are arranging for local provision of services through Victims of Crime (incl. child and spousal abuse, DUI victims etc) as well as a child monitoring services. We’re busily educating our first responders to recognize the need for these services and the importance of connecting those in need with our new services.

We’re also working to extend drug and alcohol abuse programs for teens into our area and to set up workshops for teen age girls on media literacy. We’re working to bring Meals on Wheels here for our elderly who cannot get out. This ties in well with our local food-growing efforts.

This is just a beginning for us. There is so much to be done. If you live in a metro area you may already have these particular services where you live, but are they prepared for what’s to come? Are they sufficiently aware of what is at hand and why? Do they have the mindset, skills, and resources (increasingly most likely volunteers) to respond appropriately? What services are missing? What misconceptions underlie current arrangements?

This article is a beacon, signaling that we must begin helping our communities take the necessary steps prepare for and deal with the social and emotional consequences of today’s eco-nomic realities.

Sarah Anne Edwards, LCSW, PhD Ecopsychologist, Director, Let's Live Local,
a non-profit organization working to build a resilient, local Elm Street Economy
Let's Live and a US Transition Initiative Trainer
Comment by David MacLeod on December 1, 2009 at 2:39pm
Part of Heart & Soul work is to identify ways in which our culture contributes to our own dysfunction, and to work on escaping this dysfunction.

Consider attending tonight's talk at Village Books by author Cecile Andrews on her new book of essays, entitled "Less is More." Stop by the Transition table I'll be manning, and say 'hi.'

And check out my Forum post on the same theme: Concepts of Curtailment and "Less is More."
Comment by Angela MacLeod on November 25, 2009 at 10:19pm
Hi Linda,
You could start by going to the website:(
You could give me a call and we could talk on the phone about it or maybe get together before the 4th and I could tell you about the process. Leave me a message on my page if you like.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on November 16, 2009 at 9:50pm

Check out these little videos that are showing how 'fun' can make people change their behaviors!
Comment by David MacLeod on November 8, 2009 at 9:36pm
Just added to our Videos page, thank to a tip from Cindi Landreth: "The Waking Up Syndrome." Ecopsychologist Sarah Edwards is interviewed by Janaia Donelson on Peak Moment TV.

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