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Morgan's Friends

  • David Zhang
  • Penny Chambers
  • Elena Dominguez
  • Rhys Faler
  • Janaki Kilgore
  • Alborz Monjazeb
  • Burke Mulvany
  • RJ Haykin
  • Travis Linds
  • Jim Rich and Rick Bulman
  • mark huber
  • Jo Ann McNerthney
  • Brook Hayes
  • Krista Rome
  • David Pike

Morgan's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
joy of nature
joy of connection
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I am interested because of you. I have a deep longing and such immeasurable joy through my connection with our mother earth and the more time I spend playing in her soil, communicationg with her animals, and allowing my creativity to mingle and dance with her nourishing gifts, the more I realize and understand both this longing and this joy. The seeded desire within my heart for reconnecting with our mother gaia as her child has roots far deeper than any other passion and inspiration within my being. I see the wave coming and I am excitedly becoming prepared to ride it with my heart and other fellow human hearts. Oh, what an exciting time to be here! My soul brought me here for sure, like a magnet.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
air as nourishment, All I really know, in the core of my Being, my essense, is feeling the joy connecting with nature, my mother, and connecting with humans, creating true connection, heart connection, with my brothers and sisters. I hope and long for us to not be so isolated from eachother, ACCEPTANCE. I hope to be in and be a part of creating a dedicated group of humans to help eachother open up to our true self. If you are interested in creating such a group as well please do contact me. I love animals. I learn so much from them, of how to be, how to not take everything so personally, how to be more intouch with the reality of nature. And plants, so much inspiration! so much life! so humble and wise. I have no greater joy than when I am able to give of my self. Truly, I feel no greater purpose than helping to mend the heart of the people and our connection with earth.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
near lake padden, on Yew st.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).

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Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 4:43pm on June 16, 2011, Sarah Robertson said…
Hey, I got your voicemail, but i cannot call you back because i do not have your phone number.  Next week sometime I will stop in Namaste.  I am busy this weekend for making chocolate, but next week i will be there.  I hope i find a way to get a hold of you!
At 5:28pm on June 19, 2010, Judith Culver said…
Hi, Morgan, A young woman named Rain Forever has moved from Ferndale to "downtown Bellingham near WWU". Could you contact her at and help her connect with transitioners there? I wonder if Transition Downtown is meeting. I only met her one time and don't know what her interests are. Thanks for whatever help you can give her. I think she is pretty shy. Judith
At 11:47am on February 8, 2010, Juliet Thompson said…
Hi Morgan,
Here's a great website on goat breeding.
Thanks for the milking experience last night. It was fun, and I'm practicing!

Love, Juliet
At 10:04pm on January 28, 2010, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi Morgan,

Oooops. The prior message -- and this one -- is from Rick Dubrow, not Cindi. CIndi is my wife. I'm on our home computer; I didn't realize that her name would appear as the sender. My email address = Feel free to email me there instead of using the NING site which is a bit more ackward.
At 10:02pm on January 28, 2010, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi Morgan,

Sorry it's taken me this long to respond. I'm so glad you're willing to coordinate this. THANK YOU!

Rain would be a bummer. What if the chalk team had a date set up perhaps a week before TGU, and postponed the art if there's rain until there's a good day? I see no other way to deal with this. Yes, there's the possibility that there will be 7 days in a row of rain. Or perhaps the first day to shoot for is 10 days before hand?

I would see the roll of coordinator would go like this:
1. We seek out your team via an invitation to our membership email; I could lead this invitation effort
2. Once team is identified you all meet to discuss the actual goal and the actual art and actual logistics (i.e. ID the right places to do it; break up into teams; etc.)
3. Meet as many times as necessary
4. Do the art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Perhaps your team would also do art at the actual TGU

We have money for the chalk so you'd have no monetary outlay.

My high dream is that your art would attract some press which would attract further attendees. I see it as gorilla marketing, if you're familiar with the term.

How does this sound?
At 11:08pm on January 27, 2010, Kate Clark said…
Hi Morgan
I'll stop by tomorrow after work...I have been wanting to check out the whole show. I heard the opening was a lot of fun. Now we need to think how we'll "art up" the Great Unleashing!
At 8:26pm on January 16, 2010, David Pike said…
Yer phone was laying on the floor of the DreamRoom and I picked it up so it wouldn't get stepped on and put it in my pocket which I just found now that im home. I'll drop it off @bloom tomorrow.
At 9:50pm on January 13, 2010, David Pike said…

I've been trying to call you and your voice mail box is full! give me a call when you see this.
At 4:44pm on January 4, 2010, Heather K said…
Hi Morgan! So glad you called last night! I was up in a magnolia tree pruning suckers!
I still have fruit trees & roses needing pruned before spring sap rises, and fruiting shrubs & trees to plant! Want to come over Weds & work with me in the garden?
I just left a comment for Janaki on her TW page re the Fertile Dream Blooms art & seed event. I'll send you copy. Call me again & lets connect...I should be in town this Mon pm and also a few other nights. I tried to call you back but couldn't get through to leave message on your cell. My life is full attempting to wrap up & pack up for my southern latitude gardening!
Hugs! Mmmm...If you milked the cows last night...maybe you'll have some hot chocolate to share! We can also meet out at my place anytime!
At 9:54pm on December 18, 2009, David Waugh said…
Hey, good to hear back from you. I'll be ordering up prints this weekend likely. Did Paul Kearsley contact you about the show? I talked to him at the last art walk and told him about it, and he's interested in having his stuff in the show.

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