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Retreat and Lenten DVD-Discussion Series: Stillpoint at Beckside Retreat Center
Participants in the Series receive a FREE copy of No Ordinary Time by Jan Phillips.
Franciscan theologian Ilia Delio holds that the age of the universe alone requires us to talk about creation and Christ in new language: “The whole cosmos, from the big bang on, is that Word of God being spoken in the vast spaces of the universe.”
Drawing upon the teachings of both scientists and Christian theologians and teachers, this retreat and DVD series gives us an opportunity to ‘grow’ our understanding of the “Christ” and to think in new ways about God, creation and the Incarnation.
“Big Bang One is the cosmos; Big Bang Two is God exploding now in human history and giving an explicit direction to the whole course of evolution in Jesus Christ.” -Illia Delio
We will begin this series on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 from 9am to 1pm. This gathering will include contemplative prayer, the watching of “The Journey of the Universe” DVD by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker, a facilitated labyrinth walk and group reflection/discussion.
All the following meetings will be held on Thursday evenings in March (3/1-3/29) from 7-9pm. This series will include Richard Rohr’s DVD teaching entitled, “Toward a Cosmic Christ: A Non-Dual Vision”, other DVDs, and study of the book No Ordinary Time by Jan Phillips, among other readings from Ilia Delio.
All are invited to join us on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 whether or not you are able to join us for the Thursday evening sessions.
Facilitators: Linda Conroy, Dot Courtis, Jennifer Johnson and Myra Smith
To register: Email Linda Conroy: or call 733-9414. A deposit of $30 is requested to hold your space. 16 spaces available for the Thursday Lenten Series. Partial scholarships scholarships available. Make checks payable to: Stillpoint at Beckside and mail to Stillpoint c/o 908 W. Indiana St., Bellingham 98225.
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