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The Chicken Club (The Flock)


The Chicken Club (The Flock)

A group for people who want to raise a few chickens, who have chickens or other poultry, are thinking about getting some poultry, or who just plain love chickens and ducks and geese!

Members: 81
Latest Activity: Nov 22, 2016

Discussion Forum

Homemade Chicken Feed

Started by Angela MacLeod. Last reply by Angela MacLeod Mar 10, 2015. 2 Replies

Laying ducks

Started by Pamela Novotny. Last reply by Pamela Novotny Aug 16, 2013. 2 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Chicken Club (The Flock) to add comments!

Comment by John Hammell on April 2, 2011 at 7:42am
Does anyone know of a source of netting that can be used to protect chickens from the air? Someone gave me some hog wire that I'm going to use to create a run so I can get my chickens out of the coop so they can get more sunlight and eat weeds and worms and stuff, but I don't have enough hogwire to do more than use it for the walls of this run. There are a lot of eagles here in Point Roberts so I want to protect them from the air. There are too many dogs, coyotes and coons around here for me to let my chickens out into the yard unless I keep them protected. I considered building a chicken tractor, but it would take more time than I have right now- thats a project for sometime in the summer.
Comment by Kate Clark on March 30, 2011 at 2:08pm

Thanks for the advice- I'm checking out the leads.  Leaning towards the cornish cross so far.  Sorry I have another there a mobile butcher in operation here in Whatcom county? 


Comment by Terese VanAssche on March 30, 2011 at 1:25pm

Response to Kate:

I raised 60 meat chickens years ago, white Cornish Cross.  They did very well in our climate (just further south from Bellingham.)  Did not seem to be overly agressive or peck on each other the way some meat hens do.


Comment by Angela MacLeod on March 25, 2011 at 5:36am

Reply to Kate's question as to where to get meat chickens...I'd ask Alexandra at Inspiration Farm. They've raised chickens for meat quite a few times over the years. I bet they'd be able to give you some info.
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on March 24, 2011 at 11:35pm


Hello Chicken Folk,
I have a broody hen, the same one as last fall....I am wondering if anyone may have fertile eggs that I may get from you to put under her, to diversify my flock and also hopefully get more colors of eggs!!??


Also, does anyone have any thoughts on buying chicks and putting them with a broody hen??

Comment by Kate Clark on March 24, 2011 at 10:43pm

Hello, my Flock:

First of all- I am humbled and amazed by my girls...I let them forage in the yard this winter and apparently they have eaten all the baby slugs.  We have things coming up that typically get mowed down before we even know they are growing! I LOVE those hens. They layed all winter- bless them.


Also, we are going to get 30 chicks and raise them for meat this year.  Any suggestions as to type and where to get the best ones?  THanks!!

Comment by Alicia Wills on March 24, 2011 at 8:36pm
My ducks started laying again today! Waaack!!!
Comment by Alicia Wills on March 23, 2011 at 8:41am
I give mine ground up pumpkin seeds periodically as a worm expellent.  I usually put it in some cooked oatmeal for a treat and mix in some booster vitamins.
Comment by Angela MacLeod on March 23, 2011 at 7:10am

Would anyone be willing to share what they have in their first aid 'kit' for their chickens? I'd also like to hear about anything you do routinely for your chickens health, beyond good food, oyster shell, grit, greens and bugs. Do you have a deworming routine?

I give my gals apple cider vinegar in their water most days as an immune booster.

Comment by Heather K on March 22, 2011 at 5:24pm
Hello my flock friends!  Spread the word to your chicken loving neighbors!


"Chickens at Home"- Mandy Wittmier- Weds April 6th-

Birchwood Garden Club Meeting. - Gardeners from all locations welcome to join.

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