A group for people who want to raise a few chickens, who have chickens or other poultry, are thinking about getting some poultry, or who just plain love chickens and ducks and geese!
Thanks Alicia for organizing this. Very informative!!
Comment by Penny Chambers on November 14, 2009 at 9:15pm
The tour today was fabulous! Such good information and variety of coops to see. Thank you for organizing this!
Comment by Kate Clark on November 14, 2009 at 6:33pm
Did anyone take pictures? Is that a nutty thing to ask? I am getting ready for tomorrow and will be the Champion for the chicken group...hope to see some of you there. I bet The Flock will grow by a few members and the next tour may be bigger.
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 14, 2009 at 6:27pm
A successful coop tour today: eight people visiting four coops. I'm closing the Coop Tour discussion thread for now. We can re-open it when we're ready to plan another tour. Thanks, everyone, for a fun and informative afternoon!
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 12, 2009 at 7:20pm
Look at the top of the Coop Tour discussion for the final Saturday tour info! Hope to see you Saturday!
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 9, 2009 at 8:32am
Coop Tour date is announced! More info on the Coop tour discussion page.
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 7, 2009 at 7:06pm
Rounding up a bunch of enthusiastic progressives seems to be a lot like herding chickens. Do you think bird seed might work? It's magic with my girls - their favorite treat and they'll follow me anywhere. Of course the ducks are another story ....
Comment by Heather K on November 7, 2009 at 6:43pm
Thanks Alicia for the time & patience it must take to figure out how to round us up. When folks go to Alicia's discussion "Coop Tour" page, be sure to click 'follow' to keep current with the discussion thread.
Re TW discussion pages - I've learned to click 'Follow" to have the discussions forward to me or to click 'Un-follow' when I need to reduce traffic. Also, when traffic on a group is too busy, we can click 'Un-follow' and just check on the discussions when we sign on to the TW ning.......And darn if I didn't miss the 2nd chicken movie!
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 7, 2009 at 4:43pm
Okay - more learning curve. I've started a discussion called Coop Tour. Anyone wanting to give input or feedback about the tout can go there so we don't clog up this thread with logistic stuff. DO you figure 30? 45? minutes at each coop?
Comment by Alicia Wills on November 7, 2009 at 4:32pm
Well, so much for the Ning learning curve, folks. I'm still figuring out how to use this site. I figured we could respond to an email all group members. SInce people, including me, are reluctant to post their addresses here, perhaps those who are interested in showing their coop could let me know at my email address: townmouse@earthlink.net, along with address and directions if it's hard to find. Also would be helpful if you could give me a short description of what sort of coop/setup you have - ie small urban backyard/large meat & egg/ other types of poultry/etc. Then I can make a map and figure out the timing. So far it seems that we'll start at noon on either the 14th or 21st.
You need to be a member of The Chicken Club (The Flock) to add comments!