A group for people who want to raise a few chickens, who have chickens or other poultry, are thinking about getting some poultry, or who just plain love chickens and ducks and geese!
You wont believe what happened today. Well yesterday we got a confirmation email from MPC (mypetchicken) saying our chickens will ship on March 15. This morning the post office called and said our chicken is ready. lol. So we picked up 5 chicks, not a breed we ordered. When we called they said there was a man in Florida calling all day about his missing chicks. So it turns out we got 5 Rhode Island Reds to start our flock. And we still have 6 Favorolles on the way in March. Now we need to build a bigger coop. They are adorable and a great breed. What a surprise they turned out to be.
Comment by Kate Clark on February 19, 2010 at 6:09pm
Or is it the other way around?
Comment by Kate Clark on February 19, 2010 at 6:07pm
You see up above your comment if will say Follow or Stop Following...if you click on it and afterwards it says Stop Following, you'll get the emails because you are now on the setting Follow! If you click on Stop Following and it now says Follow, you won't get the emails because you are actually on Follow! Follow?
Comment by Alys Kennedy on February 19, 2010 at 10:21am
Wow....I just got on line and checked out The Flock (this) part of TW and discovered that a LOT has been going on since last I visited here...and, I hadn't visited the site because I was not getting any notices in my email that there were new posts.....which used to happen. I just figured it was winter, the holidays, and all were very busy with other things...but, not the case. So, I am wondering, does anyone know if TW no longer sends you an email when a new comment comes on the places where you are a member? I would have loved to have participated in the Heifer donatations, I have been giving Heifer gifts for many years, and I love doing it! If TW is no longer sending out notice emails, I guess I will just have to check in here more often, as I like the exchanges that go on. And, for whoever it was who asked about a good informative and simple book I would recommend Alanna Moore's "Backyard Poultry Naturally." It is a bit expensive, but well worth the cost. Easy to follow and full of good useful information. Also, if you have questions the books don't answer you can talk to Glen at Hohl's Feed and Seed in Bham, he has raised all sorts of birds, including chickens, for about 30 years and is full of good info! Also, a book I got at Hohl's, Hobby Farms Chickens, by Sue Weaver, has a lot of good information in it.
Comment by Kate Clark on February 12, 2010 at 10:20am
Hello poultry pals- we have our BIG Great Unleashing happening on Saturday and Sunday April 10 and 11 this spring. I am hoping we will be able to provide a table/exhibit (not alot of room unless we are outside), and someone had suggested they would like to bring a girl or two (appropriately housed) for display. We would want to have one or two folks there during the day to talk to people who have questions or are interested in learning more about raising chickens. Also, I have asked Barbara if she is interested in coordinating a 45 minute workshop, (and I have my fingers crossed she will say yes!), so she would be looking for support for that too.
Just wanted to put a bug in your ear about this so you can mark you calendar, and plan on maybe volunteering for an hour at the table at least. The Flock and Wonks unite!
Comment by Deanna Lloyd on February 12, 2010 at 9:40am
Thanks Alicia for letting me know about the dry skin - worm correlation. I remember the post you are referring to from Alys...Thanks so much for your help, my girls are starting a new diet regime today!
Comment by Alicia Wills on February 11, 2010 at 12:31pm
I hear that sometimes worms can cause the dry skin, feather loss and general malaise. Try ground up pumpkin seeds to expel them and put some cider vinegar in the water (1 tsp per gallon) to create an acid environment in their system in case there's some bacteria trying to get a hold. I give my girls vinegar several times a month on general principle. Also, if you look near the very beginning of these posts, there is one from Alys with a ton of herbal worming information. Good luck!
Comment by Deanna Lloyd on February 11, 2010 at 12:18pm
One of my chickens isn't looking the best (I seem to have very bad luck with Brahmas...). She is losing neck feathers (perhaps a bit due to molting), but when I examine her neck, her skin is EXTREMELY dry looking. Any suggestions? She isn't acting like her usual spunky self and I can see in her eyes that she isn't feeling the best. Thanks for your help!
Hi All -- I am wanting to get started on a small flock of layers this spring. Currently, I have nothing... Can you suggest a good uncomplicated "raising chickens" book? Also, I have a bit of space, so would like to construct a movable coop. Is there a good place to find plans? I appreciate any suggestions and am looking forward to beginning this new project. Thanks!
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