Transition Whatcom

Forest Garden
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Forest Garden's Friends

  • Andrew Eckels
  • Rene Laventure
  • Benjamin Buatte
  • Hannah Coughlin
  • Kristen McLewin
  • Beth Chisholm
  • Irene Hinkle
  • Charles Kelm
  • Joanne Cady
  • Erin Thompson
  • Linda Du Bois
  • Lori Jo
  • Megeara Noland
  • Laura J Sellens
  • Amy Martin

Forest Garden's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I am just discovering the site!
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I recieved an email about the gardening networking!
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Our Urban Ecology Center offers opportunities to learn about Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Permaculture Design. We are currently gardening with all our neighbors! Look for our upcoming classes, events & open houses. Our spring focus is on Urban Wetlands Management. email us for information at
Tues Eves Roving Gardeners Get Togethers see Sustainable Bellinghams website.
Weds Eves: Community Garden Networking Open House
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Cornwall Park

Forest Garden's Blog


Posted on June 8, 2009 at 10:38am 0 Comments

Join us on Tuesday June 9th 6-10 for the Roving Garden Garthering in the Cornwall Park Neighborhood. We'll be meeting in the back yard of the neighbors at the corner of Peabody & Victor St.

The Peabody Street Neighborhood Garden is growing.

With the collaboration of all our neighbors we are managing our urban wetland together.

We'll be planting and building garden beds, showing how runoff can adversly affect plants in urban settings, and what you can do about it.

Contact… Continue

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At 8:16am on March 5, 2012, Jean Kroll said…

Hi Forest Garden, great suggestion to let BUGS know about the coops!

I see in your profile that you're involved with the roving gardeners?  I'll be coordinating those this spring!  Perhaps I'll see you at one of the parties!


At 7:38am on November 16, 2011, Chris Brown said…


Thanks for the message. Forest Garden seems like a great group, I would love to learn more. Hopefully I have some time this Sunday to check out the cob structure, that would be great to get more involved. What is the organization with the Master's degree person? And how can I get in touch with him/her? I will need to coordinate with them because they would have to be my supervisor to meet the requirements of the internship. Also, I would like to get in touch with the builder in Seattle that you spoke of.

So you know a little more about me... I'm a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I will graduate from WWU in Spring 2012 with a degree in Human Services and a minor in Psychology. I am currently interning with the Whatcom County Human Services manager, learning about local leadership and the relationship between county government and local organizations. I have served on the Whatcom County Veterans Advisory Board for the past year or so and have a seat for at least the next 4 years. I'm the president of the Western Veteran Community (a club for veterans and our friends, family, supporters, etc.). Lastly, I am a co-founder of a grassroots non-profit that will be in operation next year down around Seattle to help veterans transition back into civilian life.

I am much more humble than I might be making myself out to be. I just want you to know that I can be relied upon. I have large goals for natural building in Whatcom County and am going to spend the rest of my time at Western planning how I will make it happen. I hope to write a policy brief about the issue before the end of this quarter and would love to share it with you, as well as anything else I might write about it before I graduate. I chose to use my education to further my life goals. I have been blessed with a major that allows me to study and write about anything that I am interested in, so long as it's impact will help people! Last year I focused primarily on helping military/combat Veterans, this year I plan to focus more on natural building. I'm excited for the possibility to have an internship related to it! Please keep in touch.

At 3:07pm on October 26, 2011, Hannah Coughlin said…

There is a suggested donation for each one, so cost does not become a deterrent. has all the event details.

Feel free to email or call if you have more questions:, 733.8307.


At 12:40am on August 28, 2011, Benjamin Buatte said…
Hi Alain. My name is Benjamin and my Girlfriend + Sister ran into you at Yorky's gas station in fairhaven and you generously gave them gAs for the car! Thank you and god bless! Anyway, you offered them (and hopefully me) work at your site on Victor St. But when she showed up to where she thought you were talking about she said it was an abandoned house and didn't feel comfortable. Can you please contact me via email or phone ?
Phone: 360 739 9768

Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!
At 8:43pm on May 7, 2011, Juliet Thompson said…

Hi again Alain,

I think I've got it straight about the workparty, and my impression is you'll have lots of volunteers. You can post it yourself as an event, if you like, and then we can feature it. But time is of the essence at this point.

Hey, if you're downtown at all I can meet you for tea on Tues or Weds. Let me know if either works. AM is best.

Love, J

At 10:14am on May 7, 2011, Juliet Thompson said…

Hey Alain,

I just saw that you mentioned the workparty for the BSAC garden project to Jamie on the Community Asks & Offers page, and I'm wondering if you want to post the workparty as an event? My impression through Beth was that you weren't advertising the worparty, but if you want to get a few folks through the TW site, we can post the worparty event as one of the funded Home and Garden Challenge projects. Let me know, call if that's easier. 398-9750 Juliet

At 2:07pm on February 11, 2011, Heather K said…

Hi Alain!  How great our 3rd annual winter seed-swap was another success!  So many wonderful earth folks & seed-savers all coming together in your wonderful urban space!

Good to connect on the phone today.  Here is a link to the 'Community Asks & Offers' group, that you can consider sharing any openings, needs, or offers in regards to the Center for Expressive Arts -

That group reaches a diverse network.  The best way to post is to start a discussion within that group.   I'll look forward to possibly seeing you Sat at the CLSR fence building work party!

At 11:22am on November 2, 2010, Rob Van Arsdale said…
Hi Elaine,
Are you still intrested in creating a workshop around natural building?
I am still open to create with you lets talk about next spring and summer
At 9:17am on October 4, 2010, Alicia Wills said…
Hi Forest,

Yes, I'm still looking for a videographer. Interested? Possibly available this week? Call me - 360-715-1259 Thanks! Alicia
At 10:48am on July 21, 2010, Linda Du Bois said…
Hi Forest -

I would like to start working with folks doing 'garden parties" and getting more experience in Permaculture gardening. I organized the training - but I am a permie newbie and took the training myself.

Linda DuBois aka Raven

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