Transition Whatcom

Judith Culver
  • Female
  • Ferndale near Lake Terrell
  • United States
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Judith Culver's Friends

  • Hank Kastner
  • Caitlin Quigley
  • Ann E. Wales
  • Allen Stockbridge
  • Rain Forever
  • Laurita Whitford
  • Byron Olson
  • Amanda Windberg
  • Ed Lofquist
  • peggy borgens
  • Justen Perry-kennedy
  • Terese VanAssche
  • Travis Linds
  • Scott A. Sanderson
  • Renata Beata Kowalczyk

Judith Culver's Page

Latest Activity

Judith Culver updated their profile
Aug 11, 2022
Judith Culver posted a status
"We are selling our property west of Ferndale. Do you know any realtors who specialize/are interested in alternative energy?"
Aug 11, 2022
Judith Culver posted a status
"We are long-time members. We started Ferndale Transition and the Personal Finance group. Our best to you all, Judith and David Culver"
Aug 11, 2022

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
We have been involved in Transition since the beginning. From 2006 to 2010 we lived on our property west of Ferndale and built an all-electric, passive solar home. We have a ground source heat pump and PV panels. We have been preparing for a situation where we do not have a reliable electric grid. We garden and have food storage.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I think energy descent, climate change, self-reliance, and community are the most important issues of our time.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
We are tied up selling our house and downsizing. We have experience designing and building a home using alternative energy.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Ferndale, Lake Terrell
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
We have been members since the beginning.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 10:29am on May 20, 2011, Richard Kauffman said…


Thank you for the warm welcome to Transition Ferndale. I look forward to meeting and working with as many members as possible, to learn from and create the connections necessary to become part of community in this area.  I am making the transition back to the farm after 30 years away, and have lots to (re)learn.

My e-mail address is: kauffman0962 at msn dot com

At 5:36pm on January 2, 2011, Jean Kroll said…
I mean, thanks Judith! (my cats are distracting me!)
At 5:34pm on January 2, 2011, Jean Kroll said…
Thanks, Peggy!
At 11:17am on October 21, 2010, Scott A. Sanderson said…
Hi and thanks for the invite to Blue gold, I've been sharing thoughts and findings on Water issues for many years, and actually casually knew Jim Olsen from the Film FLOW. from when I worked on the GT Coomons conservancy project in T.C. Mich.
I have learned a great deal from kind friendly people like yourself, I will try to attend the showing and hopefully get a chance to talk with you next week.
- Scott
At 3:53pm on May 19, 2010, Randall Poteet said…
Hello Judith
Thanks for your welcome!
I would be interested in talking with other economists, and learners about the growing probability of a currency collapse in the future. This is a topic which would be of little interest to retirees, as it will primarily affect the young. Please feel free to contact me anytime. Thanks!
At 1:06pm on May 7, 2010, Aron Standley said…
Hey Judith,

I'm interested in learning about what is happening with the Transition neighborhood groups so that I can better organize a community calendar website.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

At 5:40am on April 26, 2010, Lloyd Zimmerman said…
Judith, I have never met your husband or you to my knowledge but I was reffered his name because I was researching radiant floor heating and geothermal. I also am friends with your log cabin neighbors Dave and Jennifer Branch. I am consulting with Dave's distillery project.
At 1:14pm on April 24, 2010, Lloyd Zimmerman said…
Judith, I was just planting trees in Pioneer Park with Peggy.. Are you related to David Culver by chance?
At 9:28am on March 29, 2010, Derek Allen said…

Thank you for your welcome. I look forward to learning more about and participating with Transition Ferndale. I won't be able to make the meeting this Tuesday, but I look forward to meeting the group in the near future.

My wife and I recently purchased 5 acres off of Enterprise road. Our intent is to eventually build a little mini farm.
At 10:33am on March 12, 2010, Tom Fisher said…
Thank you for the welcome.

Your potluck on Mar 22, where and when? I'm not sure if I'll be able to come, or it might be later in the evening? I'll let you know when I know.

I'm wanting to meet others in the area that are interested in this topic and doing something.


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