Transition Whatcom

Personal Finance Workgroup


Personal Finance Workgroup

We agree that people and households that are financially secure are more resilient, and our community will be more resilient if its members are more financially secure.

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2013

Discussion Forum

Initiative to start a public Washington state bank gets some press

Started by Rob Olason. Last reply by Shirley Jacobson Dec 29, 2011. 2 Replies

Thought this article by Ellen Brown of Truth Out might be of interest to this group. "Bills were introduced on January 18, in both the House and Senate of the Washington State Legislature, that add…Continue

Legalize Local Investing

Started by David MacLeod. Last reply by Patricia Herlevi Dec 7, 2011. 1 Reply

See my cross-post of Asher Miller's "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to…Continue

Move Your Money Campaign

Started by Shirley Jacobson. Last reply by Maxine Walker Oct 17, 2011. 23 Replies

I am copying Katie's comment here first so that all comments related to this discussion will be together.Continue

Poverty/Unemployment and Sustainable Economics

Started by Behrouz. Last reply by Behrouz Aug 31, 2011. 4 Replies

Optimal personal finance management requires knowledge of the short and long-term economic trend.  How we allocate our life energy and resources individually and collectively will affect our quality…Continue

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Comment by Judith Culver on July 21, 2010 at 4:33pm
Laura, thanks for the event posting for our workgroup meeting this Sunday. Everybody, here’s the link to the event. Hope to see you there.

Also a Steering Committee has been formed to explore the formation of a co-op or LLC to purchase Keizer Meats. “As the only Whatcom County USDA inspected meat slaughter and processing facility in Whatcom county, it's with good reason that local Whatcom farm and agriculture enthusiasts have come together with a unified vision. To form a co-op to evaluate the opportunity and possibility of purchasing Keizer Meats. Current owners, George and Sherry Keizer, are looking to pass ownership of Keizer Meats to a group of investors that will keep the operation running and growing as they originally dreamed, but are unable to fulfill, due to unfortunate health issues.”

Follow news, events and updates on their blog at
Comment by Judith Culver on July 2, 2010 at 10:09pm
Today Laura and I posted Notes from the Work Group meeting last Sunday and the Local Investing Meeting at Sustainable Connections. You'll see they are lengthy because we are covering lots of ground each time we meet. If you see a project you want to work on, let us know. The next Work Group meeting is Sunday, July 25 1-3 at the downtown Co-op Connections Building. See you there!
Comment by David MacLeod on June 15, 2010 at 9:04pm
From Rob Hopkins' latest blog post about the recent Transition Network conference:
"Another highlight (if that’s the right word) was the talk by Stoneleigh, called ” Making Sense of the Financial Crisis in the Era of Peak Oil”, which you can hear in full here. Stoneleigh is one of two editors of the ‘Automatic Earth’ blog, and her talk was stark, stunning and very much strengthened the case that economics needs to become a third ‘leg’ of Transition alongside peak oil and climate change. Her talk affected people deeply, and people’s reaction to it went on to become one of the things that defined the rest of the conference. Her prognosis was that the world is on the cusp of an economic collapse on the scale of the Great Depression as the debt bubble bursts. Not much that would have been new to Transitioners, but the way she built her argument was very compelling. You can read Shaun Chamberlin’s reflections on her talk here, along with some insightful comments from other people."
Comment by Laura J Sellens on June 8, 2010 at 12:56pm
Yesterday I called Tim Crosby, Derek Long, Vicki Robin and Beverly Rose about meeting for the investment fund (well, Vicki and Beverly about the local loans, but I thought they may be interested in the investment fund as well). Tim got back to me (voicemail) and said he is already in cahoots with Derek, and is in Bellingham somewhat often and for me to get back him with possible meeting times. I will see what Derek says and then make a Doodle. Anyone else we want to invite to this meeting? Amy Maclavane, and...?
Comment by Heather K on June 8, 2010 at 10:47am
Re: Comparative local investment/loan/credit options. I think its also worth researching credit unions to the north with our canadian neighbors. Many duel citizenship couples already use accounts in both countries. Aldergrove which is just north of Lynden, 30" from B'ham has a credit union.
Would someone be willing to forward to me the draft of questions you created to access their investment & lending policies?

I hope lots of notice of date/time can be given when Tim from 'Slow Money' comes up to talk, or other visiting speakers.
Also, Sustainable Connections should have some contacts with individuals working for alternative lend/loan instituditon.

Thanks for posting the meeting notes Judith! Most times I'll miss meetings when they are on being Sunday afternoons if they're in the urban zone (though my schedule varies)...they we could try to learn to Skype into meetings.
Comment by Judith Culver on May 16, 2010 at 9:26am
David and I planning to go to the event Heather posted below. I encourage you to follow her link. There's lots of info at the event posting.
Comment by Heather K on May 15, 2010 at 11:10pm
What's the Economy for, Anyway? with filmmaker John de Graaf
Monday, May 17th - RE Sources' Sustainable Living Center-7:00 p.m.Free
Meredith has posted this event on TW. Details at:
Comment by Judith Culver on May 13, 2010 at 9:57am
David, Welcome! I'm glad to see your smiling face in our group. Do you have an interest in a particular area of local finance?
Comment by Judith Culver on April 27, 2010 at 10:35pm
We are promoting the teach-in on May 5 about breaking up the banks. The link on the events page is

Members (38)


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