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Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)


Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)

Network-People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Event, Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying

Location: Cascadia Bioregion - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 212
Latest Activity: Jan 4, 2024

Welcome Earth Garden Friends! . .New members enjoy listening in & reading our current discussions & comments.

Together we are working towards Ecological Restoration 

 and Local Nourishment In Our Community & Homes.

 -  * Creating Edible Forest Gardens  * -

 All are Invited to be a Community Volunteer at many of the home-garden work-groups & work-parties.


Earth Gardens...Network: People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Events; Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying this to our local communities. 


Info/Resources for New & Seasoned Member, please review this Discussion:


To Create a New Discussion: Post your questions & info as a Discussion when multi comments/dialogue are needed to help reduce our email traffic from chatty comments.

View All our Current & Past Discussions & Resource lists:

 Scroll down & click blue "View All" button just below & to right of  Discussion section.

((To receive email updates within a specific Discussion within our group, go to that Discussion page, and click the "Flollow" link.)

All are invited to receive an excellent locally relevant email
called "Garden E-News
", that is compiled & created with volunteer time by Shannon Maris.   Each email contains a current list of the many local garden activities & work-parties that our local community creates.   Pass on your event or info to her & request it be included in her next email.

  -  See You in the Garden or Around the Fire Circle! . . . . . . (HK 12/13/10)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network) to add comments!

Comment by David Pike on August 23, 2009 at 2:22pm
Winter Planting:

Planted some Japanese Daikon radishes a few weeks ago that are doing well. The brussels sprouts I planted near the beginning of July did very poorly for some reason - they just wont grow...I suspect its just not vigorous seed. I've got a few maverick kale plants that I will leave for survival insurance, but no one likes them around here including myself. So what else could I get going for winter fare?
Comment by David Pike on August 23, 2009 at 2:10pm
"Happy bean shelling....I imagine its best done in community under a tree with friends and someone in the kitchen cooking! "

Yes that sounds like more fun than sitting solo in my yurt shelling into the late night. It is kind of meditative, like the monks who pass the rosary beads through their fingers one at a time. Maybe a good Fall get together would be a bean shelling/trading party? w/Chili and cornbread!?
Comment by Heather K on August 23, 2009 at 1:43pm
Hi Dave, Great to have you join us here...I attended a great workshop at Cloud Mt. this Sunday on growing in hoop houses. I get it about the beans for sure! Some of the bean varieties can be grown for either greeen or dried...then its a worth the space they take in a smaller garden.
My goal is to get better at selecting & marking the bean plants I want for seed-saving Early in the season (rather than eat those early ones), and then harvesting when they are dried to replant next year and bring to seed-swap....
I have a friend on Lopez, Ona, who grows all her dried beans for her & spouse! She is in the garden all the time working, and a great seed-saver!
August – Sept is time to start planting fall/winter greens..I'm behind on doing this, but I'll be using some row covers again.
Check out the discussion series just above the comment section on bio-char and forest textiles. We can add more discussions as desired. It is possible to set the ning system to either follow a discussion by email, or set to 'stop follow'. There are some great videos under the general video tab on this ning site too..
Happy bean shelling....I imagine its best done in community under a tree with friends and someone in the kitchen cooking!
Comment by David Pike on August 23, 2009 at 12:28pm
alright count me in. Currently I'm evaluating my use of garden space, specifically the food value of my crops vs. the space they take. I love growing shelling beans because they are so pretty and I have some great heirloom strains, but when it comes down to it, it takes alot of space and time to grow a row of shelling beans, accounting also for the time it takes to dry them, shell them and then: a few burritos or a pot of chili? When I can go to the COOP and buy them for 1.20/lb. or so... you see?
Comment by Heather K on August 21, 2009 at 2:32pm
Our friend & neighbor Shannon creates a great local weekly email filled with local & regional garden/farm/food events and also resources & news clips she finds.
Its is called Garden E-News.
Be sure to request Shannon Maris to put you on her garden email list to receive these updates.
( This site will only occasionally cut & paste the postings from her email Garden E-News.)
But please add any you like under the discussion threads above.
Comment by Heather K on August 17, 2009 at 8:20pm
Welcome Friends & Neighbors!
We look forward to meeting each other and working on the land together!

We can use this group site for networking & sharing information, even though most of us, much of the time, may be outside – under the sky - in the garden!
Invite a lcoal garden friend to join you on this site.

In addition to this ‘beyond organics’ gardeners/growers group,
there are neighborhood garden-clubs & community gardens in our local area.

Two specialized group are shown below that are part of this transition-ning site”

Seed-Savers –Preserving Our Ecological Heritage
Cascadia Seed-Savers- Sharing & Saving Our Seeds, Educating Others on the importance of regional seed-saving, Resisting corporate/laboratory bred GMO seeds, or Promoting Events for community food-security.

And if you can help out with co-creating future events for seed-saving & gardening events, then consider being part of this network::

Local Food Security Events- Planning Team
Working Together to Create our Regional Seed-Saving Events (Seeds:- Into The Hands of the People), & Co-Creating Educational Garden Events. (Networking trial with a ning-site to supplement use of emails, phone-calls, meetings)

Blessings & Walk Wild as Waters Flow…
Heather K
Comment by Paul Langevin on August 17, 2009 at 8:08pm
Hi Heather,

Thanks for starting this group.

I have some knowledge of, and a keen interest to learn more on, native wild foods, foraging, and "Indigenous Knowledge".


Members (206)


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