Transition Whatcom

Food Security Group


Food Security Group

We will be supporting existing community and TW food security-oriented projects, organizations, and the local ag industry; assessing gaps and how to fill them; and starting a plan for dramatically increasing food security in the next 10-20 years.

Location: Art used with permission by Sue Zimmerman
Members: 60
Latest Activity: Jan 11, 2017

Original Greetings Letter from the Food Security Workgroup:
Greetings from the Food Security Workgroup.doc

Good Links for Food Security Information:

Sustainable Connections Food and Farming Program (Sign up for the newsletter on this page)

WSU Extension Office

Discussion Forum


Started by Krista Rome. Last reply by Penny Chambers Jan 11, 2017. 25 Replies

Ok Folks! Take Note! I have created a list of every food I could think of that helps me to eat locally year-round here. I suspect I could be 100% easily, if only I could make the decision to give up…Continue

Roving Garden Party - March 24th

Started by Jamie Jedinak Mar 15, 2015. 0 Replies

ROVING GARDEN PARTY ~  March 24th ~ 6pmWhere: 5463 Noon Rd ~ just a few driveways north of Smith Rd ~ Watch for parking signs!! Parking will be in property next to me, watch for signs!!Requested…Continue

Global Dimming Caused By Chemtrails + Ph Changes Caused by Aluminum Spraying Screws With Food Security

Started by John Hammell. Last reply by John Hammell Oct 15, 2012. 1 Reply

All Gardeners: Please read this article about Global Dimming  We must all learn about weather modification…Continue

invitation to join the planning group for the Whatcom Food Network

Started by Laura R.. Last reply by Penny Chambers May 8, 2012. 19 Replies

Hi folks,re: planning for a food security summit, I've been working with a small group to plan the formation of a food network in Whatcom County, to work toward all of us being coordinated in some…Continue

Tags: summit, food

Comment Wall


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Comment by Eric Jensen on January 25, 2011 at 9:33pm

I am going to mention an upcoming event because it seems relevant to the work that this group is doing.  Walter Haugen will be visiting WWU's Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture class this Friday for a presentation beginning at 2 pm.  The event is free, thank you Walter for donating your time, and is open to the community.  For more information see the event posting here on the TW website.

Comment by Heather K on January 20, 2011 at 7:30pm

Link to the “Natural Step” program mentioned in our meeting notes that I thought would interest Kate:


A presentation on using Natural Step to do community or business planning & inititatives was presented by Elizabeth Walker during Martin Luther King Jr. weekend in Skagit county.

Elizabeth is also a member on this TW site, and she would be willing to communicate about doing a presentation up in B'ham.

She is both on the Duvell city council, an arborist, and a permaculture friend.

Contact her if you want more info. I'm willing to host her if she travels north.

* * * * * * *

Here is the link to the regional online Garden Share network (I'll try posting elsewhere later)


* * * * * * *

(Great Meeting Notes Laura!! Thanks!)


Comment by Eric Jensen on January 18, 2011 at 11:44am
Hi there, I am up at Western and am taking Gigi Berardi's Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture class this quarter - a class that was slated to be a seminar and has ballooned up to 60(!) students because interest is so high!  There is a culminating project required for the course and many of us are in the stage of brainstorming.  There is a lot of energy in the class and, regarding the projects, that energy will be focused somewhere: research papers, blogs, publications like recipe books or awareness guides.  If we can harness and focus some of that energy into real, tangible problem solving and discussion on food security in Whatcom County it will be a practical education for us on many levels and will serve a function in strengthening our local foodshed.  Many of us will also enroll in the Agroecology practicum course in the Spring, so this could be a labor/research resources for several months if there is work to be done.  I am so pleased to read that things are happening in this group right now, and if there is a need for help I would like to contribute in some way as a part of my project.  I imagine that there might be other students who might be interested as well, but haven't yet discussed it.  I'll look forward to reading the minutes from the meeting, Thanks for your work!
Comment by Shannon Maris on January 18, 2011 at 11:41am

Hey all here is an article from another regional group looking at the same info - might be of some help with your quest for info or format of info?

( fromMichael Pilarski's Friends of the Trees, recent newsletter)


Report on a Seattle conference, “Cultivating Regional Food Security”

I attended this two day conference for a number of reasons.
I am one of the coordinators for Slow Food Okanogan (a local chapter of Slow Food) which is working toward localizing the food system in Okanogan County. more information...

See full article (PDF 54K)

Comment by Linda J Fels on January 17, 2011 at 4:56pm
As requested at our meeting, I looked into the order of displaying responses under Discussions.  Here's what I found:  Discussions (whether under Groups or Forums) have Replies.  The most recent Replies display last.  Comments (on the Comments Wall of a Group, under Events, Under Members, etc.) can be set to display Most Recent first OR last.  I couldn't find any parameters to change the order of Replies.  Sorry.
Comment by Kate Clark on January 16, 2011 at 11:46pm

Hi all:  Good meeting. Laura Sellens will post notes- the gist of it (in part) being we'll start doing some food security focused awareness raising presentations to various orgs and groups involved with food.  These would be to "plant the seed" about energy issues and to learn from them whether a Food Security Summit would be useful and what they would hope to gain- then we'll use that in our planning.


Therefore an actual Food Security Summit would be late this year or early next year.  

Other actions- watch for meeting notes.



Comment by Jamie Jedinak on January 16, 2011 at 10:18pm
I was sad not to be able to attend this evening - will there be notes of the meeting available?  I do hope so!  Thanks!   Jamie
Comment by Kate Clark on January 16, 2011 at 2:38pm

Hi all

Just a reminder- those of us who want to help plan a Food Security Summit, see you at the Coop's Community Connections building (on Forest next to the Food Coop), at 3pm. 


Comment by Shannon Maris on January 11, 2011 at 11:42am

Hey Food Security Group!

There has been a request that written minutes be made and posted for the meetings, so those who can not attend can keep track of what is going on, and get involved as needed and know when the other meetings are going to be held.

thank you!

Comment by Heather K on January 9, 2011 at 12:53am

Event with dessert! "How Can We Create A Strong Local Food System" on Fri Jan 14th at YWCA, with the Food Coop's board of directors & members.

Registration required so call the coop ASAP at 734-8158 to put your name & member number on the list.  

(If the list is full and you want to go, get on the wait list, and  let me know as I may be able to share the extra space I reserved.)

Event info link at:

This is a great opportunity to encourage the coop to promote our local food producers by giving them more shelf space, and starting a colorful  local-label sign for the products (ie both plant & animal foods).

The produce depart does well with their white local labels, but the dairy & other local foods are Not as well labeled.  Most of the shelf space for food  products is from either outside the country or outside the bioregion.


Also, the local mag/newsletter 'Grow NW' is planning a Farmer & Local Food event for February.  More details to come as we learn of them.


Members (57)


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