Started by Angela MacLeod. Last reply by Angela MacLeod Mar 10, 2015. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Pamela Novotny. Last reply by Pamela Novotny Aug 16, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Likes
I am based in Everson. I have Red Layer(Rhode Island Red/Leghorn cross) chicks that need new homes.
Hatched April 7
Straight Run
Is anyone making their own chicken feed?
Join with me in researching this topic in the discussion above.
Hey Flockers, do you know of anyone in the York n'hood who wants to have chickens (or ducks) but doesn't have the space? My brother Myles has a fenced in area in his yard that he is willing to allow neighbors to use for this purpose. There is an enclosure next to the house that is 33' x 7' and an additional yard that is 25' x 7'. The two yards are connected by a gate. There are two hen houses as well. If interested, contact me or Myles on this website!
Hi Lady Hamster,
I have sent you two messages on TW and they're not showing up for some reason. I live in the South n'hood near Fairhaven Vet clinic. Give me a call today as I'm home until evening! 756-0683
Jean, Can you message me and give me a better idea where you live to narrow down my area? I would love to come pick up the wayward ladies.
Last week there were four hens running loose on 24th street near my house in the south n'hood. Three of them have been in my garden and greenhouse for this past week and now they really need to find another home. They are fat, friendly and have laid a few eggs. If anyone wants them, please come and take them!
For Sale: 40# bag of layer feed.
Bought from Hohls down town. I bought it a week ago but then decided to go with a different type of feed. But I opened it and now can't return it. Would anyone like to buy it?
It's the 'Organic Layer Complete 16 Pellet'...that's 16% NatureSmart. Was $27.16 unopened. Would like to get about that much. I can deliver it. 733-3541
Angela what timing you have :) I am getting out coop ready, and yes we will need nesting boxes! So I would be glad to come and get them. Are you still at Inspiration Farm? I will call you :)
Terese VanAssche
Free Nesting boxes - One unit of 4 chicken nesting boxes, (each nesting box is 12x12x12" each). The whole unit is 4feet 2.5inches wide by 32 inches tall.
I got if for free from a neighbor but It's too big for our coop and I don't want to modify it. So if you want it come and get it. Call 733-3541
Anyone looking for some late season turkey poults? These are farm hatched, organic, pastured Bourbon Red Turkeys. They won’t be ready for thanksgiving but would make good Christmas or Easter birds (or just good every day eating!) or breeding stock for next year. They’re good natured, entertaining birds!
Contact Laura at Common Threads Farm 927-1590
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