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Small Scale Paddock Pasturing System for Back Yard Chickens

A mini workshop Saturday October 8th, 10 am to noon. RAIN or SHINE!

Location: 3215 Cherrywood Ave. Bellingham (Birchwood Neighborhood).

Come see how I’ve created a small scale system of moveable fences and alternating paddocks around our chicken coop. Once set up it’s not a lot of work to keep it maintained and to continually give your chickens what they love – new fresh ground, greens and insects. They will be healthier and happier.

Chickens love to eat fresh live greens and insects. In a permanent fenced in yard chickens will consume all the growing greens and most of the insects within a month or so, and then their yard is just dirt. Chickens living on the same ground are more at risk for sickness. Plus it’s just boring for them.

We have 6 chickens at our half acre place in the Birchwood neighborhood within the city limits. We’ve been keeping chickens here for 6 years. I love observing our chickens and learning what they like and need and I’ve enjoyed adapting their living space to make them as happy and healthy as I can.

For anyone just starting out and for those who already have a chicken set up for back yard chicken keeping and small farms, the principles of this system can be applied.

In this mini workshop I’ll cover:

The system I’ve created and how I set it up, including fencing with multiple 'gates', moveable fences, sectioning a chicken yard and growing cover crop alternations.

The benefits and advantages of using alternating paddocks  and moveable fencing over free range, chicken tractors, and permanent runs. Maintaining the integrity of your yard/garden and it’s many uses while giving your chickens fresh growing greens and insects.

The challenges of this system:  the extra time it takes, the room needed and the ‘puzzle‘ of setting it up in the beginning.

We’ll discuss how  to apply this system  to YOUR yard,  flock size and specific needs.

Questions? Call Angela at 733-3541

RSVP:  Call and let me know if you’d like to come to this event.

FREE (or small donations towards the chicken care would be gratefully accepted)

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