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Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)


Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)

Network-People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Event, Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying

Location: Cascadia Bioregion - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 212
Latest Activity: Jan 4

Welcome Earth Garden Friends! . .New members enjoy listening in & reading our current discussions & comments.

Together we are working towards Ecological Restoration 

 and Local Nourishment In Our Community & Homes.

 -  * Creating Edible Forest Gardens  * -

 All are Invited to be a Community Volunteer at many of the home-garden work-groups & work-parties.


Earth Gardens...Network: People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Events; Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying this to our local communities. 


Info/Resources for New & Seasoned Member, please review this Discussion:


To Create a New Discussion: Post your questions & info as a Discussion when multi comments/dialogue are needed to help reduce our email traffic from chatty comments.

View All our Current & Past Discussions & Resource lists:

 Scroll down & click blue "View All" button just below & to right of  Discussion section.

((To receive email updates within a specific Discussion within our group, go to that Discussion page, and click the "Flollow" link.)

All are invited to receive an excellent locally relevant email
called "Garden E-News
", that is compiled & created with volunteer time by Shannon Maris.   Each email contains a current list of the many local garden activities & work-parties that our local community creates.   Pass on your event or info to her & request it be included in her next email.

  -  See You in the Garden or Around the Fire Circle! . . . . . . (HK 12/13/10)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network) to add comments!

Comment by Heather K on April 4, 2011 at 11:19pm

Food for Thought - A Call for Action: 6pm– Friday April 8th Local Food System discussion & panel at followed by evening musical concert performed by The Endorfins and friends!   Event details-  

Time and place: The Foundry (100 E. Maple) doors open at 6 p.m. discussion begins at 6:30, follwed with benefit concert beginning around 8:30-9 p.m.

 (Free before 8 p.m. Those who attend the dialogue are admitted free to the concert.) This event begins with “ an open-dialogue, panel discussion amongst local producers, farmers, professors, city council members, sustainability oriented organizations and community members.”   After 8 p.m. door charge = sliding scale $5-10.

Created by friends of Anything Grows Community School -a non profit devoted to developing an oppositional culture to civilization which provides resources, information, community, food, music, art, etc. in a sustainable and egalitarian & visioned by Kenny Shaumberg & Chelsea Thawmanner-

Comment by Deanna Lloyd on March 28, 2011 at 10:26pm
Since we're complying all these right now, I might as well add that there will be a plant sale at Fairhaven Middle School on May 1st from 12:30 - 3 in the lower soccer field.  Plants will be very affordable!  All proceeds from the sale will benefit the school garden!
Comment by Linda J Fels on March 28, 2011 at 5:06pm
One more to add:  The Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship's Plant Sale will also be on May 7th - 9 am to 2 pm.  We feature bare root native plants in addition to perennials, herbs, houseplants, etc.
Comment by Anna Luna on March 28, 2011 at 4:41pm
Please let me know if you have extra space in your car and you're going out to any of these farther away plant sales.  I do not drive, so am limited to how far I can travel in a short amount of time.  Thanks! :)
Comment by John Robinson on March 28, 2011 at 4:40pm
I have the Everson Garden Club Plant Sale being April 30 this year. I'll call Carol one of the organizers and confirm the date. Also the Lummi Island Civic Club is having their plant sale April 30th at the LI Grange.
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on March 28, 2011 at 4:27pm            here's the dirt on happiness


Comment by Heather K on March 28, 2011 at 4:15pm

Learn from other gardeners in the garden by attending the weekly Thursday "Roving Garden Party", hosted by friends of Sustainable Bellingham!  No fee!

Building community, edible gardens, and sharing a meal!

Consider Attending or Hosting one of our action oriented community building & Edible-Garden Roving Work Party- (And enjoy a meal together afterwards!)

Hope to meet you there, RSVP if you can!
*                 *                        *                       *                       *

Home & Garden 350 Challenge! 
(and a community project funding opportunity!)
 Create a Project • Get Support • Start Changing the World !
Two projects will receive $350 – one rural and one urban location! 
Turn in proposals by April 25.
Application document for project  at above TW discussion link, or contact Juliet at - 
Save the date to volunteer – May 14 & 15!

*               *                     *                     *                   *                      *

RE Sources' Sustainable Garden Spring Series-

Attend either one class or full series, for a fee. ( Different topics each week: Introduction to Permaculture- Introduction to Permaculture Design - Seed Starting, Garden Planning and Crop Rotation- . Edible Landscape Installation - Compost and Soil Health - Forest Gardening )

.  (Sat 3/26, Sun 3/27, Thurs 3/32, Sat 4/9, Thurs 4/14, Sat 4/30).

Details at-

 *                 *                     *                       *                      *

Farmer- Author – Poet Wendell Berry –Tues May 24th

Visiting & speaking in Seattle!
Comment by Heather K on March 28, 2011 at 4:04pm

 More Spring Plant Sales Updated List!  Posted on this link- 

April & May date summary:

> Dalia Tuber Sale – Sat April 2nd

> Everson Garden Club Plant Sale – April 23

> Birchwood Garden Club Plant Sale – April 30

> Hovender Park & Master Gardener Plant Sale – May 7

> Cascade Cuts Nursery Plant Sale & Fundraiser- May 21!


*                   *                  *                        *                         *

 Roving Garden Party- Each Thursday!

Next Up this Thurs March 31st at York Neighborhood:

See link for more details-

Yummy Food: Myles will make a vegetarian stew. BYOB and anything else you might need (gluten free bread?).

To get on the mailing list to hear about future SB Roving Garden Parties, please email volunteer @ sustainablebellinham . org

View future Roving Garden Parties and other events on Sustainable Bellingham's Community Calendar:

Comment by Dana Dryg on March 16, 2011 at 7:40pm
I have a lovage plant that is in need of dividing soon (within the next month before it gets too big to manage). Let me know if you would like a portion. I only want to keep 1/4 of it.
Comment by Anna Luna on March 16, 2011 at 1:03pm
I just moved into a new house with a big front yard and I could really use some help getting it going.  Is anyone interested in exchanging some help for a garden plot in the York district???  Contact me if so :0)

Members (206)


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