Transition Whatcom

Krista Rome
  • Female
  • Everson, WA
  • United States
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Krista Rome's Friends

  • Katie Thorsos
  • Megan A. Barnes
  • Andrea Lanctot
  • Eric Stover
  • Angela Johnson
  • Christopher L.
  • Nick  Guilford
  • Bill Benson
  • Chris Testa
  • Micah & Bonnie
  • Moon Womb
  • Christopher Keefe
  • Matthew Christy
  • Franny Canine
  • Richard Kauffman

Krista Rome's Discussions

Looking for urban grain growers

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rebecca Meloy Apr 28, 2010. 2 Replies


Krista Rome's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I focus on trialling many different hard-to-find dry beans and grains in an attempt to contribute something substantial to our future locally sustainable foodshed. I am also a wholly immersed gardener & supporter of local farmers. I am a member of Transition Goshen and meet with the neighborhood group occasionally.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
Because my entire life is focused on sustainability. It is my passion, my purpose, and my primary motivator. Thank you, thank you, TW, for all the gifts you have given me. The wonderful people, the positive, solution-oriented energy, the hope. Most of all, the HOPE.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
My skills/experiences include:
Three years trialling grains and dry beans
15 years avid gardener
15 years habitat restoration and knowledge of native trees and shrubs Medicinal, edible, and utilitarian uses of native plants
Food preservation (drying, canning, fermenting, storage)
Winter gardening

I want to learn more about:
Chickens, ducks, especially portable rotation methods that can incorporate the garden spaces;
Small-scale marketing of farm/garden/homestead products, especially on the neighborhood level
Building a greenhouse
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Everson, on Broadleaf Farm for the summer
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I'm already joined

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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 2:11pm on November 20, 2013, Kevin Finnigan said…
Great workshop on tortilla making. I've since acquired the equipment to make them at home. I also cooked up some of your dent corn using mineral lime [cal]. Who ever thought corn could be so good? The corn mixed with beans on a sourdough tortilla makes a hearty meal. Cheers! Kevin
At 6:33am on January 3, 2012, Angela MacLeod said…

Hi Krista,

David and I are interested in your storage foods CSA. Let us know when you know more how it will work.

Angela and David MacLeod

2012 Will be an exciting year for several other reasons. For the first time I will be offering a storage foods CSA in cooperation with our friends at Dragon Tongue Farm. 20 shares will be available and will include dry legumes, grains, and other storage crops such as garlic, winter squash, potatoes, and onions. Please let me know if you might be interested and I will email or call you once we have the cost calculated.

At 5:34pm on August 22, 2011, Kate Clark said…
Krista- I'm so inspired by the stuff you are doing!  Keep up the great work. 
At 12:19pm on July 31, 2011, Micah & Bonnie said…
Thanks for the great work shop yesterday! Sorry we missed the class part I am wondering if you could email us a copy of the handout? See you in a couple weeks!
At 2:52pm on July 27, 2011, Heather K said…
At 9:58pm on May 18, 2011, Kate Clark said…

Hi Krista! 

We are forming at TW communications team and I was wondering if you might be interested.  We'll be helping promote TW events, doing press releases, social networking, and making sure our marketing stuff is consistent and upbeat! If you would like to help in a small or large way- join us at the Public Market on May 25 at 6:30 pm.




PS: If you have any questions feel free to email me at kateclark101 at hotmail dot com.  

At 6:20pm on April 9, 2011, Heather K said…

Nice article Krista!  Mmmm...would be nice to have you post a blog with it on sometime!

At 9:45am on February 10, 2011, Terese VanAssche said…

Hi Krista,

I would be delighted to talk with you about the studio upstairs.

Basically this is a nice large room with a lot of light; it is carpeted.  Bathroom upstairs and sitting room area goes with rental. The sitting room has plenty of room for a table chairs, small refrigerator.  No kitchen up, so the kitchen is shared.  I have it well stocked but there are cupboards that you would be able to use.  I don't use the upstairs except for one front furnished bedroom that I keep open for occasional guests and family when visiting. 

When would you like to see the land & studio?  I work days in Bellingham but will be at home Saturday and Sunday mornings. 



At 12:09pm on February 9, 2011, Heather K said…
Welcome Home Krista!  Lets connect on the phone sometime this week.  I'll keep my eyes open re finding a new home. 
At 12:43pm on October 15, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…
Hi Krista,
I'm emailing to be put on your volunteer email list, please.
Cheers, and thanks. Laura jean

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