Transition Whatcom


Tool Libraries

This group site is intended for those interested in Tool Libraries and how we can get something started locally

Members: 20
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2018

Discussion Forum

Farm Implement Coop

Started by Heather K. Last reply by Heather K May 17, 2011. 5 Replies

 Message from Beau sent 3/4/11 to our network:quote- “Hello group, The Farm Implement Co-op is founded on the idea that small scale urban and rural farming is impeded by start up and maintenance…Continue

Tags: cider, press, seeders, rototillers, co-op

Tools Desired in a regional Tool Library

Started by Tom Anderson. Last reply by Heather K May 17, 2011. 3 Replies

Please contribute to this list of desired tools for a local Tool LibraryCorner SanderSteel Stamping SetEngraver for metalCorner clampPicture frame clampTubing cutting and flaring setContinue

tools list

Started by Peter Holcomb. Last reply by David MacLeod Mar 4, 2011. 3 Replies

I suggest we start with a list library of tools available to be lent, so people can check the list before buying new stuff.  Included should be the name and phone of the person with the tool, mainly…Continue

In the House

Started by Laura J Sellens. Last reply by Peter Holcomb May 7, 2010. 2 Replies

Our talk at the unleashing was based around--how do I put this gingerly--tools kept in the shop?  It occurred to me that we could use this group for other types of tools, such as--tools kept in the…Continue

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Comment by Heather K on May 16, 2011 at 2:42pm
Farm Implement Coop being initiated by Beau. Details & discussion at


Please contact Beau if you are interested in the initial meeting to form the Coop.  They are possibility meeting Weds May 18th .


Recent updates:- BUGS website now has a link to the Farm Implement Coop -


Food Coop article pg 6-

Comment by Tom Anderson on October 9, 2010 at 4:50pm
Well it has been a while since there was any news about "Tool Libraries" but that doesn't mean that nothing has been happening. I was able to get Regan from the Whatcom County Library System, connected with Co-Operative Extension folks and they have donated some "kill-O-Watt' meters to the library system. They are now available for check out from the County system and can be picked up at any library branch in the County including the City Library (I think). This represents a start at a local tool library run by our County system. If we all check them out, send requests for more, and support the effort the WCLS is putting into this it will grow and blossom into a workable tool library.
Comment by Tom Anderson on June 1, 2010 at 9:54am
Here are the notes from our meeting on 5/27/10

We had a good meeting with Regan of WCLS on Thursday. It is clear that the WCLS is interested in experimenting with this concept and is willing to implement it on a system wide basis for tools that can be transported as easily as a large book. They want to start small and see how it goes.

The individual library branch managers are in charge of how much they do at each branch. If you are interested in your local branch getting involved in a larger way you should introduce yourself to the branch manager and have a conversation.

We need to create a list of desired tools to help start this process. I attempted to start a list at which may not be the best place for this but it was what I could start. Please add to this list if you are interested.

Regan is going to contact the Bellingham Public Library to see if they would be willing to be a pick up site for tools from WCLS. We need to find a location in Bellingham that is interested in hosting a larger tool library. One suggestion is the Re-Store. Other ideas would be helpful.

More later as it unfolds.

Tom Anderson
Comment by Tom Anderson on May 23, 2010 at 9:48am
Nest Meeting
I have reserved the meeting room at the Cordata Co-op for Thursday May 27th from 6-8 pm for our next meeting. Regan thought she would have initial feedback from her branch managers by then. I have initial interest from a Re-Sources board member in the idea of involving Re-Sources in a Bellingham branch. We need to discuss specifically what help we are seeking from the WCLS and what we are prepared to provide in the way of support.

I am excited by how fast this is coming together.
Comment by Tom Anderson on May 16, 2010 at 10:33am

We had a really good meeting with Regan Robinson of the Whatcom County Library System (WCLS) on Wed May 12th. Regan believes the WCLS is very open to participating in establishing Tool Libraries in Whatcom County. I have attached the map of the branches that currently exist. In addition the book mobile stop in Sudden Valley is expected to be converted into a branch later this year.

Regan indicated that the WCLS would be open to using its cataloging system to support tool libraries and could possibly have interest from existing branches in hosting specific tool libraries. She will check with the brand managers. See email content from Regan below.

“Hi Tom,
I called the Berkeley tool library today--most popular tool is the weed whacker! They really are out of our league at this point.
I also noticed that the Ann Arbor library lends the energy meters--no other tools but those for sure.

As I mentioned, I would like to talk with the branch managers on Friday, May 21 and then if they are interested, we can talk some more. The WCLS Foundation next meets on Thurs. May 27 at 5pm.

So I will get in touch with you again after the 21.
Thank you! Enjoyed meeting the others too.


The Bellingham Public Library (BPL) is not part of the WCLS although they are cooperators. Because the BPL has budget problems they may not be willing to participate in the Tool Library project. Regan indicated that it could work to establish a location in Bellingham like at Re-Sources that could be part of a Tool Library network.

It looks like we could establish local Tool Libraries that carry their own set of specific tools and they could further participate in the WCLS Tool Library and get access to the more special tools circulated within the WCLS. Specialty tools that can be easily packaged and transported could be circulated through out Whatcom County by the WCLS network. Things like Kill-O-Watt meters, drills, infrared cameras, ect anything that can be packaged in a handy carrying container, easily transported, and bar-coded for tracking can be circulated within the system.

The WCLS already has a 501-C-3 foundation associated with it so donations to the effort can be tax deductable. Our needs in the moment are to:
• Identify desired tools (I started a list on the Transition Whatcom Ning site)
• Find a location in Bellingham (suggest the Re-Store)
• Look for funding to buy tools

Further we need to organize a support group to provide repair and maintenance for tools.

I am thinking of scheduling a meeting for Thurs May 27 or Thurs June 3d I just need to confirm a location.

Tom Anderson
Comment by Tom Anderson on May 7, 2010 at 9:03am
In an effort to find more information locally I first spoke whit Bellingham Public Library and found them interested but not able to get involved due to budget issues. Then I spoke with Regan Robinson at the Whatcom County Library System and she was very interested. I have scheduled a meeting with Regan to discuss how the Whatcom County Library System could get involved. The meeting is scheduled for Wed. May 12 at 6pm in the Ferndale library meeting room. Everyone interested is welcome to attend. Looking forward to more exciting ideas like the ones shared so far.

Members (20)


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