Working group formed at the Great Unleashing. Mission Statement under revision. Stay tuned!
Location: Whatcom County
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Jan 29, 2023
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Started by Heather K. Last reply by Heather K Feb 14, 2011. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Hi! Anyone know who in the state is making the decisions for what agricultural chemicals can be applied to our living soils?Whatcom county's growers have been hit hard by a broadleaf herbicide that…Continue
Tags: agriculture, herbicides, pesticides, government, local
Started by Heather K Dec 28, 2010. 0 Replies 0 Likes
How we care for our local waters in their living habitats, will effect the health & survival of all species, including our grandchildren's children. I've posted the municipal water right reading…Continue
Tags: corporation, issues, management, municiple, rights
Started by Stoney Bird. Last reply by Heather K Aug 31, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
MInutes of Aug. 24 meeting attached. Next meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center, corner of Maple and Cornwall.Stoney BirdContinue
Started by Mara Mitchell. Last reply by Stoney Bird Aug 22, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Relevant Documents for discussion of natural rights & citizen democracy . . .
I hope you're all already aware of the TW Candidates Forum happening tonight, and are planning to attend.
Please join us Friday Oct. 14th, for Transition Whatcom's first Election Forum.
Location: Whatcom County Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue, from 7:30-9:30pm.
We will host candidates for Whatcom County Executive (Doug Ericksen and Jack Louws) and Mayor of Bellingham (Kelli Linville and Dan Pike).
This will be an opportunity to ask questions of candidates that are important to Transitioners.
TW is not a political organization and does not intend on endorsing any candidates.*
TW sees a real need for a reduction in political rhetoric and an increase in cooperation. We don't pretend to have all the answers (see our Cheerful Disclaimer), and believe solutions will come from across the political spectrum as we come together as a community to find local responses to big picture problems.
TW believes that between climate change, resource limitations and economic instability there is a high probability that as a community we will face challenges in the near term.
TW believes those challenges can only be dealt with through greater cooperation than we currently see in the political arena and are very interested to see how the current candidates interact in the arena of cooperation.
Each candidate will have 3 minutes to provide an opening statement. All participants will be provided a list of comments and questions in advance. We will start with some selected questions from this list. Following this we will open it up for questions from the floor.
Volunteers are needed for this event. If you can help, please contact Tom Anderson at
*From the TW Guidelines: " regards to any issue, personal philosophy, theology, political persuasion and moral conviction, Transition Whatcom is (and we hope will continue to be) made stronger and more effective by being comprised of individuals with a wide diversity of opinions and beliefs. If you are involved with Transition Whatcom, come prepared to work shoulder to shoulder with people who may be very different from you in some or even many ways."
Our next two weekend Democracy Schools now scheduled for October 22-22, or December 9-10th. (Fri pm - Sat pm). We host these schools, that are presented across the nation by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund(CELDF).
General inquiries contact - Stoney Bird – .
We held our 4th successful weekend school with seventeen students, including both Bham Mayor candidates on Sept 9 & 10th!
Weekly meetings for graduates continue to be held on Mondays.
quote: “ Have you ever wondered why large corporations can overrule what people & communities want for themselves and their future? Ever wondered why you lose your civil rights when you walk across your employer’s doorstep? Or how it is that your once beautiful land, clean well water, or pristine fishing area can be ”permitted” to be destroyed by industrial pollution whether you like it or not?
Democracy School explores how it came to be that large corporations have more rights than American citizens, towns, cities and counties. It examines the way our constitution was reinterpreted and laws enacted to shift power from real people to “corporate persons.”
The instructors explores why it is that big government now enforces the rights of big corporations to extract resources (natural and financial) of citizens and communities across the country. You will learn how some communities – beginning with tiny, conservative farming communities in Pennsylvania – are fighting back to protect their lives and livelihoods.
Living Democracy Class a Featured Event on Transition Whatcom!
Stoney is a gifted with wisdom & vision!
Register through Folk School 319-7495. Cost possibly under $20, with option to request scholarship or donate more.
Stoney's 2hr class is a good option for those unable to attend the more in-depth 1 ½ day workshop offered by non-profit professionals at CELDF on Fri June 24/Sat June 25- or I've attended two of the CELDF weekends and can recommend the quality of their work . If questions you can request a local living democracy initiating member to contact you.
Other dates for Stoney's 2hr class- Weds July 13th 6-8pm or Thurs July 28th 10am-noon-
Democracy School with "Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund" ( June 24 & 25. Read the Whatcom Watch article!
For more info, send an email to Stoney Bird: or contact me or another member of Living Democracy.
Newcomers- most of our communications are in person or through email. You might want to request Stoney or Rick to add you to the email list if you're not already receiving them.
Ricks page-
Stoney page -
It was at the A-1 builders office on Northwest!!!
Living Democracy meeting Tues Jan 11th at 4pm.
See Event page for details:
I'd like to suggest having the meetings being changed from every other Tues to 1st & 3rd Tues of the month.
Its easier to plan both our calendars & locations that way, and less chance of conflicting with other meetings who are on a set time.
(I'll only be able to attend meeting briefly)
(Just FYI the Audubon club meets the 4th Tues of most months)
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