Easiest Plant Propagation Methods at See website for location BellinghamEarthSchool.com
February 2, 2025 from 12pm to 2pm
Learn to propagate plants to heal the Earth and to make some cash on the side.About the eventWhile humanity confusedly removes plant life, lets learn the art of creating more. This workshop will give you hands on practice with the least intensive, low technology propagation styles. it is a good first step toward starting an easy backyard nursery for a front yard plant stand, or for midnight guerilla plantings with your friends, in your favorite abandoned lot. Either way the Bellingham forests…See More
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Brought to you by Transition Whatcom’s Initiating Group:
David MacLeod (miles58@yahoo.com),
Kate Clark (kateclark101@hotmail.com),
Cindi Landreth (cl@adaptations.ws),
David Marshak (david.marshak@gmail.com),
Tom Anderson (tomxyza@comcast.net),
Rick Dubrow (rdubrow@a1builders.ws),
Chris Wolf (chrisandbella@yahoo.com), and
Sandy Hoelterhoff (shoelter2@msn.com)
Let me (or any of us) know if you have any questions or concerns.
Kate Clark