Transition Whatcom

Zachary Robertson
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  • Andrew Babson
  • Christie Cassel

Zachary Robertson's Page

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Zachary Robertson posted an event

Easiest Plant Propagation Methods at See website for location

February 2, 2025 from 12pm to 2pm
Learn to propagate plants to heal the Earth and to make some cash on the side.About the eventWhile humanity confusedly removes plant life, lets learn the art of creating more. This workshop will give you hands on practice with the least intensive, low technology propagation styles. it is a good first step toward starting an easy backyard nursery for a front yard plant stand, or for midnight guerilla plantings with your friends, in your favorite abandoned lot. Either way the Bellingham forests…See More
Feb 11
Zachary Robertson updated an event

B-ham Naked Bike Ride #16 "Tour Du Trees" at Karate Church 519 E. Maple

June 2, 2024 from 4pm to 8pm
Each year we ride for "safety and respect for all bodies, cyclists, and the environment!" This year we we Ride for the health & protection of Bellingham's oldest trees! Join us in our 16th anniversary Naked Bike Ride!  Sunday June 2nd 2024! us on Sunday June 2nd for our 16th annual Naked Bike Ride!  Theme:The City of Bellingham…See More
May 4, 2024
David MacLeod is attending Zachary Robertson's event

B-ham Naked Bike Ride #16 "Tour Du Trees" at Karate Church 519 E. Maple

June 2, 2024 from 4pm to 8pm
Each year we ride for "safety and respect for all bodies, cyclists, and the environment!" This year we we Ride for the health & protection of Bellingham's oldest trees! Join us in our 16th anniversary Naked Bike Ride!  Sunday June 2nd 2024! us on Sunday June 2nd for our 16th annual Naked Bike Ride!  Theme:The City of Bellingham…See More
May 3, 2024
Zachary Robertson posted an event

B-ham Naked Bike Ride #16 "Tour Du Trees" at Karate Church 519 E. Maple

June 2, 2024 from 4pm to 8pm
Each year we ride for "safety and respect for all bodies, cyclists, and the environment!" This year we we Ride for the health & protection of Bellingham's oldest trees! Join us in our 16th anniversary Naked Bike Ride!  Sunday June 2nd 2024! us on Sunday June 2nd for our 16th annual Naked Bike Ride!  Theme:The City of Bellingham…See More
May 3, 2024
Zachary Robertson posted an event

Naked Bike Ride 15th anniversary at Karate Church

June 4, 2023 from 4pm to 9pm
Each year we ride for "safety and respect for all bodies, cyclists, and the environment!" This year we we add "Bans Off Our Bodies!" Join us in our 15th anniversary Naked Bike Ride!  Sunday June 4th 2023! us on Sunday June 4th for our 15th annual Naked Bike Ride!  Theme:In addition to "Safety and Respect for All Bodies, the…See More
May 23, 2023
Zachary Robertson posted events
Mar 27, 2023
Zachary Robertson posted an event

Natural Pelt Tanning and Roadkill Processing Workshop` at contact zac for info

February 18, 2023 at 10am to February 19, 2023 at 3pm
Learn hands-on techniques for processing roadkill animals in this full weekend workshop. You will learn how to skin, tan, turn bones and teeth into tools and jewelry, and butcher for meat. No prior experiencerequired. Just your curiosity and desire to be a healthy part of your ecosystem.Financial commitment: $60-$120 with $25 materials fee When: February 18-19 2023 10AM-3PM both days Where: Contact ZacContact Zac with questions. RSVP Subject line "Roadkill" by February…See More
Jan 30, 2023
Zachary Robertson joined james bauckman's group

Living Democracy

Working group formed at the Great Unleashing. Mission Statement under revision.  Stay tuned!
Jan 29, 2023
Zachary Robertson joined Christie Cassel's group

Bellingham Gleaning Network

End of season harvest projects -espeically summer fruit - Gathering the troops and supplies and venturing into the land of falling fruit to collect and process for preservation and storage as well as a crisp or two for the evening's celebrations!
Jan 29, 2023
David MacLeod might attend Zachary Robertson's event

B'ham Naked Bike Ride #12: Riders of the Post-Apocalypse at Flow Shala

June 5, 2022 from 3pm to 8pm
The Bellingham Naked Bike Ride is BACK after a 2 year Covid hiatus. This years theme is post-apocalypse- we’ve survived an apocalyptic few years, and we want to celebrate that survival! Come and enjoy body painting, music, and the freedom to exist the way you were born- NAKED! The body painting starts at 3 pm in the parking lot of Floshallah, located at 203 W Chestnut. The ride begins at 4 and ends at 4:30 in the same spot. Join us after the ride for our body positive dance party and Mad Max…See More
May 6, 2022
Zachary Robertson posted an event

B'ham Naked Bike Ride #12: Riders of the Post-Apocalypse at Flow Shala

June 5, 2022 from 3pm to 8pm
The Bellingham Naked Bike Ride is BACK after a 2 year Covid hiatus. This years theme is post-apocalypse- we’ve survived an apocalyptic few years, and we want to celebrate that survival! Come and enjoy body painting, music, and the freedom to exist the way you were born- NAKED! The body painting starts at 3 pm in the parking lot of Floshallah, located at 203 W Chestnut. The ride begins at 4 and ends at 4:30 in the same spot. Join us after the ride for our body positive dance party and Mad Max…See More
May 6, 2022
Zachary Robertson posted events
Mar 8, 2020
Zachary Robertson posted an event

B-Ham Naked Bike Ride, 11th Annual!! at Makeshift

June 7, 2019 from 4pm to 10pm
Join us, Friday, June 7th 2019, and riders from over 70 cities and 20 countries around the world, as we ride to protest our "indecent exposure" to fossil fuels, highlight bicyclist's vulnerability, and redefine cultural narratives about body image.Riders, and non-riding participants, can join the action with body painting, starting at 4 pm at a street closure in front of the Makeshift Art Gallery, 306 Flora St.  At 6 pm, the ride will embark from this location, lapping through downtown…See More
Apr 20, 2019

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I live communally, I am a student, I eat weeds. I help organize Food Not Bombs.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I want to live lightly but I also want to go beyond that and create systems where light living is available to everyone.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I am interested in humanure (in a large scale). I am studying cooperatives and the cooperative movement. I like providing ideas for how people can go without consumer goods.
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
I heard from the great unleashing and other events as well as friends.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
Enthusiasm for light living

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Join Transition Whatcom

At 11:14am on May 1, 2010, Kate Clark said…
Hello Zachary:

Welcome- I eat weeds, too!

I'm honored that you’ve joined our community networking website site...

We hope to keep you informed and involved as we work towards resilient and more self-reliant communities throughout Whatcom County; characterized by a local food supply, sustainable energy sources, a healthy local economy, and a growing sense of vitality and community well-being.

If you're not familiar with the Transition Initiatives model, a good place to start is to review the "Purpose, Principles, and Guidelines of Transition Initiatives", which can be downloaded from our website here:

Read more about Transition Whatcom and the people involved with the Transition Whatcom Initiating Group (TWIG) on introductory pages beginning here:

We will keep you updated with a regular email newsletter and occasional postings on our Transition Whatcom News & Info Forum.

We'd love to see you at our upcoming Transition Whatcom sponsored or co-sponsored events:

Brought to you by Transition Whatcom’s Initiating Group:
David MacLeod (,
Kate Clark (,
Cindi Landreth (,
David Marshak (,
Tom Anderson (,
Rick Dubrow (,
Chris Wolf (, and
Sandy Hoelterhoff (

Let me (or any of us) know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kate Clark

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