Transition Whatcom

The Evolving Leadership of Transition Whatcom

Event Details

The Evolving Leadership of Transition Whatcom

Time: June 2, 2010 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: Sustainable Living Center
Street: Broadway and Meridian
City/Town: Bellingham
Event Type: transition, whatcom, meeting
Organized By: the TWIG
Latest Activity: Jun 22, 2010

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Event Description

The TWIGs (Transition Whatcom Initiating Group members) invite all Transition Whatcom members who are interested in the evolving leadership of Transition Whatcom to join us on Wednesday, June 2, from 5-7 PM. We will meet at the Sustainable Living Center (SLC) above the Re-Store (Broadway and Meridian in Bellingham).

PLEASE use the RSVP on this page so we know how many people to expect and so we can communicate with you about the process.

This will be more a conversation than a meeting—about how we can work together to design and build the new Transition Whatcom core leadership that will replace the TWIG.

ALSO!!! If you are interested in assuming any level of leadership in Transition Whatcom, please choose to participate in the TRAINING FOR TRANSITION (T4T) Workshop in Bellingham, June 19-20, at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship.

The T4T workshop is designed to give a detailed introduction to the most important skills necessary to successfully set up, develop, and run a Transition project in your locality.

This training will follow the Transition model in paying attention to both the outer work and the inner work necessary for a successful Transition process. The course is participatory, action-learning-based and fun, with participants invited to share their own experience and learn from the many different transition projects represented in the group.

For more info, read the Forum post here and see the Event listing here:

Comment Wall


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Comment by Heather K on May 17, 2010 at 9:56am
Is there an agenda planned? Would you like to rough out an agenda plan online before the meeting?
Comment by Rev. Meredith Ann Murray on May 13, 2010 at 9:45am
This is the same time as the monthly Green Drinks where I will be promoting Kalb For Congress. It seems as if a lot of TW folks might go to Green Drinks so I am wondering if there might be another time to have this??

Attending (14)

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