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Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)


Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network)

Network-People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Event, Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying

Location: Cascadia Bioregion - Bellingham & Beyond
Members: 212
Latest Activity: Jan 4

Welcome Earth Garden Friends! . .New members enjoy listening in & reading our current discussions & comments.

Together we are working towards Ecological Restoration 

 and Local Nourishment In Our Community & Homes.

 -  * Creating Edible Forest Gardens  * -

 All are Invited to be a Community Volunteer at many of the home-garden work-groups & work-parties.


Earth Gardens...Network: People Caring for the Earth, Sharing Knowledge, Creating Work-Exchanges & Events; Learning from the Earth, Studying Ecology, Bio-Dynamics, Indigenous Wisdom, Organic, Sustainable, & Permaculture methods & applying this to our local communities. 


Info/Resources for New & Seasoned Member, please review this Discussion:


To Create a New Discussion: Post your questions & info as a Discussion when multi comments/dialogue are needed to help reduce our email traffic from chatty comments.

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 Scroll down & click blue "View All" button just below & to right of  Discussion section.

((To receive email updates within a specific Discussion within our group, go to that Discussion page, and click the "Flollow" link.)

All are invited to receive an excellent locally relevant email
called "Garden E-News
", that is compiled & created with volunteer time by Shannon Maris.   Each email contains a current list of the many local garden activities & work-parties that our local community creates.   Pass on your event or info to her & request it be included in her next email.

  -  See You in the Garden or Around the Fire Circle! . . . . . . (HK 12/13/10)

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Earth Gardens: Edible-Medicinal-Wild Habitats (Permaculture Network) to add comments!

Comment by Heather K on June 21, 2011 at 12:51pm
Earth Mother Pregnant with fruits swelling seeds forming new life within hidden secrets from our eyes but open to our Souls. Temperate Climate Northern Hemisphere Update Solstice Moon Waning.

Prepare to harvest – share- store for winters inner wave – bring light & warmth into cool deep darkness.


High bio-dynamic flower day tomorrow, Weds 6/22 from 1am–noon, and Thurs 6/23 from 4pm-11pm – Ideal times to make Flower Essence, BD Preparations, Flower Infusions, Elixirs & Tinctures from morning flowers freshly dew-dried attracting first bees & fragrant full.

Collect: chamomile, roses, valerian, peony, hawthorne, angelica . . . .


Earth tribes gathering-

Comment by Jamie Jedinak on June 12, 2011 at 10:44pm
Comment by Donna Auer on June 12, 2011 at 8:57pm
thanks, Celt.  that was fun!  I was going for mustard but the leaf threw me.  great information -
Comment by Celt M. Schira on June 12, 2011 at 7:58pm
Asian mustard, brassica junacea, some kind of a bok choi thingy. In full bloom, because the weather warmed up. If you let them go and set seed, in October you will fresh seed to plant for spring, and likely a bunch of volunteers. They are delicious when young and tender. Yours will have turned bitter and strong already. Regards, Celt
Comment by warren miller on June 12, 2011 at 5:14pm
Can anyone tell me what this plant is? We planted some (local swapped) seeds for greens and these two came up instead of what we expected. We think some seeds got incorrectly mixed-in...
Comment by Heather K on June 3, 2011 at 9:24am
Planting Seeds of Change- Vandanda Shiva

 Set aside 50” to listen to this talk with a friend & be inspired!

ur local community is slowly awakening to the importance of local food security, which means seed-sovereignty so we can feed our own community without contamination from GMO – genetically modified organisms from corporate companies who's mission is to not to protect the rights or the people or the rights of the earth's living habitats. (Bio-piracy)

 quote: "Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity. She is the founding director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of numerous books including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [8/2004] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 8859]"

Comment by Heather K on June 3, 2011 at 9:21am

Seed-Saving Workshop with Celt -Tues June 7

Join Celt Schira, for this invaluable workshop on how to plan for, produce, and cultivate a garden that will last forever. Topics will include: basic seed saving, garden planning considerations, introduction to vegetable breeding, harvesting, cleaning and storing your seeds. Suggested donation: $20.”

Event reminder for Chris Wolf's composting class this Sat-

 and David MacLeod's "...Beyond Sustainability" class series beginning this coming Monday-

Comment by Heather K on June 3, 2011 at 9:13am

"Basic BioDynamics" Inspiration Farm ReSkilling

Event  Sat June 11 with Brian Kerkvliet  10am-4pm. 

Cost range $22-$57. Bring a lunch item to share potluck style.  Please RSVP to Brian

“We will discover which Biodynamic practices are practical on small-scale farms & gardens. We will work with the astrological calendar, use Biodynamic sprays & teas, make biodynamic compost, to bring the land back into balance. These practices can increase the vitality & vigor. Just how do those all work together to create better soils, more than just dirt? It is a universe teaming with a diverse array of interconnected micro organisms working together to perform multiple functions. Learn how to support this community &, in turn, sequester carbon, grow healthy disease & drought resistant plants & eat from the most nutrient dense food possible, at the same time that you inoculate the land with love & intention.”


More great reskilling classes listed in the Folk School flyer, including "Sustainable Agricutlure From the Ground Up" May-Sept Series with Walter Haugen in Ferndale, and " Basic BioDynamics" & "Practical Permaculture" July 23 at Inspiration Farm and "The Backyard Homestead" with Alicia Wills Aug 21 ln B'ham, and "Barefoot Doctor Techniques" and "Western Herbs in Chinese Medicine" with Dov Shoneman, "Applied Ethnobotany" with Jonah Keith, and more.

(Consider supporting our new Whatcom Folks School who is promoting many great reskilling classes through their summer flyer! Michael's Books in B'ham will also do registration in person- 733-6272 )

Comment by Heather K on May 25, 2011 at 9:18pm

Blossoming May Garden Update: * Plant*- Cultivate Weeds- Plant More- Fertilize/Nourish- Plant Again- Harvest- Share Plants- Compost-  & Water if its ever Dry for more than a week & Watch for those little Plant-eating Critters while Protecting the Precious Pollinators!

"Hidden Beauty of Pollination"-TED Talk (watch for the baby bat being carried by its flying mother).

"The greatest challenges for humanity are not hunger, poverty, peace, public health, education, the economy, natural resources, nor a combination of these or other issues ... but our capacity to build new social organizations capable of providing the solutions.  Our greatest challenge is collective intelligence."-  F Noubel.  More Quotes to Inspire at- )
Comment by Heather K on May 25, 2011 at 9:01pm

Continue “spring time planting of cover crops in our gardens & farms:

* Consider planting green manure crops to enhance your soil tilth & increase insectory pollinator nourishment- Grain Seeds: Oats, Wheat, Rye, Triticale;

Seeds from the nitrogen-fixing legume family- Field Peas, Edible Peas & Fava Beans, Vetch, Medic mix ( Medicago sp & Trifolium sp); and Insectory seeds - Sunflower, Mustard & Kale,  Bee's Friend (Phacelia, tanacetifolia), and other heirloom seeds that brings nutrients up from deep in the soil or creates a large amount of bio-mass or pollen/nector.

Also consider perennial seeds that you can harvest each year without replanting or cultivating (ie. Your scythed lawn or meadow of grass/clover/broad-leaf-plants letting it grow tall before scything. Add more catmint, sorrel, comfrey.  More at- “Soil Restoration through Cover Crops & Green Manures”-

Members (206)


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