*Note from your web administrator: I've been asked to close this "Early Discussions of the Skillshare Faire", and redirect folks to the "Updated Whatcom Skillshare Faire (and Barter)" discussion. Please go there for current discussion, and check out the official website (www.whatcomskillsharefaire.org ). - David M. 8/17/12)
People have been talking with me, Tom Anderson, about wanting Transition Whatcom to have a Re-Skilling Fair. I think it is a great idea and am willing to put some energy into helping organize such an event. I could see an even this fall where lots of people and groups set up booths and displays to share their skills and ideas for how we can make our individual lives more resilient. It could be a great big party where we get to learn new things, find out what is happening in our community with ways to learn new skills, find specific opportunities to learn skills we are interested in and just plain have a great time celebrating life in Whatcom County.
I am really excited by the possibilities. I also am real clear that although I can help organize such and event I would need lots of help. My request in the moment is that if you are interested in this event taking shape that you respond to this discussion with ideas for it. Things that could be included, where we could hold it, groups that could get excited about it and other ideas that come to your mind when you think about a fun fantastic opportunity for RE-SKILLING your life.
Also if you have some energy and passion to help organize it let me know, we will hold a meeting in early February to get organized!!
Tom Anderson
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Is there a planning meeting coming up soon? How should people who want to help out connect with the group?
The next planning meeting is scheduled for May 10th in Bellingham at 6:30PM at the Pickford on Bay st. If you are interested in helping out feel free to drop by!
Our first annual “Whatcom SkillShare Faire” is being birthed! http://whatcomskillsharefaire.org/ !
Weekend of Sept 22. Centrally located in Whatcom county! Website in progress!
Let us know if you want to volunteer with planning or special projects! Details soon on website for skill-share presentors, barter-trading wares, vendors, sponsors, and local farmers!
Email us your interests at- whatcomskillsharefaire – at – gmail.com.
Next planning meeting scheduled for Thurs June 7th .
TOM, did you see that the alternative library has been offered as a meeting space?
HEATHER proposed a grain/bean threshing station at the Reskilling Fair. I think that is a great idea and I am willing to organize that, provide threshing materials, instruction, and etc. I would need a covered building out of the wind to do it so that would have to be arranged. I'm excited to teach other workshops as well, but haven't had time or energy to focus on it just yet. I would love to do something involving food preservation, such as making sauerkraut, and something around "stocking up for the winter - experiences at Riverhaven" where I could share what our household did last year to eat nearly all home-grown and locally-procured food throughout last fall/winter/spring.
We will need some folks to hold focus for a Security Team, for Zero-Waste management, and Set-up & Take-Down teams at the skillshare faire. Anyone feel called to lead or co-lead any of this?
Thanks Farmer Krista for offering grain/bean threshing station! I think those who are able to meet in person in urban zone will discuss your offer & needs! (I've emailed Tom's network). Thanks also to Chris W who is offering to help with food vendors & circus folks! I know you are both busy on the farms in the north county and don't make it in for meetings.
All- pass the word to mark your calendar for Sat Sept 22 for the EarthSkill Faire. And if you're helping with the event, to include friday night the 21st and sunday morning the 23rd!
It would be cool to work with the colleges, and with businesses that offer mentorship projects like woodworkers and potters, etc. too.
Since this awesome event is in September, we can help promote it in relation to celebrating September Eat Local Month - we publish 50,000 copies of the month long guide to activities and the Farm Tour. All this stuff is related to cultivating our local food culture!
See here: https://www.facebook.com/eatlocalfirst, or give us a ring at 647-7093 x 114 or email your events listings to eatlocalfirst@sconnect.org.
toward more, together!
When is your next meeting? I am interested in learning more and helping with the project.
I am super swamped with other commitments this year so I don't have time for planning but I do intend to attend and share skills.
I would be willing to teach/show the usefulness of scythes and other human powered tools. We may have our seed cleaner finished by then and we could have it on hand to clean peoples seeds along with a seed swap shop.
Keep me posted on developments.
Add your RSVP to our Whatcom SkillShare Faire on TW- http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/events/whatcom-skillshare-faire
Add your skillshare offering on our website page- http://whatcomskillsharefaire.org/skillshare.html
Gather together your homegrown & homemade items to barter, (plus table & awning if you have), and bring some seeds to share for a seed-exchange table, your musical instruments and songs to share.
Great to hear Brian from Inspiration Farm will attend and share useful human powered tools. (plus Farmer Krista Rome & we're hoping for more!)
We are calling for more Skill-Share offerings - Add your offering to our website online form-
http://whatcomskillsharefaire.org/skillshare.html Or phone (360) 739-1968 and share your idea.
Mary J is also attending, who is skilled in 'zero-waste' event consulting . Although the plan is for us all to “pack out” what we bring in, we still need folks to volunteer to create a 'Re-Use & Re-Cycle Station”. If you can help, contact Mary, and request her coaching on how to set up a site Before the event begins. Leave message for her at - (http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/profile/MaryVJensen?xg_source=pro...
Here are some ideas for the skill share faire that Transition Seattle included in their recent Urban Country Fair: http://sustainableneseattle.ning.com/events/planet-home-2012
Solar cooking (bring your cookers you'd like to show off or practice with to add to the display)
Produce and plant swap (Bring home-made or home-grown items to barter)
Leave-One-Take-One share table (bring items for gifting)
Tool sharpening (bring your dull tools)
"Stone soup" salad and fruit salad (bring potluck salad and/or fruit items to share. We'll keep adding ingredients as they show up!)
Tool donation station for the new NE Seattle Tool Library (bring electric or hand-powered tools you'd like to share)
Sustainable food prepared by Outside the Box / Cata Catering food company (Paleo beef chili, curry chicken/curry veg and coconut cardamom cauliflower rice)
DIY solar hot water systems
Alternative currencies / Fourth Corner Exchange
Sun jam demonstration
Local watershed model
Materials salvaging and repurposing
Seed bombs
Healing salve for cuts, scrapes, and burns workshop
Cargo bikes
Emergency Preparedness
Cake Walk
Home-made goods
Tug-o-war and bag toss games, sack races
Cedar lotion bars workshop
DIY weatherization and insulation
Polyhedra building with magnets
Energy retrofit home tour
Slow motion pie-eating contest
Gardening Q&A booth
Electric cars
Art projects table for kids
Radical Mycology
Cascadian Edible Landscapes
Live local music from Klez Chaos, Podorythmie, and Leo Brodie!
and much more!
Scheduled activities (other events run all day or we're still deciding exact times):
11-12, 2-3 DIY Affordable and trouble free solar hot water systems
11-12 Rain Gardens with Loralee Wenger
12-1 Remodeling for Resilience: Learn from a case-study example by the homeowner how to remodel your home for efficiency, health and resilience. Tour included.
1-2 Cedar Lotion Bars workshop
3-4 Fungus Among Us with Radical Mycology
4-5 Healing Salve from Common Plants workshop
1-2 Musical entertainment by Leo Brodie
2-3 Klezmer music by Klez Chaos
3-4 French Canadian steps and tunes by Podorythmie
Skill Share Folks- Can you post the next meeting date, time and location? I have had a couple folks express interest in helping out but they need to know when and where to go.
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