Transition Whatcom

Sarah Robertson
  • Female
  • Bellingham, WA
  • United States
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Sarah Robertson's Friends

  • Chris Brown
  • Jenalyn
  • Chris Testa
  • Jon-Erik Jardine
  • Nolan Hoppe-Leonard
  • Richard Kauffman
  • Anna Luna
  • Meaghan M
  • Caitlin Quigley
  • Aron Standley
  • Eric Jensen
  • Jenna Kuczynski
  • Rhys Faler
  • Travis Linds
  • Krista Rome

Sarah Robertson's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
I am involved in helping Common Threads Farm with school gardens, and I would like to be involved in many other groups as well! Right now, I am focused on trying to go to several different group meetings and I want to get to know more people that share my interests. After I graduate college in December 2012 I will have much more time to dedicate!
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
I have such a wonderful feeling about the transition movement, it is really what we need in this moment. I feel it is uplifting to meet with people that share similar beliefs and discuss ways in which we can help make a difference. The transition movement is something positive that is happening and I feel a crucial need to be a part of it. I want to learn about different positive movements that are going on around Bellingham!
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
I am extremely interested in food and healing. I am motivated to learn about the human body and how we can heal ourselves from the damage we have caused (to ourselves and the planet) from diet especially. I do not have many skills yet, but I hope to gain more as I become more involved with different groups on Transition Whatcom. I am currently a student at Fairhaven College and I am studying food and wellness. I have several other interests as well and these include: natural building, alternative medicine, mindfulness, reskilling myself in general (canning, cooking, gardening, etc) Learning how to become self-reliant in this world!
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
Sunnyland Neighborhood!
Your Personal Website (if you have one)
http://not yet...
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Friends, The Great Unleashing! The Great Unleashing was my favorite day!
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
I want to learn how to live more sustainably and I want to be more involved in the community

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At 8:06pm on November 6, 2012, Heather K said…

Thanks for your work with Common Threads Farm & the kids!  I wish I could have attended the Harvest Meal this year! 

At 7:05pm on June 2, 2011, Chris Wolf said…

Hi Sarah,

I saw that you are a "maybe" for the composting workshop this Saturday from 2 to 4pm.  If you do decide to attend, the address is 221 W. Bartlett Rd.  From Bellingham you go north on Guide Meridian, about 5 or 6 miles, past Smith Rd, Axton, Laurel, and Hemmi then turn left onto Pole Rd (at a roundabout), in 2 blocks turn right on Old Guide Rd, then after passing the nursery you turn right onto Bartlett.  Their house is just a few houses in, after the huge yellow barn. 


The workshop is "pay as you can" to help us with our materials and time.  Wear clothes you can get dirty in.  Carpooling or bussing is highly encouraged, contact me if you want to hook up with other carpoolers.

Thanks!  -- Chris, phone 961-9028

At 11:31am on May 16, 2011, Jamie Jedinak said…

Hi Sarah,

It was so very lovely to meet you yesterday out at Richard's place.  Thank you for sharing so much lovin' goodness with my pooch, Pepper!  I look forward to passing our paths again!  

Perhaps consider Sunday, Ski to Sea weekend to come back up with your entire family again and perhaps we can have the 2nd well as cheer on the canoe paddlers as they paddle by during the 18 mile leg of the Ski ti Sea race! Richard will have his wife and son up as well and I think that it would be lovely for all of us to meet them and all enjoy our company together...perhaps a picnic potluck by the river watching the boaters!  Love,  Jamie

At 12:11am on May 14, 2011, Heather K said…

Hi Sara!  Welcome to the original Food Security Events group.

 Most of the current discussions are happening on a 2nd group that Laura R at Sustainable C. often posts info on.  Here is a link to that group, and tp the discussion she started months ago while she worked to co-create the Whatcom Food Security Network forum - 

You might want to both join this 2nd food group, and click 'join' to follow Laura's discussion.  You're welcome to post your thoughts on the group too.

  I hope to see you some Weds on Common Threads, though mostly I've been volunteering at the Thurs Roving Garden Parties!

At 10:30pm on May 12, 2011, Eric Jensen said…
Gee whiz, thanks Sarah, that's mighty thoughtful of ya, and I wish you the best on this beautiful spring day as well, see you soon!
At 2:39pm on April 18, 2011, Richard Kauffman said…

Hi Sarah,


Thanks for a great weekend of work and fun at the farm.  Your enthusiasm is inspiring, and a ray of sunshine.  I have some ideas for editing our document, and will hopefully get to it by the end of the day.

Would you mind sending me the recipe the bean dish you and Jaren created for the potluck?  I'd like to start doing some easy by delicious recipes here at home to generate interest in growing the foods necessary to create such a dish.

Thanks and have a lovely week!


At 6:20pm on March 13, 2011, Heather K said…
Hi Sara! Welcome to the Earth Gardens network, and the Gaia's Guardians volunteer group!

Let me know what your volunteer intersts are, and I can share some of the needs I see too.


Here are some links for you, that I think you'll be interested in:


Earth Gardens new member page & resoureces -


Request Garden E-News email- this is where most of us share our events & news, and Shannon volunteers to compile & email out


Couple upcoming events, although lots more under the TW Events tab:

Weekday pm Work party-

Biodynamic Weekend Work party-


I look forward to working in the Earth Garden together!

At 10:32am on May 3, 2010, Eric Jensen said…
Hey Sarah!

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