Transition Whatcom


Transition Laurel

For those who are interested in learning about or implementing the Transition model in or near the Laurel district, just north of Bellingham.

Location: Laurel, WA
Members: 20
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2013

Transition Laurel Potluck 8/24/09

To see more of Cindi Landreth's photos taken at our get-together, go here.

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Comment by Cyndy Sheldon on August 18, 2009 at 11:14pm
Hi David, I'll be there! Thanks for organizing this. Cyndy
Comment by David MacLeod on August 18, 2009 at 10:44pm

Please consider joining us for a late summer potluck on Monday, Aug. 24th, 5:30pm, at Inspiration Farm, 619 E. Laurel Rd!

The purpose of this gathering is to have a nice community meal and to explore the possibility of becoming involved in a Transition Initiative right here in the Laurel district. Transition Initiatives are grassroots community groups that are forming all across the planet in response to climate change, peak oil, and economic instability, with a focus on rebuilding community resilience and self-reliance.

If you're not too familiar with the Transition Initiatves model, a good place to start is to review the 7 Principles of Transition, which can be found at the Transition US website here:

Find out more about Transition Whatcom (the hub for Whatcom County Initiatives like Transition Laurel) and the people involved with the Transition Whatcom Initiating Group (TWIG) here:

For this first get-together, we're inviting people we think already have some degree of understanding of the issues. We won't be talking much about the issues, but we will be considering the response that Transition offers.

Aug. 24th Evening Schedule
5:30pm A tour of Inspiration Farm (be inspired by the compost shower, the solar food dehydrator, and more!)
6:00pm Potluck .
7:30pm Video and Powerpoint presentation about the Transition movement by Michael Browlnee, of Transition Boulder and one of the founders of Transition US.
8:30pm Discussion
9:00pm End

Please RSVP via email or call 398-1096. Pass this invitation on to others you think are on the same page.

We hope to see you!

David MacLeod

P.S. Check out a couple of inspiring YouTube videos about Transition:
Transition Whidbey -
Transition Founder Rob Hopkins in a 5 minute video about Transition -
Comment by Heather K on August 4, 2009 at 1:39am
Re potluck dates: Robyn Francis from Australia, educator & permaculture designer, will be on Orcas Island doing presentation on Sat, Aug 22.
For anyone who misses seeing her while she is speaks at Inspiration Farm on Aug 13th & 14th this may be another chance.
I most likely will spend time on Orcas & Bullock Brothers Homestead during this weekend and may miss Laurel potluck if you have on Mon August 24th. Both August & September are such full months with so many events & so much outside work to enjoy doing!
Comment by David MacLeod on July 31, 2009 at 8:27pm
My planning of the initial Transition Laurel picnic potluck and presentation is coming along slowly. Tentative date is Monday evening, Aug. 24th. Will confirm soon...
Comment by Cyndy Sheldon on July 31, 2009 at 7:45pm
Hi Heather, Hopefully we can connect at the event at Inspiration Farm with the person from Australia. Maybe we can plan a picnic at my place then. Thanks for responding! Cyndy
Comment by Heather K on July 30, 2009 at 4:16pm
Hi neighbors! Thanks for the welcome! I’m back in the bioregion now after traveling east for a few wks in July. It is now wonderfully hot & dry and my fruiting crops are loving it! I am keeping cool using principles of passive solar & evaporation cooling & cold plunges, to keep my body core temp down and our home a delightful 80 degrees.

All - you are welcome to swing by for a cold lake plunge during this hot weather at the garden by the lake that we care for, just two watersheds south of ten-mile-creeks….best to email or call or hoot ahead…My apologies I don’t sign on very often and prefer to preserve the privacy of address/etc on social websites…
.I’ll be attending Aug 13th talk at Inspiration Farm with the well respected Australian educator & permaculture consultant Robyn Francis & look forward to seeing you!

Cyndy, sorry I missed responding to your initiative for a potluck! Sometimes I miss checking all the emails that get into my box.
David, It is fine to share my email. through an email (not ning sites), to any of our county neighbors that request a way to contact me.

If any of you volunteers on any watershed restoration projects let us all know!
Here is a good website link to learn about the Ten Mile Creek watershed, & can be found on Nooksack Salmon Enhancements site under the “Habitat Restoration’ tab.

The watershed south would then be Squalicum:
And the next one south would be Whatcom:

The USGS topographical maps that best cover these watersheds are:
‘Bellingham North’ & ‘Lawrence’ & ‘Lynden’
These maps are available at REI or through the US Geological Survey.

Re networking & sharing our resources: Please consider joining our local alternative currency exchange, Fourth Corner Exchange, or another alternative!
There are intro meetings at Terra Organica (Public Market) the next two Fridays.
Visit website for more info: .
We all have so many gifts to share and lessons to learn by receiving.

Yours in the spirit of community, Heather K
Comment by Cyndy Sheldon on June 7, 2009 at 3:01pm
Welcome Heather!
I met with Angela last week and saw Inspiration Farm, which is wonderful. Angela and I talked about my hosting a pot luck sometime in July at my place. I have a few new people to invite to Transition Laurel, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to do so. I'm proposing two dates: July 18 or 19 from 4 on. Let me know what you think, and if these dates aren't good for you let me know what does work!
Comment by David MacLeod on May 31, 2009 at 3:02pm
Heather, you asked "I hope to soon learn how to have any ning events or discussions posted here be forwarded to my email. (Any tips appreciated)"

To be sure that you are getting the correct email notifications from, go to your personal profile. On the right side will be a link called SETTINGS. Click there, and then look for the EMAIL link on the left side of the next screen. Set and save your email notifications preferences there, so that you will know when someone is trying to communicate with you on the Transition Whatcom website.
Comment by David MacLeod on May 31, 2009 at 12:33pm
Hi Heather,

Thanks for your offers!

Angela and I often walk on Medcalf Rd. Where is the farm house you speak of? We haven't made a visit to the cemetery yet, but look forward to doing so soon.
Comment by Heather K on May 27, 2009 at 4:20pm
Hi Laurel transition group!
I am interested in being part of a twice month garden/ farm work-trade days, to help with planting, weeding, harvesting & preserving, goat/cow milking coops, and general sharing of knowledge & resource surplus.
Currently I participate in a Tues work party that takes place either in town or farther out in county. There are still openings for future Tuesdays if someone wants to host a workparty at their place. The host provides both a simple evening meal, and guidance on the work they want help with. Info is on Sustainable B’ham.

I am also interested in assisting the return of the salmon to more of our streams.

I can do exchanges using our local currency through fourthcorner exchange.

During the growing season I rarely sign online to networks, so most likely I would participate in the community through in-person events rather than through online ning discussions (although the current whatcom ones do look so interesting & inspiring). If you are on facebook, we can also connect there.
I hope to soon learn how to have any ning events or discussions posted here be forwarded to my email. (Any tips appreciated)

Part of my family since the 30’s (depression years) is from the Laurel or rather theTen-Mile Creek & Deer Creek watersheds area. At least one member was born at home in the oldest farmhouse located on the Medcalf Rd, and has shared stories from the depression years when they were ‘subsistance farmers’.
. And Ten Mile Cemetery contains remains of ‘Those who have lLved Before’, and memories of family gatherings. ( I would be interested in seeing the cemetery receive green buriel status and having the forest expanded).

As the Whatcom & national transition ning site networks grow deeper, I look forward to more of our watershed connecting & working together as neighbors who care for the earth, who care for each other, and who share the surplus!
Heather K

Members (20)


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