Transition Whatcom


Living Democracy

Working group formed at the Great Unleashing. Mission Statement under revision.  Stay tuned!

Location: Whatcom County
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Jan 29, 2023

Discussion Forum

Stopping Toxic Ag Chemicals from Being Sold or Applied in Whatcom County

Started by Heather K. Last reply by Heather K Feb 14, 2011. 1 Reply

 Hi! Anyone know who in the state is making the decisions for what agricultural chemicals can be applied to our living soils?Whatcom county's growers have been hit hard by a broadleaf herbicide that…Continue

Tags: agriculture, herbicides, pesticides, government, local

Community Water Habitat Protection & Management (with links from Paul C)

Started by Heather K Dec 28, 2010. 0 Replies

How we care for our local waters in their living habitats, will effect the health & survival of all species, including our grandchildren's children. I've posted the municipal water right reading…Continue

Tags: corporation, issues, management, municiple, rights

Minutes of Aug. 24

Started by Stoney Bird. Last reply by Heather K Aug 31, 2010. 1 Reply

MInutes of Aug. 24 meeting attached. Next meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center, corner of Maple and Cornwall.Stoney BirdContinue

Relevant Documents

Started by Mara Mitchell. Last reply by Stoney Bird Aug 22, 2010. 1 Reply

Relevant Documents for discussion of natural rights & citizen democracy . . . 

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Living Democracy to add comments!

Comment by Renata Beata Kowalczyk on April 13, 2010 at 1:16pm
Once I get the typed up forms back I will send those to all conveners so you can have your distribution list and communicate your next meeting.
Comment by Renata Beata Kowalczyk on April 13, 2010 at 1:14pm
Yes, I do like that name: Living Democracy & Politics, or can we just say Living Democracy since this is ultimately what we are after?

James, your thoughts since you convened the group?
Comment by Heather K on April 13, 2010 at 1:02pm
Hi James & Renata!
I'm suggesting the group name to include the words "Living Democracy".
Maybe something like "Living Democracy & Politics"...or visa versa

Great book that I hope to start a discussion on:
"Liberation Ecology" by Frances Moore Lappe.

Consider listening & responding to 2 talks I've posted on TW to create a buzz beyond the members of this group.

"Is a Truly Sustainable Society Achievable As Long As Corporate 'Rights' Trump the Rights of People" . Paul Cienfuegos - Audio-Recorded Live Talk" 2/26/10"

"Organizing Community to Abolish Corporate Personhood-Audio LinkTalks"

I'm one of the folks who attended the Peace Center's sponsored workshops on Dismantling Corporate Rule in Skagit. I hope we can connect this group up with the study group they have already created.
Comment by james bauckman on April 13, 2010 at 12:30pm
Next meet will be at Bloom on Saturday April 24th at 1pm. Address is 1320 Cornwall Street. Hope to see you all there.
Comment by Renata Beata Kowalczyk on April 13, 2010 at 12:15pm
Transition Whatcom
Political Activism
Group Forming/Outlining Meeting
April 11, 2010 3-5:00 PM


This group consists of a culmination of four different idea proposals: Rooting out corporate domination in politics, Forming a political advocacy group, Designing a more efficient form of community conflict resolution, and Taking steps towards effective legislation that benefits the Transition movement (i.e. hemp legalization).

Goals for our group include:
Identifying ineffective legislation and the legislation that is already in place (and under-utilized) that can benefit our movement- ask Rhett and Myron for more info

Mapping out and initiating steps that effectively remove corporate dominance from our political structure through:
• Active citizenship
o Members will attend city council, etc.
o Identify situations and historical rulings where citizen rights supersede corporate rights
o We will tell the government what We want, not the other way around. We will portray ourselves as the dominant discourse

Identifying local groups that have already made progress in local politics like:
• Futurewise Whatcom
• Sustainable Connections
• Whatcom Watch
• Wash Clean

Exploring methods to overcome an ineffective 2-party system including:
• A range (ranking) voting system as found in San Francisco
o How did their community enact this system?
o This gets rid of the “spoiler” candidate
• Design methods of finding a consensus of the people/community members

We will evaluate the role politics plays in the Transition movement by reading and critiquing the analysis given in the Transition Handbook and applying it to our local movement

Next meeting:
We will discuss our thoughts on how politics affects Transition Whatcom and begin identifying what steps of action we will take in forming a political structure that facilitates Transition Whatcom’s goals. Meeting date and time TBD on

Members (43)


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