Transition Whatcom


Living Democracy

Working group formed at the Great Unleashing. Mission Statement under revision.  Stay tuned!

Location: Whatcom County
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Jan 29, 2023

Discussion Forum

Stopping Toxic Ag Chemicals from Being Sold or Applied in Whatcom County

Started by Heather K. Last reply by Heather K Feb 14, 2011. 1 Reply

 Hi! Anyone know who in the state is making the decisions for what agricultural chemicals can be applied to our living soils?Whatcom county's growers have been hit hard by a broadleaf herbicide that…Continue

Tags: agriculture, herbicides, pesticides, government, local

Community Water Habitat Protection & Management (with links from Paul C)

Started by Heather K Dec 28, 2010. 0 Replies

How we care for our local waters in their living habitats, will effect the health & survival of all species, including our grandchildren's children. I've posted the municipal water right reading…Continue

Tags: corporation, issues, management, municiple, rights

Minutes of Aug. 24

Started by Stoney Bird. Last reply by Heather K Aug 31, 2010. 1 Reply

MInutes of Aug. 24 meeting attached. Next meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center, corner of Maple and Cornwall.Stoney BirdContinue

Relevant Documents

Started by Mara Mitchell. Last reply by Stoney Bird Aug 22, 2010. 1 Reply

Relevant Documents for discussion of natural rights & citizen democracy . . . 

Comment Wall


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Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 18, 2010 at 7:21pm
Of course I was thinking of a local hero.
Comment by Heather K on July 17, 2010 at 9:20am
Wendell Berry for nomination of “Transition Whatcom Award for Truth-Tellers”!

Especially read “The Idea of Local Economy

and “In Distrust of Movements”.
Comment by Laura J Sellens ..... I wonder what y'all think about creating a Transition Whatcom Award for Truth-Tellers. .....Got any nominations?
Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 16, 2010 at 4:58pm
I just finished Francis Moore Lappe's book Getting a Grip 2--really insightful on Living Democracy. I wonder what y'all think about creating a Transition Whatcom Award for Truth-Tellers. This would publicly honor a person noted for standing up to injustice in Whatcom County or in some other way being a brave hero who speaks out for truth in the face of potential ostracism. It would show we appreciate their efforts, help create trust in the possibility of fairness and encourage others to follow suit. Got any nominations?
Comment by David MacLeod on July 12, 2010 at 9:46pm
Tomorrow, Tell County Council Not to Expand Urban Areas onto our Rural & Farm Lands
(Reprinted from

On Tuesday, July 13th, the Whatcom County Council will ask the public whether we think we should expand four cities' borders onto neighboring rural land
around around Ferndale, Birch Bay, Sumas and Nooksack.

This proposal would UNDO the work carried out last year to reduce urban footprints, prevent sprawl, and bring Whatcom County into compliance
with state law!

Tomorrow, July 13th is the public's first and ONLY opportunity to have a say in the decision.

If you care about the livability of our great place, NOW is the time to tell County Council not to expand UGAs.

4 Things YOU Can Do to Stop Sprawl & Save Rural Land:

Help preserve livability in Whatcom County by emailing Councty Council NOT to expand UGAs. Talking
points HERE
Call a County Council member and share personally with them your own views.
Email County Council:
Come tomorrow, July 13th @ 7pm to speak up for a livable future in Whatcom County. Arrive early to sign up for comments!
Join Futurewise Whatcom today, to help us keep working locally to prevent sprawl and promote smart growth in Whatcom County!


WHEN: Tuesday, July 13th @ 7pm (arrive early!)

WHERE: Whatcom Council Chambers, 311 Grand Avenue

WHY: This will be our opportunity to speak up in defense of a livable future for Whatcom County that retains compact, efficient urban areas,

Focus limited county resources on what needs to be fixed NOW
Proposed expansions of UGA boundaries lack robust public process
As UGA boundaries grow, so do costs to taxpayers

We need to tell the County Council that we cannot afford to waste taxpayer money, degrade rural
lands -- and that we mean it, the public doesn't support sprawl!
Comment by Heather K on May 24, 2010 at 4:35pm
City Council Meeting Monday 7pm May 24. Some of the items to be covered are listed at David M's discussion:
The Gulf Oil Spill Reminds Us the Era of Easy Oil is Over

Did anyone attend Paul's C workshop this past weekend at Western on "Understanding Corporate Rule"? There is a small group of us that attended his workshop previously held in Skagit. It would be good for the groups to connect, and to also invite participants from this weekend to be invited to this new online TW networking group.

Thanks Rhett for initiating a doodle meeting time....seems like many of us have had overfull schedules.
Last Thursday's educational event on tarsands & local pipelines was excellent!
Comment by Rhett Winter on May 4, 2010 at 1:55pm
Please click the following Doodle to sign up for the next meeting. Sent out 5/4/2010
Thanks, Rhett
Comment by Rhett Winter on April 29, 2010 at 7:45pm
Upcoming Event!

RSVP no later than 5/4 or the workshop may be canceled.

Governing as We The People—
Reclaiming Our Society from Corporate Rule

Saturday, May 15th 9:30AM to 5:30PM
Sunday, May 16th 10AM to 5PM
(Please come 30 minutes early both mornings to join us for coffee and pastries.)
Solid Ground in Wallingford (Community Room)
1501 North 45th Street, Seattle, WA, 98103
Space is limited. Please contact Karen Estevenin to register. Sliding scale $50-$150 Contact for price.
A two-day workshop with Paul Cienfuegos
We the People are more powerful than we dare to believe. For an entire century now, since large
corporations won the "rights" of persons under the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, We the People
have been slowly forgetting who We are. If we relearn our history, if we understand again that corporations
were designed to serve us, not to rule us, then we can reclaim our sovereignty. Once we understand this,
the sky's the limit. We can rein in corporate constitutional "rights" as have more than 100 communities in
PA, NH, ME, and VI. (Details:
We can learn to govern ourselves—collectively determining what a majority of us wants to further this great
nation founded (at least on paper) on majority rule. What would this look like at the city level?
What do the majority of Seattle residents want? What do the unionized and non-union working people of
Seattle want? What would Seattle residents need to do to end the existing corporate barriers that
frequently block common sense policies from being enacted? How does the Supreme Court's
recent decision expanding corporate constitutional "rights" impact Seattle's future, King County's
future and Washington’s future?
Join your fellow neighbors, co-workers and concerned community members for two
full days of learning how to overcome minority rule and begin governing ourselves.
The workshop will guide participants in:
§ Critiquing the fundamental shortcomings of how citizens are currently
challenging corporations
§ Provocative discussions and exercises exploring the root causes and rise of
corporate power and takeover of our communities; and
§ First steps in creating a true democracy, with a focus on current campaigns
and what we can do locally.
Comment by Rhett Winter on April 18, 2010 at 6:48pm
The systemic problems of the world will only be solved through cooperation; none of them will be solved by corporations.
Comment by Heather K on April 16, 2010 at 1:15am
I'd like to suggest that as communications clarify between the group's creator/attenders of the Unleashing weekend, and the wisdom of an intiating member (Kate), that a written mission/vision statement be added to the text section of this group's online page.
Then when new members join they can read the shared focus of this group.

From what I read of the great meeting notes from the weekend posted, and from Kate's feedback, here is a Rough Draft of one option that could be added to the top of this group, under the Text Option, which would always show up first. (either James as admin can do this, or if he selects some online support admin then they can add this – but the rest of us don't have this option unless we are all online admins).
Living Democracy Group Text Draft Below:

Welcome New Members – May we share leadership and be followers of a shared vision.
We are in the process of envisioning & creating our shared statement for a transition to a living democracy.
Here is one of our drafts.

Our Vision & Purpose:
We the people re-claim our citizenship power to co-create our living democracy with guidelines that allow us to be good stewards of the natural resources entrusted to us & to protect them for all future generations.
As citizens with a shared mission, we will maintain a inclusive perspective of all cultures and be nonparitisan & neutral in terms of political parties & candidates.
We will initiate communications with our current local governement leaders.
We will communicate to our leaders our goal of a EDAP – Energy Descent Action Plan.
We will be part of creating community rules that are transparent, accountable, & prevent extreme concentration of power, and that avoid harm to all life on earth. We understand the value of the citizen-driven voice of democracy in public decisions, and will resist any power of concentrated wealth involved in our citizens democracy.
We will strive to learn & practice community conflict resolution.
We will review the guidance offered in the Transition Handbook on step #9 to build bridges to local governement.
Comment by james bauckman on April 15, 2010 at 11:57pm
I don't feel alienated at all. I feel like I am part of a great community. Not every group has the same intentions for everything. Not everyone in a group represents the group. This project can happen in other groups. Transition is surely not the only important group to be part of. My whole approach is to avoid transition if possible by changing the way things are currently to support us so that we can enjoy our time left on earth, as well as being prepared if I need to be. I would much rather avoid disaster than have to survive through it. So much more of my energy is committed to eradicate suffering and make common sense regulations and laws and ensure corporations follow them. I started this group so that I could "reach out to local government." I saw that it was not being represented and wanted to take it on. By the way, if you read Mr. Hopkins delightful book entitled, The Transition Handbook, it clearly states on page 170, "Eventually the link with local government might extend, once an energy descent plan has been produced, to someone running for election to the local council on an energy Descent Plan Ticket." Just food for thought. Good luck folks and keep the ideas flowing. I will help where I can.

Members (43)


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