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Reskilling Work Group


Reskilling Work Group

This group is an outgrowth of the overall reskilling work group meeting held Day 2 of the Great Unleashing. The purpose of this group is to share information about existing reskilling workshops and resources, as well as announce new opportunities.

Members: 56
Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2013

Discussion Forum

Creating classes that mimic college, but with lower cost, and within the commmunity

Started by Kyler Boyes. Last reply by David MacLeod Mar 30, 2011. 2 Replies

I was going to community college and taking out loans to do it. Not being sure what career I wanted, I am now taking a break. I have these thoughts: Question- Why do we need to spend all this money…Continue

Tags: classes, organic, model, goals, adapted

Comment Wall


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Comment by Janaki Kilgore on November 14, 2010 at 10:59pm
I hope this will happen again when I am not out of town- sounds great!
Comment by Lia Ayley on November 14, 2010 at 7:34pm
Okay, here's the scoop: our (free) workshop on HERBAL MEDICINE-MAKING is coming up! Part 1 is on Sunday, November 21, 2-4pm. Part 2 is on Sunday, December 5, 3.30-5.30pm. We'll be learning to make herbal salves and herbal tinctures (both alcohol and glycerine), and lots of other good stuff about herbal medicine in general.

Facilitated by Laura Sellens and Lia Ayley (enthusiastic amateurs) and Dov Shoneman (experienced herbalist who has owned his own herbal medicine-making business). There is no charge for this workshop, but it is LIMITED TO SIX PEOPLE. Reservations are required.

Full details on the TW Events page:
Comment by Laura J Sellens on November 4, 2010 at 10:18pm
Hi Cindi and Heather, I'm replying to you here for posterity...thanks for your enthusiastic interest. Yep, we'll be in touch! I don't know anything about turkey tail medicine, perhaps you can inform me one day, Heather...
Comment by Heather K on November 3, 2010 at 9:26pm
Laura & Lia! Thanks for initiating this reskilling of medicine making!
What dates are you considering? Maybe Sat/Sun Nov 20/21?
I'd like to learn how to make tinctures of some of the medicinal fungi's like Turkey Tail and will share as I learn.
Keep me in the loop, you've got my email & phone number.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on November 2, 2010 at 12:45pm
Yes, Laura, I would be interested in an herbal medicine making workshop - keep me posted!
Comment by Laura J Sellens on November 1, 2010 at 12:42pm
Hi all, Lia Ayley and I are fixin' to put on an introductory level herbal medicine making workshop in the near future. Echinacea tincture and comfrey salve. Wondering if anyone would like to collaborate? It also crossed our minds that it's likely some of you out there are more qualified to teach this so we thought we'd ask if there's interest. Apologies for any redundant emails, I'm sharing this with the Take Back Your Health group as well.
Comment by Cindi Landreth on October 4, 2010 at 6:34pm
An initiating group for re-booting NW Freedom University has been meeting for about a year - obviously prior to the Great Unleashing. The focus of that 'school' is to focus primarily on transition re-skilling but not limited to it.

We have met with the 4 other colleges to start thinking about how we might support each other's mission and vision and have had positive feedback but need to jump through some hoops. We have decided to start small and 'get rolling' with a web presence and by support existing opportunities for re-skilling and inspire more, and we are actively looking for a person that loves writing business plans and another that will support or replace a web volunteer.

Our next meeting is on the 11th. I don't know if our existing initiating group is open for more decision makers at this point or not. You know, at some point you have to define your group in order to make progress. If anyone is wanting to be an active and fully engaged volunteer in helping to get this baby rolling - let me know and I will put this question of whether we should be adding more people to the group or not.
Comment by Forest Garden on October 4, 2010 at 6:23pm
thanks allan i had not seen or heard about the reskilling university groups meetings..
no worries jim sorry we weren't there to keep this rolling for you when you were busy with life !
Comment by Alan Seid on October 4, 2010 at 5:56pm
This "Reskilling Work Group" is what emerged at The Great Unleashing from the suggestion of a "Reskilling Institute" or Re-Skilling University. THAT was the purpose for this group. Wherever the split happened, I wanted to share my memory of the process. This does not need to be 2 groups as far as I can tell.
Comment by Jim Parker on October 4, 2010 at 5:51pm
Hi, Jim Parker here. I have been mostly absent from Transition activities for the past few months with some job change/planning to move and such details taking most of my time. I set up the group after the Great Unleashing, but have not been actively involved... sorry. I'm hoping to get back on track after we find a place to move into in town later this month.

Members (51)


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