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Transition Expression


Transition Expression

We are all in this together. Communally express. Post your art, your poems, create expression events. We are each unique and indivdual vessels of expression, so add the invaluable ingredient you are to the collective soup we all create and consume.

Location: Bellingham
Members: 35
Latest Activity: Jan 25, 2013

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Comment by Cindi Landreth on January 19, 2013 at 11:02am

Hey Everyone - Pachamama Alliance is doing something fun - consider submitting YOUR photo! Check it out!

Your Submissions for New Photo of the Month: Show Us What Love Look...

Comment by Laura J Sellens on February 23, 2011 at 4:07pm
Comment by Irene Hinkle on February 22, 2011 at 9:45am
Love your poem, Laura!  A perfect inspiration for Spring Cleaning!
Comment by Heather K on December 31, 2010 at 1:25pm

The Peace of Wild Things
"When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water,
and the great heron feeds,
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free." -Wendell Berry

Ahh  I long for more nature photo's please!


Comment by Cindi Landreth on July 26, 2010 at 12:28pm
Thank you, Laura - nice to meet that creative part of you!
Comment by jasmin liepa on July 26, 2010 at 12:22pm
in my acceptance, is the moment of stillness......surrendering to that I notice your sharing!!!
Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 26, 2010 at 1:55am
Today I found a poem I wrote a couple of months ago, and I liked it. Hope you do.

I'm clearing out the jungle of my life.
Taking out the habitat for strife
Where dark things lurk-I've got a lot of work

I'm pruning out the branches of my tree
that tangle and prevent my moving freely
There's fewer places for birds to sit, but for me it's a better fit
I'm busily dis-quantifying.

My structure becomes more harmonious
as I find what's...parsimonious
Stripping out the deadwood is starting to look pretty good!
I'm analyzing, and qualifying.

Scaling back to something more manageable
a little less grand, but a lot more tangible
Maybe it would do the trick to just keep track of a good stout stick
I've got to keep on simplifying.

A simple staff which bears no mark
I'll whittle off the leaves and bark
No decoration, rune or name--just the honesty of the natural grain
I'm shrinking, it's true, but I'm still trying.

Now, am I living like a sage? or
have I built a new kind of cage
walls made of the whittled shavings of love and growth and needless cravings
(Intentions my soul's defying)

Moments before it is cremated
I finally see what I've created-
Space and light! For trees to grow, the like of which I don't yet know
Nourished by the ashes of that which is dying.

The body waits sublime and still
absorbing water, gathering will
then Skyward! come the tender shoots; Earthward! plumb the eager roots
Upon the sun I am relying.

It is what it is and I go 'round again
pretty much back to where I've already been;
more clear and more honest with much less collusion. Perpetuating the cycle of illusion
is lying.

Perhaps one of these days in some iteration
I'll finally create the right situation
to bloom, and keep blooming no matter the hour
-to draw from a deeper wellspring of power
But 'till then I live in the human condition
Slashing and burning each new edition
And as I whittle down each new rendition,
what I've learned before, I'm applying.
Comment by Heather K on July 13, 2010 at 1:07pm
Tristan the two autumn concerts sound wonderful!
Can you let us know the dates/times?
I'd like to be part of one or both of them, would you add me to your email list of musical gathering practice times.

All, a wonderful gathering is Singing Alive which will be SW of Olympia, a teaching gathering for ceremonial/devotional singing circles, dancing, & music - Sept 3-6th.
quote: " What is Singing Alive? ...its about bringing people together who feel called to awaken, & nuture their spiritual life thru communion with songs (& prayers, chants, blessings, & so om) of celebration of life in this benevolent universe. Such songs clarify our lives, strengthen our communities, & foster personal and planetary renewal. At Singing Alive we gather to share them, and ourselves, in a safe, welcoming environment. Our goal is to open hearts, and the songs are the keys. These songs are multi-cultural, coming to us from many eras and lands far and near. Together they tell a perennial story, a Gaian dharma, so often forgotten, yet so joyfully remembered, of the Great work of spiritual evolution, of earth-conscious living and peaceful co-existence. By singing this story we come home to Ourselves and perform the Dream of re-Creation we have so longed to live. ..... Our intent is to invite singers and musicians who can share songs of this genre, which work in the format of communal singing. This is not an entertainer / audience gathering; 'rather it is a participatory event, a co-prayformance, where we all sing together, and work together to make this happen. Those who don't think they can sing are encouraged to come and claim the birthright of a singing species!" endquote

Out beyond ideas of right & wrong...there is a field I'll meet you there...and we can let the beauty of One, join in songs of new & old! - H
Comment by Christie Cassel on May 30, 2010 at 3:00am

Comment by Kate Clark on April 13, 2010 at 11:57pm
I am so thrilled Rebecca has joined us- all you young and blossoming artists, she is a radically awesomely wise and experienced AND she is very supportive of people who want to create and share their artistic gifts.

I have a question- perhaps for the Arts in Transition will you all express your feelings and thoughts about the changes coming our way?

Members (34)


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