Transition Whatcom

Information workgroup is coordinating ideas and input from thousands of organizers from around the world, with community level demonstration projects. Let's use this group to coordinate our local efforts!

Members: 17
Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2022

Bike Bellingham is the 2011 local event has launched a 2011 project set for 9/24/2011, called "Moving Planet" with a website at In Bellingham, a project has risen up called "Bike Bellingham" which will feature family friendly bike rides from ten city schools that will converge at the Bellingham City Hall flag plaza for a climate rally/info fair from noon to 2 pm. There will also be an advanced ride from the plaza to the proposed Cherry Point Coal terminal leaving at 2 pm. If you would like more information, go to I will be posting additional information here as I learn more. However, there is a need for volunteers to help the day of the event, with pre-event postering canvassing for sponsors.

Discussion Forum

Bill McKibben Wants to Give Obama One of Jimmy Carter's Solar Panels

Started by Rob Olason Sep 7, 2010. 0 Replies

Michelle planted a vegetable garden on the White House lawn and suddenly backyard gardens sprang up all across America. Bill McKibben wants to give Barack one of Jimmy Carter's old solar panels to…Continue

A Message from Bill McKibben

Started by Stephanie Davis Jun 28, 2010. 0 Replies

Dear friends,We're writing to everyone on the United States mailing list because it's crunch time.We learned earlier today that President Obama…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on April 13, 2013 at 5:41pm

WALK to WESTERN for "Earth Day Festival" PLUS OTHER EVENTS!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Leaving Farmers Market at Depot Market sign, corner of E. Maple and Railroad. We will be walking on the sidewalk up to Garden Street, then up to Western for the "Earth Day Festival" in the Fairhaven College Courtyard. The festival runs 11am-4pm. Signs welcome!
4/21 - "Do the Math" Movie and Online Panel Discussion
7-9pm WWU AW 204

4/22 - "Bidder 70" Movie followed by LIVE online talk with Tim DeChristopher
6-8pm WWU Wilson Library 164

4/22 - Deadline to submit Keystone XL Pipeline comment. visit and click on KXL Comment link

Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on April 1, 2013 at 4:28pm
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on March 26, 2013 at 9:20am

On a level of logical order the future condition of the globally shared environment supersedes the potential expansion of various intertwined fiat economies. From the Anthropocene, to even consider much less manifest rewards from a contribution to planetary ecocide is nothing short of madness. “Good Jobs” don’t make the planet hotter. By all means take some time to grieve the passing of the Holocene, but in the meantime reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on March 26, 2013 at 9:15am
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on March 1, 2013 at 8:38pm

Here’s how Time put it yesterday: "There are many climate problems a President can’t solve, but Keystone XL isn’t one of them. It’s a choice between Big Oil and a more sustainable planet." As with those historic moments at Stonewall or Selma, "The right answer isn’t always somewhere in the middle."

Thanks for all you’ve done, and thanks for all you’ll do.

Bill McKibben

P.S. - We're also going to be hosting strategy sessions across the country on March 10th to cover these things and more. A few have already been set up -- see here: -- but if you'd like to host a gathering to plan on all these things together, click to sign up here:

Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on February 18, 2013 at 6:17am
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on February 13, 2013 at 4:11pm
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on January 25, 2013 at 7:59am
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on January 9, 2013 at 10:10am
Comment by J. C. Walker,Jr. on January 9, 2013 at 7:28am

1) Does anyone have a black roof they would like to have painted white this coming summer?

2) Would anyone like to help paint a rooftop or two?


Members (17)


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