Transition Whatcom

Information workgroup is coordinating ideas and input from thousands of organizers from around the world, with community level demonstration projects. Let's use this group to coordinate our local efforts!

Members: 17
Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2022

Bike Bellingham is the 2011 local event has launched a 2011 project set for 9/24/2011, called "Moving Planet" with a website at In Bellingham, a project has risen up called "Bike Bellingham" which will feature family friendly bike rides from ten city schools that will converge at the Bellingham City Hall flag plaza for a climate rally/info fair from noon to 2 pm. There will also be an advanced ride from the plaza to the proposed Cherry Point Coal terminal leaving at 2 pm. If you would like more information, go to I will be posting additional information here as I learn more. However, there is a need for volunteers to help the day of the event, with pre-event postering canvassing for sponsors.

Discussion Forum

Bill McKibben Wants to Give Obama One of Jimmy Carter's Solar Panels

Started by Rob Olason Sep 7, 2010. 0 Replies

Michelle planted a vegetable garden on the White House lawn and suddenly backyard gardens sprang up all across America. Bill McKibben wants to give Barack one of Jimmy Carter's old solar panels to…Continue

A Message from Bill McKibben

Started by Stephanie Davis Jun 28, 2010. 0 Replies

Dear friends,We're writing to everyone on the United States mailing list because it's crunch time.We learned earlier today that President Obama…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Rob Olason on July 29, 2010 at 7:23pm
Laura, tell us about the bike-power generator project when you have completed it!
Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 29, 2010 at 3:21pm
I couldn't do it this weekend. I'm building a bike-power generator with my Dad!
Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 28, 2010 at 2:14pm
I could be there (where?) by around 3pm. I just called Holmquist Farms so see if they'd be willing to donate some hazelnuts to the Perennial Project. They don't have any, but he said to check with nurseries (I'm thinking Cloud Mt., possibly Cascade Cuts?), and he also said there's lots of native ones along the roads out in the county that we might be able to take suckers off of. I know it's a shrub, not a tree, but I would like to see more hazelnuts grown in Whatcom Co.
Comment by Stephanie Davis on July 27, 2010 at 10:29pm
Tuesday, August 3rd works for me as long as it is 2:30 pm or later. Laura, I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas on reducing Carbon emissions and a possible plan on getting Whatcom County within the 350 ppm.
Comment by Laura J Sellens on July 27, 2010 at 12:51pm
Hey, I have a question for you guys. To my mind, it is difficult to set goals and note successes with carbon reduction without some numbers-that's why the 350ppm concept is useful to me. For my personal life, I understand how to get the numbers, and I'm working on it. My question is, how do we get the numbers for Whatcom County? Do we have a useful estimate of annual CO2 emissions for the county? If we reduced emission by 5 or 10% this year, would we even be able to tell? I want milestones for this long haul.
Comment by Rob Olason on July 19, 2010 at 7:39pm
I will be at Bloom at 2 on Tuesday.
Comment by Kate Clark on July 19, 2010 at 7:28pm
This is great! So many wonderful food security projects blossoming! This looks like a great group to get volunteers involved...we are blessed that there is almost too much going on to keep track of!

If any of you would like to be involved in looking at the bigger picture about food security, and looking at where there may be gaps in our county- in any area or at any level- then starting to see how we can fill those gaps. AND, looking at longer term, where we want to be in terms of food production in 10 years and what will it take to get there- join the Food Security Workgroup.

If you want to just get out there and get to work- you are in the right place! I hope to see you 'in the field'...
Comment by Rob Olason on July 17, 2010 at 7:56pm
Would "Bloom" work again? Anytime between 2pm and ? Could others attend?
Comment by Rob Olason on July 16, 2010 at 8:05pm Funds For 10/10/10 Climate Action Projects. $1000 grants is giving out microgrants to local climate action projects in North America. Does anyone have a project here in Whatcom County that might be appropriate?

I posted Tristan's video in the video section of the website. Tristan and Stephanie, was there a time that worked for both of you to meet? I could try to change my schedule to join.
Comment by Stephanie Davis on July 13, 2010 at 8:35pm
Tristan, What a great video you posted from last years event. Also a great motivator. I'm on vacation next week so maybe the following Wednesday?

Members (17)


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