Transition Whatcom

Bellingham Urban Garden Syndicate


Bellingham Urban Garden Syndicate

Everyone has a share. BUGS is dedicated to assisting with the design, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of the urban food revolution, not neglecting its parallel educational opportunities and responsibilities.

Location: Greater Bellingham
Members: 72
Latest Activity: Jul 8, 2016

Discussion Forum

Wanted: Land For Rent, to park tiny house and garden

Started by Tiffany Marie Geaudreau Jul 8, 2016. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Bellingham Urban Garden Syndicate to add comments!

Comment by Kate Clark on March 30, 2011 at 2:05pm
Anybody know the best commercial compost this year? I don't want to get anything that's got herbicides in it...
Comment by Chris Elder on March 24, 2011 at 12:37am

We have a great service up and running for Bellingham and Whatcom County.  ~  Please utilize this free service. 


Also, Anneke ~ tell your friend to shoot me an email, as I have a garden in the Roosevelt Neighborhood that I could use some help with.  Thanks

Comment by Beth Chisholm on March 16, 2011 at 3:14pm

I think Roosevelt has a school garden and there is also one at 2527 Pacific St -- at the home of Megan West, not sure of the status of it.


Comment by Anna Luna on March 16, 2011 at 12:58pm
I have a big front yard in the York district and I could use some help getting it going.  If anyone wants a plot in exchange for some help, that would be wonderful!
Comment by Anneke Beach-Garcia on March 16, 2011 at 11:06am
Anyone know of a community garden near the Roosevelt area with open plots? My friend lives in an apartment with very little light and wants to grow some veggies.
Comment by Nick Spring on February 19, 2011 at 8:54pm

Hello BUGS, Bellingham community members, gardeners, and tree owners

        Below is info about the Urban Fruit Registry.

The Urban Fruit Registry is an effort to map existing fruit trees in order to facilitate the management and harvest of the tree fruit. People are able to register their tree online through BUGS as we create a data base of existing fruit trees and other resources. The map will then be used as a tool to facilitate development of questions and answers about local food security, as well as assist with the maintenance of this community asset.

       Every year hundreds of pounds of fruit falls into yards and streets around Bellingham, while utilization of our local food banks has sky rocketed. In response to this fallen fruit, the need for a facilitated gleaning and maintenance effort is apparent. Fruit is a resource for our entire community. Help us create a healthy food system in Bellingham.

If you own a fruit tree, please fill out this survey. This is important in development of a local food mapping project we are working on (plus it is my final project for a GIS class and will help me graduate so I can work on these projects with more attention).

Besides the survey the Urban fruit network assists with;

  • Mapping

  • Maintenance (pruning)

  • Growing (urban orchards, private yards)

  • Gleaning (picking and distributing)

.Of fruit and nut trees in Bellingham


          BUGS is currently maintaining fruit trees on public and private property, caring for these local resources and directing surplus to local food banks and BUGS volunteers. If you would like assistant with any of the above options please fill out the survey or contact us at

Comment by Kate Clark on February 16, 2011 at 12:36pm
BUGS Folks- what is the word on the lot next to the Farmers Market?  I know that whoever owns it has been approached about a community garden there...anyone know the scoop?
Comment by Nick Spring on December 10, 2010 at 5:21pm

Do you all know about the Shiitake log workshop happening this weekend?  Check it out.


Shiitake Log Inoculation Workparty

Join BUGS, Cascadia Mushrooms and the Oasis sustainable living community for a fun afternoon of fungi inoculation. Join us at the Oasis, for a log inoculation workparty. This will be an informal work-party. Feel free to bring food or drink to share. Shiitakes are delectable edible fungi, as well as prized medicinal. Participates will be able to take logs home, so they can continue to grow their own mushrooms. RSVP is necessary as space is limited. Contact

Where: The Oasis 901 22nd st. Bellingham, Wa
When: Sunday, Dec. 12th at 12:00 pm
Cost: $5 per participant

Comment by Kate Clark on November 10, 2010 at 7:57pm
Delete Comment Hey food security people, I have held off as a lot of you were busy with planting and then harvest...I assume things may have slowed a bit by now. I would like to start planning a Whatcom Food Security Summit for January or February. My goals at least, would be to get these food security efforts, groups, organizations, etc. together to assess the current situation, and see where there needs to be more support and where there may be complete gaps. Any of you interested in being on a planning team for this?
Comment by Jamie Jedinak on July 21, 2010 at 12:12pm
Chris, I signed up on the garden syndicate website - what happens next? how does it work? thanks, Jamie

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