Message from Beau sent 3/4/11 to our network:
quote- “Hello group, The Farm Implement Co-op is founded on the idea that small scale urban and rural farming is impeded by start up and maintenance costs of equipment and theses costs could be minimized by collective ownership. We believe that a Farm Implement Co-op will simultaneously help to strengthen our local food supply and create local sustainable jobs.
This is what I have been working on for the last two years collecting what i hope will be the back bone for this. (rototillers, cider press, seeders...)Before i started my own group i wanted to not step on any toes and thought these things could work very well together. The Farm Implement co-op will deal in all stages of food. Feel free to contact me. Beau” ( endquote)
Beau has a TW page at-
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Hi Beau, this sounds wonderful! I hope other neighborhoods will have someone investing in farm tools & processing equipment like you have!
I'm interested in how you'll store the tools, maintain them & lend them out.
Your ideas could help all of us.
Let us know how we can refer interested folks who live in your urban B'ham neighorhood. -
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May Updates:
BUGS website now has a link to the Farm Implement Coop -
Food Coop article pg 6-
In the next couple of days through the B.U.G.S. website i will have a listing of a few tools that will help people with spring coming. Mostly everything will be taken care of by me until a different model can be found that will work. this will not be exclusive to any neighborhoods and will be for anyone who is interested. In May we are planning a meeting and will update as soon as we know more.
Thanks Beau
Okay just a little update if you go to the BUGS website and go to the tool share you will see our first role out of spring tools, in the next couple of days we will have a calendar so you can reserve any of these three fine tools. The next tools we are hoping to add are a precision seeder and a couple of broad forks happy farming!
I can recommend some garden & farm hand tools. I noticed you don't have any Broad Forks, which are used for hand cultivation of established annual beds. There is especially a need for neighborhoods to share hand tools, that require less maintenance, and less fossil fuels than rototillers & tractors.
Let us know the date & time of the May 18th initial meeting if you are wanting more folks to be involved.
I will try to attend if you can pass on details.
You might also want to connect with some of the folks at CLSR and at Sustainable Bellingham. Also, there is a guy on fourthcornerexchange who offers tool sharpening!
Beau, thanks for phone call. I understand your May meeting is cancelled.
I spoke with Brian K at I. Farm & he shared his thoughts that using a model similiar to what the bicycle Hub does downtown is something you might want to consider.
Many of us rarely lend out our professional tools, since it takes time to maintain & repair..
And there are some types of tools that are easier to lend out and don't take so much time to repair.
Keep us all in the loop, and we'll support you as we're able. Hope to see you at one of the work-parties or transition workshops.
There are many of us that believe investing in sturdy hand tools is one of the wisest investments we can make.
Read more on Celts Garden blog: :What's a Fanning Mill and Why Do We Need One?”
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