On June 2, the TWIG (Transition Whatcom Initiating Group members) held a meeting at the Sustainable Living Center, open to all Transition Whatcom members. The purpose of the meeting was for all members to collaborate to design the next stage of Transition Whatcom's organizational structure, into which new leadership could plug in.
It was agreed to hold a follow-up 4-hour meeting on June 16, 6 – 10 pm, at the Community food Co-op Connections Building on Garden Street. Social potluck begins at 5:30 pm.
There was a concern about people attending the 2nd meeting who hadn't attended the first, that we could get bogged down going over again all that was covered. Those who missed the June 2 meeting should read the attached notes, find someone to bring them up to date on what was discussed, and arrive early for a briefing on what was previously discussed.
Please read the attached report to prepare for the follow-up meeting June 16, 6 – 10 pm.
Arrive 5.30 pm for a potluck meal and to get update from other members.
The attached report was prepared by Brita Adkinson, with editing by Sandy Hoelterhoff, Kate Clark, and David MacLeod.
- Attachments:
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