First thank you to everyone who has already signed up to volunteer.
We still need a lot of help. Please look over what's needed and let me know your preference and when you are available. I'll
add you to the schedule. Of course if more than one person responds to
the same need, I'll be back in touch.
I will likely send several updates over the next several days as times fill in. Hope you don't mind the extra messages.
A full schedule is available:
It may help you decide when you want to volunteer.
Thursday, April 8
Set Up from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Need 6 to 8 volunteers to help with set up throughout the day. You’re welcome to help for all or part of the day. Tasks will
be assigned when you arrive. Please be specific about when you can help.
Saturday, April 10
Registration/Welcome Desk
Set-up – 8:00 to 9:00 am
Need 4 volunteers to help with final set up and exhibitor move in.
All Day (One Hour Shifts)
Need 10 volunteers in one-hour shifts throughout the day.
Need 4 volunteers from 3:30 to 4:30 to welcome people who come to hear Frances Moore Lappe.
Transition Whatcom and Event Info Desk
All Day (One Hour Shifts)
Need 8 volunteers throughout the day. You’ll help at the info desk--handing out programs, helping people find their way, signing
people up to be involved in Transition Whatcom.
Why Transition Now? Hall
All Day (One Hour Shifts)
Need 7 volunteers who can speak about peak oil, climate change, and economic stability to work in the Why Transition Now? Hall.
Hall of Hope
All Day (One Hour Shifts)
Need 6 volunteers to staff the Hall of Hope mainly to chat with people, encourage them to add comments, and help direct to
Hope Hall Sessions.
Topical Session
Need 2-3 volunteers to help direct people to the sessions (15 minute shifts) just before sessions begin.
Need 8 session monitors to greet the presenters and help them if they need anything. You might want to sign up for a session you
want to attend anyway. Those remaining include:
10 to 11 am: 1) Community Energy Challenge; 2) Gardening in Small Places; 3) Living with Uncertainty
12:30 to 1:30 pm: 1) Introduction to Permaculture; 2) Healthcare after Peak Oil; 3) Changing Transportation Plans, Eat Local
Every Week
2:50 to 3:45 pm: 1) Local, Public Transportation in the Next Generation; 2) Land Use after Peak Oil
We’ll need volunteers in shifts to monitor the storytellers and help if they need anything. Not sure of exact times.
Waste Monitors
Need 4 volunteers in one or two hour shifts 1:00 to 3:00 pm and 3:00 to 5:00 pm to monitor the recycling efforts. Since this is a
zero waste event, we want to make sure that recyclables are kept
Need 1-2 people from 5:00 to 6:00 pm to help clean up this area.
Clean Up
Need 3-4 volunteers to help clean up on Saturday and get ready for Sunday.
We welcome anyone who will capture information about the event to share on blogs, letters to the editor, or with your personal
Information Synthesizers
Need 3-4 people to work on synthesizing the comments received in the Why Transition Now? Hall and Hall of Hope to use on
Sunday. This will likely happen later in the day before 6:00 pm when we
need to vacate the building.
Sunday, April 11 – 1:00 to 6:00 pm
We are still deciding on volunteers needed for Sunday. Likely we’ll need people from 12:00 to 1:00 pm to help with set up, and
at the end of the day to clean up.
Eight days and counting!
Sandy Hoelterhoff
© 2025 Created by David MacLeod.
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