Transition Whatcom

The first Party Up For Power Down occurred on Friday May 8th.

As one of the TWIGs responsible for organizing the event I wish to personally thank all of you who showed up to participate. I came to the event with several loose plans on how to proceed because I did not have any idea of how many people might show up.

WOW!! More came than I envisioned and my heart felt thanks goes out to everyone who did. I certainly learned a lot. With almost fifty people it was not easy to have as close and in depth of conversation as I had hoped for. My reality is that I do not have answers on how to move this forward but I do have confidence that you the people of the community have the wisdom and vision to figure that out. My frustration is how to structure an event that maximizes the opportunity for people to share, be heard, listen to others and collaborate on planning next steps.

I am working on the next Party Up For Power Down and would really appreciate feed back from those of you who were there as to how to structure the next one so that participants can share their needs and visions while listening to others and collaborating on what to do for next steps.

I typed up the notes from the post it spaces we had up and invite you to review what was written. Hopefully you can find it by the links. One thing that came to me while typing the notes is that creating a forum where people have an opportunity to both request help with skill building and offer skill they have seems real useful. On the post it notes there were several requests for help with chickens and one offer of help. I am totally open to suggestions on how to incorporate connecting people desiring skill knowledge with those with skills can be accomplished.

We are all in this together and learning how to play together and share our knowledge seems important to our future.

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Thanks for organizing the event - it was exciting to see so many engaged citizens show up and participate!

You wrote: "One thing that came to me while typing the notes is that creating a forum where people have an opportunity to both request help with skill building and offer skill they have seems real useful. On the post it notes there were several requests for help with chickens and one offer of help. I am totally open to suggestions on how to incorporate connecting people desiring skill knowledge with those with skills can be accomplished."

We can do some of that connecting here on the website. I'm just waiting to see where the energy goes, and how people want to use this site. We could have a Forum that focuses on Bartering, Skill sharing, skill requests, garden space available, garden space needed, tool requests, tools available, etc., etc. How about it folks?

And when there's enough activity/people for a specific neighborhood, they can start their own group, as you see with Franklin Park Gardeners, Transition Laurel, and Padden Edible Gardens.


Tom Anderson, Kate Clark, and Cindi Landreth
Check out also the Blog posts of Richard Haard and Robert Ashworth, with follow-up thoughts on our Party Up for Power Down event.

Rich Haard: Thanks
Robert Ashworth: After Open House Gathering on May 8.
Tom, I thought the first PartyUp event was a great chance to meet each other and start discussions. For this next one, I would love to see some open-space discussions happen on specific topics. We may be able to start a few early working groups that want to take on some actual projects. I know that I, and others I have talked to, would be eager to start some good work with each other.
Thanks for organizing this!

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