Transition Whatcom

Ron Snyder and Cathy Taggett
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Ron Snyder and Cathy Taggett's Friends

  • Richard May
  • Travis Linds
  • Heather K
  • Rob Olason
  • Juliet Thompson
  • Cyndy Sheldon
  • Shenandoah Myrick
  • Cindi Landreth
  • David MacLeod

Ron Snyder and Cathy Taggett's Page

Profile Information

How are you currently involved in the Transition?
Cathy (my wife) and I created the Blaine Gardener's Market, the Friend's and Family Coop, The Sweet Road Artisans Alliance, The Blaine Residence Card for discounts in local shops, The Blaine Barter Coins for local currency, The Community Sailing School and wooden boat building as an alternative transportation method to engines and fiberglass boats, Cathy is a"Carbon Master" and helped to start Seattle's Tilth, I was the principal of Seattle's Alternative School #1 and involved in a wide variety of community enhancement projects, we own The Circle of Trees Studio and Homestead which is a model of what is possible as we power down.
In what ways do you identify with the Transition movement? Why are you interested?
There are no options that are acceptable other than to power down, control population, and plan for a future based on needs and not wants. Cathy and I have been quietly working to bring a transition model to the Blaine area for several years. The work we are doing blends nicely with what you are doing.
Do you have particular interests, skills, talents or resources you would like to bring to Transition Whatcom?
Please see above, under current involvement.

I've known David Marshak for many years through our associations with Alternative School #1 and Seattle Public Schools.

Hi David. Please call me at the phone number below
In what neighborhood or part of the county do you reside?
4 miles east of Blaine Washington
Where did you hear about Transition Whatcom and how did you find our community network website?
Sounds good so far.
Please note that you do not have to answer all of the above questions in order to join, and you can always come back later to edit your profile. If it's all too many questions for now, please provide a short answer below on why you'd like to join this site (or a summary of the above, if answered).
Please see above under ways you identify.

Ron Snyder and Cathy Taggett's Blog

We Are Not Dinosaurs

Posted on October 19, 2009 at 8:47am 3 Comments

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.

Sir Winston Churchill


For weeks, maybe months now, I’ve been trying to put into words my feelings around the impending effects of Peak Oil and Global Warming in the years to come. It comes from fear and perhaps desperation as I watch most people act like nothing is wrong or out of the ordinary. Heads of state, religious leaders,… Continue

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 5:40pm on January 6, 2014, Tamara Olson said…

Hi Ron and Cathy,

I couldn't agree more with your ideas here! I did not know most of what you spoke about since I have "hovered" in the area and am finally digging in as in home and so making learning about Blaine's people. I would like to do something at the gardeners market this year. I still don't feel like I have a community in Blaine but have been making the effort to friend my neighbors and search out fellow stragglers doing things like me. I am a new gardener experimenting with new permaculture ideas. Hope to see you somewhere :)

At 1:07am on November 11, 2010, Heather K said…
Hi Ron & Cathy! Good to see you attend the coop's dessert with directors evening! Looking forward to having you attend at seed-swap/barter fair at Inspiration Farm!
We had a great work party last Sat at Center for Local Self Reliance!
It would sure be great to bring folks up north to work with one of your community projects!
Hope you follow up on Laura S offer to initate Rolving Work party up your way in the comming months! She is doing great work!
At 10:45am on October 23, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…
Hi Ron and Cathy,

I'm wondering if you have any major projects going on that would be good Roving Workparty projects for December? I'm looking for ways to get this workparty to really traverse the county and honor the idea that we are Transition Whatcom and not Transition Bellingham. If this is worth a conversation to you, my number is 671-3242. Still in the 360 area code :)

Or, if not now, keep the idea in mind for the future. Thanks, Laura
At 3:59pm on June 19, 2010, Laura J Sellens said…
Hi Cathy, thanks for talking with me at Wednesday's meeting about the Carbon Master's program, and thanks Ron, for mentioning it. I have just completed my application to attend the next one! And apologies if it seemed like I bailed from the conversation--I had an obligation to catch that fellow Eric up to speed from the last meeting. I just wanted to say the information was interesting and helpful. Cheers, Laura
At 11:39pm on August 26, 2009, Jean Elizabeth Brechan said…
Hi Ron and Cathy. I am a new member. I have very little time to participate because of being in health support network groups and working over 30 hours a week. So I am trying simply to keep up with announcements and offering friendship to members. Jean
At 2:43pm on July 8, 2009, Cindi Landreth said…
Hi Ron and Cathy! Welcome to Transition Whatcom! I am a member of the Transition Whatcom Initiating Group (TWIG) and am working on a project I would like to speak with you about. I would like to talk with you via phone - could you please call me at 360-319-9092 as soon as possible? I am so excited about the work you two are doing! And...Do you know the Steelquists? Are they involved in the work you are doing? And....could I come up and see the work you are doing sometime soon?

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