Transition Whatcom

The TWIG (Transition Whatcom Initiating Group members) invite all Transition Whatcom members who want to help with the
design of the next stage of leadership in Transition Whatcom to join us


on Wednesday, June 2, 5 PM—7 PM, at the Sustainable Living Center (2nd floor at the Re-Store (Broadway and Meridian in

We will gather together to design the next leadership structure for TW.

One key element in Transition work is the commitment to evolving leadership over time, so that many individuals cantake on leadership roles and share their gifts with their communities.The TWIG

has done its job, and now it’s time for a new structure to be created.

If this challenge calls to you, please join us on June 2! For more info, and to RSVP (please!), see our Event Listing.


As leadership continues to emerge and evolve, it is important to maintain a proper understanding of Transition Whatcom's Vision and Mission, and the Purpose, Principles, and Values of the Transition Network. There are a number of pages in the About Us section of our Community Networking website that explain the essentials, and there are a number of documents to download on the TI (Transition Initiative) Resources page. 

Some of the more important documents that Transition leaders should become familiar with include the following:

Transition Whatcom's Vision and Mission

The Purpose, Principles and Guidelines for Transition Initiatives

The Transition Primer - 50 pages in length, jampacked with sparkling nuggets of plagiarised brilliance and one exceedingly boring (but necessary) section.

The Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins. It can be purchased from us (talk to Cindi Landreth), or from Village Books, or borrowed from the Bellingham Public Library.

Tools for Effective Meetings and Decision Making

It's important to be able to run effective meetings and have a smooth and effective decision making process. The TWIG has used Modified Dynamic Facilitation and Consensus Decision Making.

Modified Dynamic Facilitation - MS Word document prepared by
Lynnette Allen of Sustainable Bellingham

Consensus Decision Making
MS Word document about our 3 finger voting method, plus a tool to use when necessary: Holacracy’s Integrative Decision-Making Process.

Meeting Spaces

Is your group in need of a meeting space?  A few spaces and places have contacted us to express their willingness to offer meeting spaces for Transition Whatcom Groups.

The Ground Floor (the Heart & Soul Group is enjoying this space) at 1105 State St. and The Old Foundry - Contact Laura Husbeck at or 360.483.8515, 

The Sustainable Living Center (above the RE Store on Meridian and Broadway) - contact Megan Artz to discuss reasonable rates. or 733-8307.

Presence Studio - "It was created to support dance to connect to self, earth, spirit and community.  But, it is also a beautiful meeting place.  It is a resource that is meant to be shared and sustained to support the well-being of community." Jenny or 360-223-5449.

Transition Whatcom Events

The Perennial Project, which planted well over 350 edible perennial plants in school gardens and community gardens in Whatcom County last Fall, is gearing up to do another huge round of plantings. 
YOU CAN HELP more kids experience the joy of gardening-- we are looking for donations of another 350 edible perennials (like herbs, rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, fennel, asparagas, Jerusalem artichokes, fruit and nut trees, gooseberries, native plants like salal or huckleberries...) by
June 6th so that kids can plant them before school gets out.
  Can you divide any plants from your own garden, or buy a few extra when you are out at the nursery?  We can also accept cash donations which we will use to buy plants.  Contact Tristan Bach ( or Chris
Wolf ( if you can help.  Info and photos at Future generations thank you!

Biodynamics Demystified - May 29th, Part of the Inspiration Farm/Transition Whatcom Reskilling Series organized by Brian Kerkvleit.

Transition Columbia Potluck with a Purpose - May 29th.

Take Back Your Health! Work Group Meeting - June 1.

The Evolving Leadership of Transition Whatcom Meeting - June 2.

TWIGS at Seattle Green Fest - June 5th (David MacLeod, Kate Clark, Chris Wolf).

Training for Transition - June 19-20, with Cindi Landreth and David Johnson.

Heart & Soul Post-Isolation Potluck and Open Space - June 20.

Permaculture Design Course with Michael "Skeeter" Pilarski - July 12 - July 25.

Recommended Reading

Transition In Action - The Totnes EDAP, the UK’s first comprehensive Energy Descent Action Plan designed for and by a local community. It sees the changes necessitated by climate change, peak oil and the UK’s debt crisis not as a crisis, but as a huge opportunity for entrepreneurship, creativity, community, enhanced resilience and a greater quality of life.

Energy Descent Action Plans for Cities...Some Thoughts by Rob Hopkins. This post was prompted by an email from Brian Davey on behalf of the Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) Group in Transition Nottingham.   The subject under discussion is EDAPs (or Community Resilience Plans…or whatever you want to call them), and how one does them for cities, or even if one does them for cities.

Exclusive Interview: Chris Johnstone on Inspiration, Finding Your Power, and Transition, interviewed by Rob Hopkins. ‘Find Your Power’ is a book that many people involved in Transition initiatives have found very useful.  Chris is a medical doctor, an addictions specialist and an empowerment coach.  He has pioneered the application of positive psychology within the NHS, and is renowned for his workshops and his talks to Transition groups.  An interview with Chris was a key feature of the ‘Heart’ section of the Transition Handbook, and so, to celebrate the new edition of ‘Find Your Power’, I interviewed Chris about the book and some wider themes that it covers. 


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